All Topics / Help Needed! / 3 Day Mega-Conference

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  • Profile photo of kentonkenton
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 28


    What a fantastic event.

    Well run, great info, great speakers!

    To anyone who didn't go … GET TO THE SYDNEY EVENT NEXT YEAR!!!!!! (We will be)


    Profile photo of kenandfeekenandfee
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 1

    I second that.

    Attended the conference and found it well run, balanced, full of helpful information, a little bit of spruiking but we are talking about passionate people who believe in what they do.

    Very much worth the money and time.

    Well done Steve and your amazing entourage.

    Ken and Fee

    Profile photo of newbi2newbi2
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 227

    Thanks for the review, work stopped me going and I was sorry to miss out. Any idea when next year?

    Profile photo of Jonathan McCorristonJonathan McCorriston
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 1

    Great event!  Congratulations to Steve and your team of dedicated staff and helpers.  Great info, great venue, and Steve McKnight (THE man), Louise Bedford (great fun, great info, passionate sharetrader), Martin Ayles (development guru), Dean and Elise Parker (reno gurus), Pat Mesiti (maker of millionaires, philanthropist, motivator and challenger of slack parents in public!) Brendan Nichols (sales and marketing genius, clear thinker), Simon Buckingham and Brendan Kelly (both R.E.S.U.L.T.S. mentors and successful investors) all standing around and available for us to pick their brains.  It does not get better than this, surely!

    I flew to my old home town for this conference and have returned home to my family in Qld with energy, direction and tools to go forward.  I am at work now, (the morning after the conference) and not exhausted (as exp[ected) but exhillarated; not pumped with temporary hype, but excited by a balance of confidence and direction and an evolving strategy.  

    I have recently finished a University degree and have not yet invested.  I did not know what to expect, but the weekend was broader and more rounded than the nuts and bolts topics I expected.  I thought I would come home with the how-to, but there is nore to this than I had imagined.  The weekend helped me identify my reason, provided a plan, and began to provide a strategy to fit the plan.  I now know where to find the tools and information I need to complete the strategy and move forward with action.

    Thanks again to The team and community for a great event, experience and direction.  I felt very welcomed and encouraged by your professionalism, achievement and information.


    Profile photo of ozharpozharp
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 7

    I also attended the event and was very impressed with the organising, the quality of the information provided, and the caliber of the presenters. Like what I assume would be the majority of participants I left very inspired. Sadly a positive attitude alone won't change reality here in the A.C.T. A few phone calls today to real-estate agents and builders reinforced my concerns regarding the current property investing climate here. One builder told me of one investor who had been purchasing renos over the last few years, getting them improved, and then selling them for a nice profit within 2 months after receiving 8 or 9 offers. Today he'll receive 1 or 2 offers and the buyers are very fussy about the price. Regarding demolishing an existing residence and building a couple of townhouses, etc., by the time you've added the costs of the price of the land, demolishing the old dwelling and buying the new one, the interest accrued over what I was told can be up to 9 months or more from go-to-whoa, with the current downturn in the market you'll be lucky to not make a loss let alone make a modest profit! How different to just a few years ago. Regarding interest, even Steve wasn't confident that we are going to see a decrease in rates any time soon regardless of what the Reserve Bank does with its official rates, with the potential for banks to continue to increase rates a real possibility.

    I'm not saying that it can't be done and I'll certainly be keeping an eye out for opportunities, I just think that at least in Canberra opportunities are going to be fewer and further between than they have been regardless of how much positive thinking you use.

    I'll be only too happy to be proved wrong.


    Profile photo of stranstran
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 18

    My husband and I found the whole event amazing.  I know one day when we are old and experienced we will look back and reminisce about how this conference was the turning point in our lives.  Our mindset had a quick jolt and is now growing in a different sphere.  We've clarified what we want driven by the scope of information that was made available.  We picked through it all and we know have a solid vision.  We've signed up for the RESULTS program and really looking forward to putting grunt into our vision.

    Our purpose is simple – to give us time to put back into our family.  We have a 6 month old daughter who we had to leave back in Sydney to attend the conference.  Its all for her and her future brothers and sisters that we need to push ourselves and this conference was just what we needed.

    Life is looking good!

    Thank you Steve and team for putting this on.  We will be one of your success stories by the next conference.  Its part of our vision   =)

    Profile photo of MichelleandColinMichelleandColin
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 9

    The weekend was awesome, having so much expertise and experience in one room was more that we'd hoped for.  It was so refreshing to be around real people who were so happy to share their knowledge.  Since we have been back this week we have spoken to many friends who are are starting to think outside the square for the first time and getting excited about it, iv'e had a great idea for a new business, we've started a budget and Col has applied to have a year off with half pay using long service leave.  The weekend helped us to know that 'one man's ceiling is another man's floor'.  We can't wait to start the results program in June.
    My mum who is retired and living on a self funded pension is even asking if she can do something.  Friends who have rented all their lives just put in their first offer!  It is contagious and wonderful.. thankyou Steve and all

    Profile photo of Asbestos Audits QueenslandAsbestos Audits Queensland
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 47

    OK is the secret that Steve was promoting for the type of property to look for allowed out of the bag?

    I know I should have gone to the seminar…….

    And is Steve going to write another book on it?

    Asbestos Audits Queensland | Asbestos Audits Queensland
    Email Me | Phone Me

    Any asbestos questions ask me.

    Profile photo of kaz101

    We thought it was excellent too. I had to nag a friend to attend and he is sooooo glad that he did since now he's got some idea of what he wants to do and how to do it.

    We'll be there next year too!

    Profile photo of LLCWLLCW
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 29

    A great success for all who attended this event. Well done Steve and team! !  
    I think that every single attendee came away with a positive mindset as well as the plan and strategy to put in motion. Hubby and I plan to make this an annual trip!
    To those who enrolled in RESULTS as I did, I am really looking forward to seeing you all in June !
    Til then, happy investing….

    Profile photo of PaulineMPaulineM
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 7

    So so so so glad that we decided to bite the bullet and go to this conference.  My husband & I learned so much, were inspired and motivated to create something for our future.   We took 3 days off after the conference to clear our heads before heading back to work today, and we couldnt wait to get home to read through our notes and look at the resources that we bought.  As for the price for the conference + airfares + hotel. + resources….well it was worth every cent.   In fact, I would say that the total cost of the whole trip will be paid for simply by my increased productivity at work and billing clients, let alone the money we intend to make on our first deal.  We will go next year too-absolutely.  WELL DONE TEAM.  We have been inspired, blessed and motivated to find out our WHY and start moving towards our goals.   Thank you thank you thank you.   See you at RESULTS.   

    Profile photo of glen.d

    Great weekend.

                              Next time i will take some one with me to share the experience and talk through ideas.
    Great work team.
    PS does any know where the notes from the seminar are posted.

    Profile photo of kaz101
    glen.d wrote:
    does any know where the notes from the seminar are posted.

    I haven't seen the notes posted anywhere as yet.
    I've been having problems downloading the notes from Louise Bedfords seminar but hopefully that should be sorted now.
    Alistair Perry has sent me his workshop presentations via email.

    Profile photo of glen.d
    kaz101 wrote:
    glen.d wrote:
    does any know where the notes from the seminar are posted.

    I haven't seen the notes posted anywhere as yet.
    I've been having problems downloading the notes from Louise Bedfords seminar but hopefully that should be sorted now.
    Alistair Perry has sent me his workshop presentations via email.

    HI Karen

    I am keen to read perry notes as i had an interesting conversation with one of the perry advisers about some strategies, could you give me the link where you got the notes from.


    Profile photo of kaz101
    glen.d wrote:
    HI Karen

    I am keen to read perry notes as i had an interesting conversation with one of the perry advisers about some strategies, could you give me the link where you got the notes from.


    Hi Glen,

    I gave him my email address at the conference and he sent them to me via email. His website is and you should be able to contact him through there.

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