All Topics / Creative Investing / Seminar – Mark Rolton

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    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,248

    Hi Sasha,

    Have you got a "personal guarantee" from mass land to his claims … I spoke with Marks old PA and she said only believe 10% of what they promise … get it in writing from his company solicitor with a personal guarantee … it is your $7,000.00 you are about to blow out the window.

    He says he has 9 years experience so how many testimonials are on his site with phone numbers that you can call and check them out, also get him checked out with ASICs new financial adviser "giving financial advise" laws.

    Danielle .. Financial adviser.

    Profile photo of Sash

    Hi All,

    D Wolfe – Yes it was great meeting you at the conference, you've always got good advice. I'm going to keep 'plugging away'. I really see opportunity in options and leading into development. Yes I'm still very enthusiastic towards financial freedom and property. Apartment blocks would work for sure. It's all about mastering a techniques for any strategy. I may have to invest in some knowledge and experience to get there. 

    It's frustrating to hear bad things about an organisation I have invested the minimal amount of cash I have into. I think all the intel is awesome and like I have said am really happy with it. I'll have to try and balance the negative comments so it doesnt ruin my motivation and plan.

    Wealth4life – Your posts used to speak well of Massland but now have taken a big turnaround. Whats the reason behind this? Do you believe that one can make a go of options with the information provided from Mark's homestudy kits, the 3 day conference and proposed '12 months coaching'? You used to state that.

    Im looking for a bit of positivity from someone that seems to know the situation. I dont mind paying the cash if there is definate success potential if you take the correct steps, mindset and approach.



    Want it. Own it. Enjoy it. Achieve it.

    Profile photo of Matt007

    I think the point that many have made in this and other threads is this: the generic information provided in the Massland seminars is accurate. Options exist, and they work. You can find out about options for free though and they are by no means as easy, or as cheap, as Massland would have you believe..
    What most are up in arms about is the ongoing promise of large cash successes, funds provided for DAs, the 'well earned reputations and presence" in the market that is consistently spruiked, along with other largess like buying a Porsche racing team or $500Mill worth of projects, the 'successful students' etc., none of which appear to be able to be proven, despite continual requests. One would have to ask why this continual denial exists. Draw your own conclusions.

    Ask yourself this, if you handed over $20K plus for someone to 'mentor' you to success based on the fact you believed they were already successful in the field they were purporting to be able to mentor you in, and that tsuccess urned out to be false or at best highly inaccurate or misleading, how would you feel about that?

    That success potential you're seeking relies very heavily on the information you're being sold/told being 100% true. Now, as W4L said in an earlier post, Masslands own PA said believe about 10% of what's being said. Based on that, your success potential in that scenario has just dropped 90%. Still feel like handing over $20K?

    Get written proof of all claims made, use your own accountants and solicitors to verify any information sent to you by them. Thats the best piece of advice I can offer you.

    Profile photo of Sash

    Thanks mate.

    What do you mean about the solicitors and accounts part? What information am I giving to them to verify…

    Sorry if this seems unintelligent


    Profile photo of Sash

    Also the RP Data monthly access to their multi-license used to be $60 p/m and now is $179. This seems absolutely ridiculous. How can the price triple? I emailed them and they said that RP data increased their prices.

    Jumping from $15 p.w to $45.

    Does anybody know how much RP data additional licenses like this cost?

    How much would Massland be pocketing?


    Profile photo of Matt007

    Mate they are pocketing a considerable amount believe me. RPData prices haven't risen by triple you can rest assured. Call them direct and ask.

    By accountants and solicitors, I mean conduct due dilligence. I mean if they say they're worth $500Mill, show some accountants statements. If they claim to control this that and the other, have a solicitor draft a letter verifying it and then have that verified also. it essentially means if they claim it, get something that a solicitor or accountant can verify independently.

    An example or food for thought: Mirvac Group who are a large property group involved in most aspects (development, acquisitions etc) publish every last scrap of information for their investors, including that they profit about $47Mill in 2009. Every last detail of what goes in what goes out and what on is published. Now, for a group who apparently has $500Mill worth of projects 'on the go', and such considerable assets etc, why is it that there isn't a scrap of supporting evidence anywhere detailing that?

    I've always said, if you're a seminar presenter, great, say so. If you're a developer, great, say so, but if you're not don't say you are :)

    Profile photo of Sash


    Ill look into these things, ask questions.

    Will let you know.

    Thanks alot for the advice. Im still going to make options work cos I have all the information I need + the 3 day seminar. As for further dealings and credibility, there is more to find out.



    Profile photo of PietaPieta
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 6

    Well said, Matt007. 

    Take the information you need to utelise it yourself but don't trust their integrity part of it.

    I went through a huge disappointment with them in that regard. I also know the person who used to work closely with Mark and was promised the profit share of $60K which never came. 

    I have dealt with the current support person of Massland outside of Massland. Unfortunately he hasn't got the integrity part right either in my opinion. I walked away from him and his business as I cannot do anything with the people who doesn't value the integrity. He was quite dirty about it and to me that shows his true color.  

    So, use the information wisely. Good luck!

    Matt007 wrote:
    I think the point that many have made in this and other threads is this: the generic information provided in the Massland seminars is accurate. Options exist, and they work. You can find out about options for free though and they are by no means as easy, or as cheap, as Massland would have you believe..
    What most are up in arms about is the ongoing promise of large cash successes, funds provided for DAs, the 'well earned reputations and presence" in the market that is consistently spruiked, along with other largess like buying a Porsche racing team or $500Mill worth of projects, the 'successful students' etc., none of which appear to be able to be proven, despite continual requests. One would have to ask why this continual denial exists. Draw your own conclusions.

    Ask yourself this, if you handed over $20K plus for someone to 'mentor' you to success based on the fact you believed they were already successful in the field they were purporting to be able to mentor you in, and that tsuccess urned out to be false or at best highly inaccurate or misleading, how would you feel about that?

    That success potential you're seeking relies very heavily on the information you're being sold/told being 100% true. Now, as W4L said in an earlier post, Masslands own PA said believe about 10% of what's being said. Based on that, your success potential in that scenario has just dropped 90%. Still feel like handing over $20K?

    Get written proof of all claims made, use your own accountants and solicitors to verify any information sent to you by them. Thats the best piece of advice I can offer you.

    Profile photo of crusty

    As  a presenter at the ultimate susccess seminar I would assume Mark would have been given free tickets to the event as have other speakers, but unlike others speakers and passing on the tickets for free I noticed mark is selling them  for $200.00 each.   If this is the case, should some-one who has $500 million in property sell  tickets, given for free?

    Profile photo of Matt007

    Hi Crusty… well, its only my opinion, but I'd have to say a hearty NO to that one. Sadly, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he was..

    Profile photo of Whaleman7Whaleman7
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 17

    hi all,

    new here, how to I subscribe to post's like this?


    Profile photo of tommy249tommy249
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2


    Wealth4life, i have signed his course and paid my $6K but for some unknown reason do not have his direct mobile number??? All we seem to get is his sales team who take forever to give us answers….maybe you could help with giving me his direct mobile because his sales team wont????

    Hey dkf3. 

    could u directly email me at
    wondering if your interested in swaping some homestudy's..
    or anyone else. after Mark's Homestudy

    cheerts tom

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    Hi Tommy,

    Are you saving that after paying and doing the 6K course that the after sales or support has let you down.

    The sign of a good leader is to deliver more to you in value than what you pay.

    We have an options program … we have 2 manuals 731 pages that you can buy for $399.00 and then offer a years coaching program via the internet linked to our coaches including 2 lawyers.

    21st century education will become more popular over the internet, 6K wow hope it works for you.

    Philip Sigglekow
    LREA author

    Profile photo of Matt007

    tommy.. good luck getting Roltons personal number. He doesn't like speaking to people one on one, or being accessed by 'students'. something to ask his mentors if thats what they are, is have they done any deals themselves, and can they prove that, have they been paid out etc..

    Sorry you paid $6K.

    Profile photo of crusty

    Tommy I went to one of roltons semminars and could not get satisfactory answers to questions talking face to face, he was  just dismissive, and tried to make me look stupid. He was selecetive about who he took questions from.    Dymphna Boholt was another spruicker who was selective about who she would  take questions from, they all seemed to be acquaintences. When I asked a question she didnot want to answer she had to go to the toilet.

    Profile photo of shmikkashmikka
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2
    Hi Everyone,

    I  only discovered this website forum today after i was sent an email this afternoon from a super cautious friend, after i got her to listen to a DVD, offered free from Mark's, Property Options website.  She had copy and pasted a long comment by someone from this website in negativity about Mark. 
    I joined Massland, back in March, and have spent the last few months, studying the DVD's, and then attending the final 3 day workshop in Sydney at end of July.  I guess i can only say that i have been left quite flattened by the negative feedback about Massland?  I find the best feedback to listen to is those who have had one on one experience with this company, whether it be good or bad?
    I haven't put an Option on a property yet, for simply getting trying to get my mind around a completely new way of work life?  Having been nursing the last 30 years, and sick to death of it!
    I have concluded that i will pursue an Option on a property i am about to investigate, and if Mark, pulls the same stunt as he has with one person mentioned on this forum, to the tune of 60,000, i will pull the plug on the company, and not have another thing to do with them!! Considering it better to lose near 6,000 than 60,000!!!

    Good advice to go to ACCIC, and look them up.  I feel rather silly that i didn't think in the first place to look on a website, or read an investor magazine, to see if his company with the large half billion dollar assets, he boasts, is there in writing for all to see?  But then, there appears to be a lot of people out there who seem to be dissatisfied?

    I wanted to do Conclave, but 'husband' said flat NO!! too much money at 34,000!  A friend of mine will be going in December, and i have constant contact with this person, so will hear it first hand whether there is foul play and the not-so-squeaky-clean image becomes grubby?

    Mark, appeared quite transparent to my husband and myself, in his presentation to the audience in the number of conferences i have sat through now, but wonder after reading all these sentiments, that i/we have just been plain 'gullible?'  I have his mobile number, which he only gave out to Conclave Graduates?  I wouldn't give it out though, as it would land me in hot water i think?  I hope there are some more people personally involved with Massland, that may have more positive feedback, than has been.  One would hope anyway!  I like others had a terrible time with finding a Lawyer in Sydney, that understood "Options" in property?  The best lawyer was the one Mark, uses himself in QLD "Paul Davis".  I found him absolutely excellent!  He knows exactly what he is talking about, and it is worth looking up in your area, Lawyers who are Property Lawyers, not ones that deal in family law, or leaning on bad men and or women to make them do the right thing!  There are 'horses for courses' as the old saying goes!

    Profile photo of crusty

      I dont see  marks name on queenslands top 100 rich list , about $ 60 m should get him on it.

    Profile photo of

    Hi shmikka,

    The 2 property options lawyers I personally use are:

    Peter Kumnick at k2Law in QLD & Mel Ciampa from homeandhoused in Sydney.

    Please mention my name.

    Both Peter & Mel have contributed 8 legal option contracts into my “Property Options 101” on line training system on my education web site

    My students also have access to my tax experts and financial advisors + finance experts.

    We charge $499.00 for the 2 manuals of 731 pages of content (DIY) … then we do a personal one on one 12 month coaching service for $2,997.00 (manuals included)

    Money does not make you rich, the process of making making makes you rich, good luck.

    Kindest regards

    Philip Sigglekow
    LREA author

    Profile photo of jhk2770jhk2770
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 57
    Sash wrote:
    Also the RP Data monthly access to their multi-license used to be $60 p/m and now is $179. This seems absolutely ridiculous. How can the price triple? I emailed them and they said that RP data increased their prices.

    Jumping from $15 p.w to $45.

    Does anybody know how much RP data additional licenses like this cost?

    How much would Massland be pocketing?







    Profile photo of Matt007

    Paul Davis is alright, he knows his material, but he's not the only good property lawyer in SE Qld believe me, and you should investigate the relationship between Mark and him a lot more for information purposes only.

    As for RPData.. they're onselling at an inflated price. Simple. They pay a monthly access fee as a company for a certain number of logins, they then onsell them at a considerable markup. Individuals get charged a much higher rate.

    Agree on mindset, especially when it comes to ethical business dealings and integrity. Call me old fashioned..

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