All Topics / Creative Investing / Seminar – Mark Rolton

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  • Profile photo of Michael 888


    what are you actually doing?

    You've cross posted  your last post here:

    Have you actually done the course now and are you an affiliate?

    You've asked many questions in this thread over the last couple of months and, motioned that you will purchase the course. Please share your experiences with the material you've encountered.

    If not, are you merely spruiking without relevant contribution? What the agenda? 

    Profile photo of Matt007

    SeekOptions: You say this "very popular thread" and "tens of thousands of people in it"… if you think this is a thread singing Mark Rolton's praises, I'd suggest you go back and re read it. Have you done any options? Do you have any experience with Massland? Do you have verifiable written proof that Mark has $550Million worth of projects? Have you been paid by him? Are his staff experienced in doing deals having done many of them themselves? *pauses for breath*…oh forget it, I already know the answer…

    Nicely asked MIchael 888. That testimonials link is just for people who've done the course and are all still fired up from the 2 day NLP assault, not got an option or made any money out of it. I want to meet and see and hear those that have got options, had Mark do a DA for them and onsell the property, and been paid out. Thats the kind of testimonials I want to see…

    Profile photo of Matt007

    spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam … get rid of this monkey..

    Profile photo of Michael 888
    Matt007 wrote:
    spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam … get rid of this monkey..

    Profile photo of
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1,248

    You can also do Marks "Conclave" 3 day course at the Versace hotel on the GC it's only $74,000.00 per head and includes a black tie dinner.

    I also believe that Henry Kaye is running private courses in Melbourne invitation only $20,000.00 each for two days …

    There's great money in these courses at those prices … I think more people should be doing them … Maybe Steve should put the price of his 3 day up to meet the industry standards set by Mark, Henry, etc the more expensive the course the better it is right?


    Profile photo of beau66beau66
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 2
    dismag wrote:
    damo001 wrote:
    Just went to a seminar from Barry Pickering, ADAYOUN Capital Markets.  Anyone heard of this company before,  I googled him and it came up with another company name onsite direct.  Just wondering what people think of his practices and strategies.  That way i can make an informed decision.  His fee is $250 to be a wealth coach.  not quiet sure what that entails but i had to leave the seminar before getting to talk to him. 

    If anyone can shed some light that would be good.


    ***  I also recently went to the above seminar and would appreciate feedback or can someone please tell me how do I retrieve or view the 19 posts Damo received in regards to the same question as I am new at this site.  Reply in the matter would be greatly appreciated as we are close to signing documents associated with Barry Pickering.


    Re: Barry Pickering and Adayoun Capital Markets

    For some years now I have been a keen observer of this and Jan Sommer’s site, I find it a great learning tool but working on computers all day at work have never got involved. After reading some posts seeking information on Barry Pickering yesterday I thought it was time to tell my story. I first met Barry and his wife Julie at one of the property expo’s in Sydney in 2002. His company Onsite Direct had a stand and he stood and talked through my potential first property investment with me for about ½ an hour. I stayed in touch and about 3 months later visited him in his office in Surfers Paradise, he reworked my finances to as he described it build the correct foundation, then assisted me to find a property. Over the last 7 years I have got to know Barry extremely well and in my current portfolio of 10, 7 were purchased and financed through his company. The properties I purchased through him have far out performed the 3 I purchased under my own steam from both a capital growth and rent return perspective. I know he sold Onsite Direct Group in January 2008 to a public Company and semi retired to Darwin, if I ring his mobile he answers and will talk through anything I’m thinking of doing, his opinions are logical and many cases experience based, after all he has over 70 properties in his own portfolio. A great example of this was in 2005, I rang him  for his opinion on a investment option I had sitting in front of me signed and ready to return to the investment adviser, a unit off the plan in Port Melbourne and a $200,000 equity release into Mary Street No 1 fund returning 15%. Barry explained how Mezzanine funding worked and that it was high risk related, he explained that his research into Westpoint was not good and he held grave concerns for how they operated, he talked me out of it, the rest is history shortly after they collapsed and I still had my $200,000 and deposit on the unit.

    I guess that gave me 200,000 reasons plus to join and tell my story.

    I didn’t know he was coaching in Darwin until I read this, he is the Kevin Sheedy or Wayne Bennett of property coaches.

    It seems Barry is also being mixed into this posting about Mark Rolton, to my knowledge Barry has no dealings with him nor his seminars.

    I hope this helps you with your enquiries into Barry Pickering

    Good Luck in your future investing!!

    Profile photo of Matt007 wrote:
    You can also do Marks "Conclave" 3 day course at the Versace hotel on the GC it's only $74,000.00 per head and includes a black tie dinner.

    I also believe that Henry Kaye is running private courses in Melbourne invitation only $20,000.00 each for two days …

    There's great money in these courses at those prices … I think more people should be doing them … Maybe Steve should put the price of his 3 day up to meet the industry standards set by Mark, Henry, etc the more expensive the course the better it is right?


    $74K?????? Are you f***ing serious???? That guy has lost his friggin mind and I cannot believe ANYONE would be so stupid as to hand over that kind of money without DEMANDING proof of his claims in writing from a solicitor..all that NLP has gone to his head and he's obviously believing his own press….

    that is just laughable….megods! Thanks W4L..that's given me the best laugh I've had all week..


    Profile photo of ZllabZllab
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 3

    So no one has found a deal and used Marks Company – Masslands to put through an options deal?

    Has anyone DONE anything with the company?

    If you have your welcome to post your reply here or PM me as I'm very interested in what you have to say.

    Profile photo of atworkatwork
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    Hello matt007

    i've just joined a Mark Roltons Seminar the 3 day one

    colud you please contact me.

    i'll like to know more about it (as i see you seem to be aware of some thing that others are not )

    Profile photo of Matt007

    Go back and read through this post and the people who've done his courses before. Look at "in the game" post on page one of this thread. You should have all the information you need then. If  not, start ringing developers acquisition managers that Mark says he knows, ring all the people he says he knows.. see if they know him, see if anyone would deal with him.. look at the projects he says he has going..can he prove any of it? Can he prove anything he says at all? I looked for years to find people who had done deals, been paid, in fact gotten any evidence at all of the half billion dollar company and porsche racing teams and floating on the ASX….still haven't found any proof of any of that.. anywhere.. especially within the property developing marketplace ….. bit strange that don't you think? Hey of course I could be wrong..

    Before handing over a single sent to these guys make sure they are who they say they are, have done what they've said they've done, and can do what they say they can do. DO NOT sign any agreements with them until you've read it or your lawyer has. Spruikers love high pressure, they'll put things right next to them to come and sign so they can 'convince you' to sign without really understanding what it is that you've done. Don't fall for it. Get written proof of all claims made. Do not settle simply for "I don't have to prove anything to you" or "you have the wrong mindset to be here"…Bullshi*. If I'm going into a legally binding agreement and paying someone $30K + to get me results I expect and demand proof prior to handing over a single cent.
    Get everything in a legally binding written form that holds them to their claims. See if they'll do it. If not, ask yourself why.
    Good luck.

    Profile photo of Bill007Bill007
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 3
    Matt007 wrote:
    Go back and read through this post and the people who've done his courses before. Look at "in the game" post on page one of this thread. You should have all the information you need then. If  not, start ringing developers acquisition managers that Mark says he knows, ring all the people he says he knows.. see if they know him, see if anyone would deal with him.. look at the projects he says he has going..can he prove any of it? Can he prove anything he says at all? I looked for years to find people who had done deals, been paid, in fact gotten any evidence at all of the half billion dollar company and porsche racing teams and floating on the ASX….still haven't found any proof of any of that.. anywhere.. especially within the property developing marketplace ….. bit strange that don't you think? Hey of course I could be wrong..

    Before handing over a single sent to these guys make sure they are who they say they are, have done what they've said they've done, and can do what they say they can do. DO NOT sign any agreements with them until you've read it or your lawyer has. Spruikers love high pressure, they'll put things right next to them to come and sign so they can 'convince you' to sign without really understanding what it is that you've done. Don't fall for it. Get written proof of all claims made. Do not settle simply for "I don't have to prove anything to you" or "you have the wrong mindset to be here"…Bullshi*. If I'm going into a legally binding agreement and paying someone $30K + to get me results I expect and demand proof prior to handing over a single cent.
    Get everything in a legally binding written form that holds them to their claims. See if they'll do it. If not, ask yourself why.
    Good luck.

    Very Very good advice Matt007.  To all would be students of Mark Rolton's Massland Danger buyer beware.  Mr Rolton is a very slick salesman and presenter but unfortunately that's where it all ends.  A used car salesman pales to insignificance when compared to this guy.
    If I were to live life again and investigating whether to invest 5K, 6K, 30K or the latest staggering 70K plus for Mark Rolton's Massland courses and mentoring programs, I would rather research the property market find a good investment property in a stable growth sector and invest this money in a property.  You would far better off than putting your money anywhere near Mark Rolton's Massland.

    Profile photo of mattbombersmattbombers
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    OK, i see a lot of controversy here!
    i just finished Mark Roltons 3 dayer . 6ish grand for the course, it was GREAT!!! i found it very knowledgeable and handy.
    we just singed up for his conclave course, $35 000 its in 3 weeks time here on the gold coast when we singed up there was 10 spots left so its definitely hot value. after the course i will re-inform you guys how it went, but so far it is looking good.
    BTW i see some people are saying there is no hard evidence of his dealings ect. but in the conclave course on the 3rd day it is driving around in a mini-bus viewing local deals he and or massland have landed.

    Profile photo of Matt007

    Mattbombers. driving round in a bus doesn't prove anything. i can drive you past any number of building sites that i have nothing to do with and say theyre mine, if you're in the right mindframe to receive what i'm telling you, you'll believe anything I tell you. Only my advice and you've already thrown your money at it so its a bit too late, but i would want nothing less than written documentary evidence that massland was directly involved with those projects. DAs, contracts, financials etc…otherwise its all just words and nothing more. its called due dilligence and anyone paying any money to any potential business partner needs to do it. personallly I would have wanted this prior to handing over a cent to them.

    Document everything thats said and claimed and ask for proof. Words mean nothing in the property game. If they really are invovled in these projects they should have no problems and no difficulty in producing and providing clear documents showing their involvement in these projects.

    Profile photo of Michael 888


    conserve your breath mate. 

    Ohh…….now the sceptic in me surfaces from it's slumber.

    mattbombers…………….first post today (after joining the forum today)……………..are you a representative of said property optioneer.

    Only 10 spots left…….better hurry or we'll miss the bus.  

    Why not ask for a list of his developments up front so you may do your own diligence. That way you'll be prepared and have plenty of questions to ask on the scenic tour…………and make sure you get your thirty-five grand's worth.

    If you are fair dinkum and not associated with this company……..please post back after you've done the course and illuminate us here on what type of things you learnt 

    Profile photo of pullypully
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 44

    well said michael.
    i find it incredible that people would ask for that sort of money, and sad, in fact dangerous that anyone would pay it!!
    this company obviously targets novices?

    please be carefully with your hard earnt money.
    please consider value.
    please get expert advice. i doubt it would involve paying anything like the amounts mentioned above.

    consult with experienced investors if you can. look for evidence and research as much as you can. lots of info out there.

    Profile photo of DWolfeDWolfe
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1,253

    Hey everyone,

    I've got one seat left in the backseat of my car for my tour round to see some properties…..I'll point them out to you as we drive! Yeah they are all mine!

    This doesn't seem like the best way to spend upwards of 30k. I'm all for education and spending money on investment…but geez!

    A fool and his money are soon parted


    DWolfe |
    Email Me

    Profile photo of mrs pmrs p
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 18

    Oh no, now I'm feeling nervous

    I just signed up for Carly Crutchfield's development course-should I be nervous?????
    I got a good vibe from her and now I'm second guessing myself!  HELP! Thanks gang, mrs p

    Profile photo of LockymacLockymac
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 78

    Hey Mrs P,

    If you search this site for Carly Crutchfield you will get ALOT of good reviews most members seem to be happy with what she offers
    The worry is that most of the threads on Mark Rolton do not paint a good picture.

    Hope it helps

    Profile photo of Michael 888

    Hi there mrs p,

    Have gone thru the program with CCorp and the content is wide and varied. Comprehensive and put together in a decent framework, for those new to the process of developing.

    Having said that, she also offers higher level programs and mentoring. I didn't go down that path nor have any intended need to. My interaction with her and CCorp to date has been very satisfactory. Have a search for threads about her stuff. Don't want to derail this thread as it is about another topic altogether.

    I doubt you will be disappointed unless you are already a seasoned developer.

    Profile photo of Quinn PetrieQuinn Petrie
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 6

    Hi everyone thanks for all you posts, they have revealed a wealth of knowledge. I have been looking into Mark Rolton’s course and Rick Ottons stuff but have not made the final leap and actually committed to these seminars. I would love to actually sit down / meet with anyone in Melbourne who have used options or are currently using options. If anyone can give me contact details it would be greatly appreciated. Also if anyone knows of a good lawyer or solicitor who specialises with options and could supply me with their details it would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Quinn

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