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  • Profile photo of as350ba

    Hi folks,
    For someone like me who is umming and arrring over the rather large initial outlay of signing up to the 08 mentoring course, are there some previous doubters out there who took the plunge and came out better for it at the other end and therefore can ultimately convince me to part with my $$.
    Conversely, I would also be interested to hear of any negatives if any.
    I realise you don't get nothing for nothing, nevertheless $8k or whatever it is, seems a hell of a lot and hard to justify as a medium income earner. At the risk of sounding like a grizzler, that equates to more than 10% of my annual income! 
    I also realise there are no guarantees in life, but some form of moneyback guarantee would go a long way to convincing the doubters.
    Being based in Perth, how disadvantaged would one be geographically, given there are a number of RESULTS seminars held during the year?
    Are there any WA RESULTS graduates of the course who would like to share their thoughts?
    For the record, I have had the pleasure of meeting with Steve (recent 3-day conference) and read (and reading) his books and he appears to me to be a genuine man.
    But with all the in-your-face hard-sell and hype that's associated with these events, I guess it would just be refreshing to hear from likeminded knowledge seekers of wealth creation who are sitting on the fence somewhat, waiting to be given the push that is required.


    Profile photo of a_bwass

    I am in the same boat Nigel, I've read the books and am keen as mustard to get going and learn and be guided by a pro, but am reluctant to fork out the $$ as I live in very remote outback QLD.  Steve says people from many walks of life have been helped and I am hoping not being located in a capital city is not a large disadvantage.  It would be great to hear from the RESULTS team or a client our situation.

    Profile photo of beamseekerbeamseeker
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 22

    Some questions regarding the R.E.S.U.L.T.S. mentoring program;
    1.With all the new and established discounts and figures be offered, am slightly baffled. What is the outright price to pay for a one on one mentor?
    2.Can you pay in stages, if so what amounts and time frame?
    3.Are the accounting/legal costs needed throughout the year set within the price?
    ie; tax returns, company and/or trust set up,etc ?
    4.How do you converse with your mentor, only by email and phone or do you meet eachother?
    5.What is the advantage if Im already hocked up to the hilt?
    6.Do you recieve an cost free intial brief of what can/will be offered after looking at my current
    financial situation,and goals, then get to accept?
    6.Do you get to choose your mentor? Based on rapport, and their past credentials and financial successes?
    8.Is it luck or a certain criteria who recieves Steve as thier personal mentor?Or does he oversee all clients?
    Am very impressed and interested from reading the recent book. But obviously by the above niave questions wish to know a bit more before signing up…Cheers, David .

    Profile photo of Juliet_Kitchen19673Juliet_Kitchen19673
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 2

    Hi,I would like to reply to David's and others questions.I'm glad you asked.
    Firstly I came through the R.E.S.U.L.T.S. 2 Program in 2006-2007.

    I also asked myself the same questions before taking the plunge.I came from a very low income base and without much support from family and friends who all thought I was crazy.

    It has been the adventure and learning experience of a life-time.Have I earned a million dollars? Not yet.Will I?You bet!
    It's all in the goal plan.

    So to answer the questions
    [1] Yes the prices are confusing-I think you have to do the sums on the particular day that you decide to join, and they'll probably be right.

    [2]Pay in stages. to the best of my knowledge this is not available-but hey- all you can do in this world is ask, so good luck it may happen
    [3] legal fees,accounting etc.are your own responsiblity.Everybody comes from a different base and there will be many varied outcomes in the course.You will be given general information and assistance on the structuring of your portfolio and how to choose accountants and gain legal assistance.

    [4] Your mentor/coach is assigned to you. You will be given their areas of expertize and details of their property investing experience.You can communicate by e-mail or phone with them, they are readily available-but sometimes the large amount of calls they receive may require an appointment for a phone time.
    There would be no point in your 'choosing' your particular mentor,as you probably would'nt know one from another.
    They all present with impeccable credentials,they are extremely pleasant,non judgemental and approachable people.

    [5 ]Hocked up to the hilt .I love this one- I know the feeling!
    It is undeniable that there has to be a leap of faith to pay big money to do something that you are not sure will be successful for you.
    My belief is,if you invest this kind of money to do this course,then if you USE the tools with which you are supplied- then you will absolutely and certainly be successful.

    [6 ]I'm not sure about this one.However,knowing the staff members of P.I.I feel sure that if you ran off an e-mail amd told them briefly of you circumstances,you would get a courteous and helpful answer.

    [7] Steve is not available for personal mentoring- there are only 24 hours in a day,and they're already taken!
    But believe me-he is well versed on your progress and will do everything in his power to see you get all the help they can give you to assist you in every way possible.

    Remember-you need to succeed and they need you to succeed.

    If you join the program and can be present at their invaluable seminars-you may have a chance then to speak with Steve.
    He may also have some call-in days when you may speak with him directly.

    I hope this supplies some answers.

    I am not employed by Property Investing and my only interest is to give you the answers to your questions.
    I hope that you will dive in-the waters warm!

    Come and join us, make your own success and shape your future as you desire
    Follow your dreams-study,learn and apply yourself.

    I wish you well and look forward to meeting up with you soon

    Good luck

    Juliet Kitchen.

    Profile photo of as350ba

    Hey Juliet, thanks for your words of advice/encouragement. It all helps

    Profile photo of camel_81camel_81
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 7


    I had been reading steves book, even as uni student and was hell bent in staying in perth, getting a job as an engineer and working on acquiring properties.

    well what did happen its 2008, i did graduate as an engineer, and working quite well, but not exactly in perth, im in the middle east.

    This is where the problem starts, no banks lend to any australian citizen working outside the same they do to ptential borrower within australia…hence I signed up for the RESULTS course and hopefully prove to the other australians in the sam boat thats its very well possible to buy properties and still maintain your work abroad.

    I do hope thats a positive attitude from my side.


    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763


    Thanks for your questions about RESULTS. I'll try to answer them.

    1. About RESULTS

    Some years ago I became aware that people desired more than just a seminar. After careful planning we released the RESULTS mentoring program where participants have access to an experienced property investor to coach/support and mentor them over 12 months.

    We don't provide instant pills or magic solutions – but we do know property very well and have been able to now assist hundreds of people to get substantial financial outcomes from their property investing.

    The RESULTS from the program do vary, and pretty much what you put in is what you get out. Some have outstanding experiences. For example, one participant presented her deal at the last get together that has an expected profit of $2.9millon. If only all deals were like that!

    On the flip side, there are some that do the program who do not acquire any property. This is not a failure though as everyone goes at their own pace and our job is to help rather than act as a drill sergeant.

    The outcomes you achieve depend largely on your vision, plan, strategy and how much action you take.

    This is not a get rich program. It is structured and comprehensive training by professionals where we aim to transform your life by working with you 1-on-1. There is nothing like it on the market.

    2. Pricing

    I agree the pricing is confusing and I apologise for that. This year we allowed people to pre-register and this has caused additional complexity.

    To cut to the chase though, the reduced price for those who pre-register before the deadline expires (at is $6,490 (if you pay upfront) or $6,690 if you pay over three instalments.

    3. Instalments

    You can either pay upfront (slightly cheaper) or over three instalments of $2,230. The first payment is due now, the second payment is due 15 June and the third payment is due on the 15th August.

    4. Other Costs

    The cost covers the following:

    A. Direct 1-on-1 mentoring over 12 months
    B. Access to structured training including over 400 pages of written material, CDs, DVDs, Webinars etc.
    C. 5 One-day (10am to 4pm) Mini Seminars exclusive to RESULTS participants
    D. And many other benefits and privileges.

    Note: We are not accountants, solicitors, architects etc. We will help you to brainstorm solutions, but we are not replacements to professional advisers in specialist fields. Having said that, we know a lot and will help you as much as possible within our areas of expertise.

    5. Mentor Contact

    You can phone or email your mentor as you like or need. Some people also call in to the office from time to time and enjoy a coffee.

    It is quite hectic in the first 60 days, but after then things really settle down. It would be highly unusual not to be able to get in contact with your coach (or the coaching panel) within 24 hours of asking for help.

    6. Advantage If You Are Maxed Out

    You are where you are as a result of your beliefs about money which translate into your money habits. Sadly, much of our society programs us to be poor.

    Therefore, one of our goals in RESULTS is to help you acquire money habits that will allow you to create and retain large sums of money. Therefore, one of the first things we teach is how to get out of debt. This is what Tim talks about on the video which you can watch at

    To date, everyone I am aware of exited the program in a superior financial position than when they started.

    7. Cost Free Introduction

    If you would like to discuss your specific situation then call Simon Buckingham on 03 8892 3800 during office hours. He is the head coach and will be able to help you.

    8. Allocation of Mentors

    Shortly after joining we ask you to complete a survey and then based on your answers we will allocate you a mentor that best suits your needs. If there is a personality clash or other complication then we can reallocate you to another mentor.

    Remember, even though you will be under the primary care of one mentor, the whole coaching team will be available to assist where needs be.

    9. My Role

    Most of my time in mentoring is spent either with the coaches discussing issues or else working with RESULTS graduates. That said, if you ever have a specific need to talk to me then I'm available.

    I hope this has helped answer some of your questions. RESULTS really is a unique opportunity for those who want some hands-on help from people who have walked the path and know the way to use property to make money.

    All the best,

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of as350ba

    Thank you Steve, you have helped clear up a few grey issues.
    Will be of benefit to be able to speak with Simon prior to making any commitment/decision.

    PS: enjoying your latest book btw!

    Profile photo of a_bwass

    I think every query about the RESULTS program has been answered for me.  One last question if someone on the team can answer it, How often do we need to be in Melbourne to take advantage of the get together sessions.? Is it the First 4 weeks and then once a quarter? or the whole year?
    Thanks for all the responses so far.

    Profile photo of lisaslisas
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 36

    I have signed up.

    I believe the first 4 weeks are self-study mode before the first meeting.  Then the meetings are held each quarter in Melbourne.

    Profile photo of as350ba

    Ok cheers, got that.
    I can see the thing I have to toy with is just how prepared i am to miss 1 or possibly ALL of the seminars due to work commitments.
    Kind of ironic that the whole point of this course is to learn the skills that will eventually enable us to pull ourselves away from being tied to work 24/7.
    But  for the time being, as inconvenient as it may seem, we are responsible to perform in our chosen profession.
    I am lucky in some respects, that my chosen profession holds a great deal of excitement, but in saying that, like most like minded people on this site, we all desire to buy ourselves more time (whether it be working part-time as I'm striving for or not at all) plus have the ability to give back to the community in some way. That's my dream anyway.

    Profile photo of thecrest

    As a business couple, and motel operators,  we have been planning to launch into a new investment phase by building a residential property portfolio, so this RESULTS program arrives at a good time. However, we're careful as any investor should be, and we're trying to conduct due diligence on this program, 

    and appreciative of any comments in this post from anyone who has completed a previous program.  
    Any information at all would help – positive or negative  –  this is what forums do best   –  


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
    Email Me | Phone Me

    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of prusliprusli
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 31

    I have enrolled in Results 2008.  PM me few months later.

    Profile photo of thecrest

    Thanks Prusli
    Hopefully by then we'll both be too busy empire building to remember this post. 

    Ideally I'd really like to hear          from someone in last year's program – hopefully one or two of them might be watching and be willing to assist with some feedback. 

    Whatever happens, good luck to you Prusli. 

    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
    Email Me | Phone Me

    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of houselmphouselmp
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 6

    To those afraid to commit to the RESULTS program,

    You get what you put into it.
    We did RESULTS 2 and then I did the graduate program.

    Was it worth it – Yes it was.

      We were one of the slow ones – did one deal – buy -subdivide -renovate the existing and sell and build and rent the new building. The outcome far exceeds what we have spent – yes we are making a profit.

    Besides this was our first deal and we looked at it as a working exercise to put into practise what we learn

    The coaches are great – the forums very positive and helpful – full of encouragement and clear ideas.

    Our mindset has changed and we are happy we enrolled at the RESULTS program



    Profile photo of carlin

    Apologies if this has already been answered, but what is the ratio of mentors to participants? An approximate figure would do.


    Profile photo of thecrest

    I ran out of time and was concerned about missing out on a place , so I took the plunge and paid for a place in the 2008 RESULTS program. Now I'll find out first hand what it's like.

    My thanks to those members who did assist and posted information about 2007 and 2008  program – Steve McKnight, Juliet Kitchen & HouseImp.

    Hope the others are simply too flat out doing property inspections on their vast property portfolios to see the post. 


    thecrest | Tony Neale - Statewide Motel Brokers
    Email Me | Phone Me

    selling motels in NSW

    Profile photo of carlin

    Still no answer to my previous post re-ratio mentors to participants? Anyone able to help?

    Profile photo of psumnerpsumner
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1

    I read on the Property investing website that each mentor is limited to 150 participants maximum.

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