All Topics / Creative Investing / Seminar – Mark Rolton

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  • Profile photo of PietaPieta
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 6

    I've been working with Peter for last few months and really appreciate his knowledge and skill in this area. He is very approachable, too.

    I think that those courses out there could help some people to gain certain level of understanding. However you can only learn so much from text books and DVDs. The real learning comes from actually going out there and taking actions by using the knowledge you gained from the course. It's like anything… it's totally up to you how much you get out of it.  

    I personally have learnt a lot. After all I knew "nothing", I mean NOTHING about property when I decided to take Massland's course. And here I am after 20 months I have few projects under way and started to actively involve in the commercial real estates. Most importantly, I love every step of the way! I think about the couse I took as the "entrance" for me to get into the property world.
    Everyone has and takes different way of learning. It's great to have diversity by having so many courses, mentoring opportunities, apprenticeship, etc. available, so that we can choose whatever suits or feels right for us. We just have to find our own way to get wherever we want to be.

    Profile photo of GreenerpasturesGreenerpastures
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 6

    Hi Lilith,

    The online course can be found at The bit I liked about the weekend was that the guy that presented it was very open and honest, was happy to answer any of the "hard" questions and he is willing to put $1 million of his own money into a deal that he is currently doing. He is happy to share his resources free of charge, and from what I am gathering that is rare in itself. Go on line and have a look at the website, my thought was I didnt have anything to lose just gain. Would like to hear your thoughts, once you have had a look though.
    From the comments it sounds like alot of these presenters are just sales people selling an education product with no substance behind it? If that is the case why wouldnt the likes of ASIC as was suggested by wealth4life be looking at them?
    Looking forward to learning more

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    Hello Matt007

    Don't know if it is true but I believe that the Jamie McIntyre group of 21Century and Massland are now in partnership and Jamie is running the telemarketing from the Massland head quarters.

    Usually when partnerships are formed it is because business is struggling …

    Profile photo of Matt007

    Hi W4L: that doesn't surprise me. Those two have "apparently" been in cahoots for a long time. I suppose when the natives start getting restless and speaking the truth, the wagons are circled and there's a perceived safety in numbers.. in an ideal world that'd also make hitting 2 targets in 1 location a viable option! No pun intended…. :D
    I meant to say earlier W4L I know you're in the game, I"d love to chat with you about it some time. I'm still active although in a slightly different area now.. should you wish, please get in touch any time.

    Lilith – I'm glad to help although note I make no direct accusations of impropriety, simply relay my experiences. I leave people to make their own judgements using their own intelligence.. usually doesn't take long though!

    Pieta – Same offer as W4L – happy to chat with you as well. I think you can never know enough people and if there are some 'good' ones out there then more the merrier.


    Profile photo of Lilith97Lilith97
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Matt,

    I understand your position. I had many questions of doubt after I left the seminar so thought I'd do my own investigation. Was very curious about others experiences so completely understand what you're saying and I agree, it usually doesn't take long!

    Greenerpastures – Thank you for the website, I'll let you know how I go :-)


    Profile photo of minichick

    Not a big fan of seminars have heard good and bad feedback about roltons seminar doesnt matter how many seminars books information you read just get out and do it an option contract can be drawn up for alot less then 5k use commonsense and make the option win win for all involved it takes alot of leg work

    Profile photo of minichick

    wow Just read this entire thread why the heck would anyone pay 30k and the latest 74k for coaching and agree with 15% is total slap in the face in the industry a simple google search show a few others offering 25%+

    1.get a good options solicitar theres a basic options contract I found awhile go for $99 $10,000 for drawing up an options contract is a load of rubbish.

    2. find a site drive around your area look for undervalued sites or use etc

    3. options we are currently doing is mainly strata titling units use common sense and offer the vendor a substantial return
    4. it's not rocket science start out small with your first 1 and build from there

    5. the main thing you have to do is TAKE ACTION not attend seminars and do nothing

    still boggled 74k lol that's a good deposit for an invesment property portfolio and a bucket load  for options

    sounds like mark has broken a lot of promises if your going to send 74k to mark your welcome to send me 50% of that I'll send you an options contract and u can use rea to find the sites and do it yourself you'll make 100billion 100% guaranteed

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    I agree MC

    An options agreement is just a basic contract, nothing special. Solicitors do them all the time. But what you need is the technique or strategy on how to use options that is the hard part.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of jhk2770jhk2770
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 57

    I also agree MC!!   Well put!

    Taking Action is key!

    Profile photo of msdannymsdanny
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    First post for me.

    I've read the entire thread and am very happy about the good information.
    Sadly it doesn't sound like there are any good seminars out there. Or at least I did not have the feeling that there as a positive majority for anyone.

    It's interesting to notice that nobody mentions Steves seminars or mentoring products. Do you get excluded from the forum if you do?
    I am particularly confused that Mark Rolton is one of the highly advertised speakers at Steves upcoming 4 day conference.
    If he is a spruiker and has nothing behind his name then why does Steve advertise with him?

    I do not understand and hope one of you experienced people would be able to tell me.

    Thank you

    Profile photo of dkf3 wrote:
    I don't think Mark is doing Options anymore he is now doing splitter courses because Options are a sophisticated technique and I don't think one student has come forward to date – you can ring Mark direct and he should give you the names of at least 10 successful students who can prove their deals – I mean if he can't that would be saying all his courses are failures. so if he has taught at least 3000 people over the last 3 years at 5k per head that is 15million dollars you would think his success rate has to be better than 1% – or does that mean there are 99% of idiots out there and reading this forum.

    I think the new course is only $6.000.00

    Oh I believe that century 21 lost their financial services license you can check at … link to marks new course, give him a call.

    I have just signed into Mark Rolton's program with my partner which indeed cost $6000 and we are currently reviewing all the material and plan on attending the 3 day seminar in July in Sydney – but we live in WA so we have to pay for our flights and accommodation etc.

    I found it was quite alot of money to spend in the first instance but after going to his 1 day seminar it seemed we woudl give it a go and see if this technique actually worked. We are prepared to put in the hard yards and do not expect it to be easy.

    As far as i am aware he is still doing property options, along with other venture i presume but to date i have not seen any hard evidence and am questioning his capability after reading this forum. We WILL be asking Massland a few questions and will be wanting a legitimate reply as we will put 100% into this if it does in fact work.

    I would love to personally talk to people who have had both good and bad SPECIFIC experiences with Mark Rolton and the Massland group as i do not want to waste precious time and money (as i know we will have to purchase RP Data and Google Earth). Please feel free to private message me as i am willing to hear from both sides.

    Matt007 has some great points that i have taken on board as i do have a slight scepticism in the program from watching his DVDs where he does get frustrated on screen and does not give written facts. I also value wealth4life's opinions as you have obviously been succesful in his program and i would love to hear from your specific dealings.


    Profile photo of dkf3 wrote:
    Dear QP,

    1 … Pick up the phone and ring every single lawyer in Victoria, this is what an entrepreneur would do.

    2 … Do Mark Roltons Options course and find out the $6,000.00 course charge is a cheap price to pay for experience and knowledge not to mention the time you are wasting currently.

    3 … You must be willing to pay to learn.

    4 … You could also ring Mark Rolton direct on his mobile, I have it but you will have to pay me to get it because I did his course and I learnt one thing from it that has earnt me over $40,000.00 and it wasn't doing property options, but the course sent me in a new direction so I am grateful for spending over $xxxx (got it for half price) 

    5 … try they have some options stuff there as well.

    6 … Have you rung Steve McKnight he must have access to good Vic lawyers to help you.

    7 … It is not a task it is part of becoming educated, pick up the phone or try google there is nothing secret aboput options they have been around since the Roman days – an option gives you time – the options contract is an agreement in writing "at law" between two parties … it is just that simple.

    Remember real estate is only made up of two parts "the land" and "what's on it"

    Wealth4life, i have signed his course and paid my $6K but for some unknown reason do not have his direct mobile number??? All we seem to get is his sales team who take forever to give us answers….maybe you could help with giving me his direct mobile because his sales team wont????

    Profile photo of dkf3

    Does anyone know of a good property solicitor in WA?

    Profile photo of Matt007

    Good luck trying to get him directly.. he tends to avoid speaking to 'students' if he can unless he has to or he wants something from them. Thats how he was when I was involved with Massland. I got some kid who'd never done a deal in his life trying to 'mentor' me. I daresay that's still the case.. but who can say for sure.

    I"ve been contacted by a number of people in recent times asking me if I knew how they could get their money back as they'd seen what the reality was with the Conclave programs etc, and that they were going through legal processes and speaking with Fair Trading etc. I don't know the outcomes of any of those but I know they're on going. I can't comment on the validity of their claims or experiences, only my own, and those of some people I know and trust. I'm sorry you've spent the money in truth (an opinion only I hold) but I hope you get the answers you're looking for. I doubt you will though.

    One interesting question to ask would be this: prior to signing a legally binding agreement like a JV or option, are they willing to provide, under the auspices of a due dilligence enquiry via a certified practicing accountant or property solicitor, details of successful deals they've done from beginning to end and paid out so that you can "know your client or customer" as most Fair Trading offices encourage you to do?

    See what they say to that. If they can't or won't (and you'll find "privacy" thrown up as an excuse however in business this kind of enquiry done via these means is perfectly legitimate) you should ask yourself why.

    More than that I'd say to you there's more than enough information in this thread, combined with common sense, to be able to make a judgement on…

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    I have attended the course many (3) years ago and met several people who I have continued to do business with from that course.

    I feel sorry that so many people have been mislead if that be the case … fact is no matter what the course 99% of people fail because they don't do the hard yards … I am also a master practitioner in NLP  and have attended all of Tony Robbins events and others over the last 15 years and apply every day principles of success.

    My boss who is an acquaintance of Marks have forbidden me to comment anymore here about this and Mark so I will not be giving out his phone number as my job is on the line and a 7 year friendship with someone I have the most respect with in education ever.

    Matt is totally correct you have a right at law to ask for proof especially when being given financial advise without a dealers license … IMHO the money being asked is far too much and can be covered in one day for a third of the cost buy eliminating all the sales hype or trying to emulate Anthony Robbins modalities and sub modalities.

    In closing on this one I can say that TDFT is high on the case for all seminar presenters giving financial advise on property strategies, investments, investing, strategies, etc to have a dealers license to protect "Unsophisticated" investors.

    If you are not in real estate now eg: accountant, solicitor, LREA, finance broker or financial planner you will struggle with these concepts because you will need to be an expert communicator, negotiator and have an intelligent  mind set to put these deals together … before Mark was cleaning windows he owned a HUGE building company and is a LREA … what is your job today because if you are looking at getting rich quick this is not the way to go …

    Good luck and god bless you all … it is your money so seed it wisely … read the richest man in Babylon 10 times.


    Profile photo of Matt007

    Well spoken Danielle. I'd love to speak with you further offline if you're willing, not about Mark per se, just about business in general. If you're open and willing, PM me and I can provide some contact details.

    Best regards,

    Profile photo of Property NoviceProperty Novice
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 1

    Really Interested on other peopls's feedback regarding Mark Rolton, I attended his seminar on the Gold Coast a couple of weekends ago. I found it really interesting as a property novice that is just starting to invest.

    Mark did raised some really valid points and gave some great advice about smarter ways to invest and make money from property investing. So far I believe the $5K I invested was great, I have no regrets. I have even spoken with Mark twice since teh seminar and he has been most helpful and given me soem great advice.

    Does anyone know anything different about Mark Rolton?


    Profile photo of

    Hello PN,

    If you r a novice and an unsophisticated investor there is a free $4,001.00 course 24 full colour modules at

    Also free accounting ebooks and lots of other free help products for children and women and also teenagers …

    Getting started is free … goals programs are free … all under 20 year old stuff is free … 2 free audio coaching programs + emanuals … free no charge … tell ALL your family and friends …

    KNOWledge = INFORMation + EDUcation (C) Danielle

    Profile photo of SashSash
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 91

    Wow, quite a opinionated thread..

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. It was some time ago these posts commenced so I would like to hope that any 'problems' had been addressed.

    Im going to the 3 day training work shop at the end of the month and cannot wait. Yeah I can see Mark looks like he is impatient, an amazing salesman and loves money but his intel on property is extremely impressive.

    I think the whole JV deal is a bit stiff on our behalf. Im still undecided that one.

    I think options can work, Im sure it is harder than he makes out but like everything, you get back what you put in. Im plan on starting small with the 'splitter' approach (optioning a property, subdividing and onselling 12-18 months later). I reckon that if I speak to 5 people a week either found through or not, you'd think that atleast 1 person in 6 months would be open to receving more for the property in return for time…

    I will keep people posted on how it goes. So far dealing with Massland hasnt been too bad at all. Time will tell.

    Thanks for your repy's.


    Want it. Own it. Enjoy it. Achieve it.

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1,253

    Hi Sasha, good to see you are plugging away at it. When I saw you at the conference you were really enthusiastic. I would say yes it will be harder and yes You'll have to work at it but I really hope it works for you. I think if you know what you are talking about and have the drive to keep knocking when people keep saying no then you will do alright.

     I'll be interested to see how you go in the future. Personally I would think there would be some good opportunities in getting approvals for small apartment blocks. May be a bit more work though?!

    Good luck


    DWolfe |
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