All Topics / Creative Investing / Seminar – Mark Rolton

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  • Profile photo of Matt007

    Hi Attrill and thanks. I don't profess to be a multi-millionaire car-team owning guru, but i'm gaining some experience and having fun along the way, and I Do believe I'll get to where I want to go with the appropriate ethics, work and intelligence. I'm sure others may do so as well.

    You're right on with the ideas of using google earth and zoning maps etc, it's one way of finding sites for sure. And you're also right, having access to finance, and more importantly skill sets and networks of the right people to buy these things from you. Without those it'll make it all quite hard.

    Best of luck in your journey attrill, and thanks for your comments.

    Profile photo of OrderThroughChaos

    InTheGame is ABSOLUTELY correct on EVERY comment. I was a former student and JV of Massland and can CONFIRM the exact suspicions mentioned by him/her. In the 3 years I have been a JV with Massland No1 Pty Ltd… (NOTE: clever little legal trick by Mark) NEVER has his website CURRENT PROJECT details changed in 3 years. He will conveniently tell you at the seminar that they only disclose the projects they want you to know about. The funny thing is when I went to a couple of his project sites listed on his website, they didn't actually exist. He should be JAILED for fraud and misleading the general public for profit.

    I would also like to point out that Mark Rolton is a wealth creation spruiker endorsed and networked by many other spruikers in the industry  including the infamous Mr Jamie Neville McIntyre of the 21st Century Academy Pty Ltd and & 21st Century Academy Education Pty Ltd companies.

    Basically my point is that he does not keep good company. I can confirm that there is a privately corporate funded investigation which has been going on for about 3 years into such spruikers which wil be presented to the mass media in the fullness of time. This is being done to embarass our government regulators into acting to regulate the wealth creation industry as well as protect consumers as they have failed dismally to do so to date. Additionally I can confirm that ALL information collated will be going to the Australian Federal Police for investigation into alligations of fraud.

    Please search names using the last word (SCAM) on the ASIC website, GOOGLE search engine and Neil Jenmans website for all of the following names as well as check the links below to read articles about the named people and entities listed below. All of the people mentioned are linked to each other within the wealth creation industry and endorse each others products.

    Rick Otton scam – found on Google and Jenman searches
    Jamie McIntyre scam – found on ASIC website
    Inner Circle product provided by Playground Constructions Pty Ltd and Empowernet Pty Ltd – found on this site.
    Aussie Rob aka Aussie Robber scam found at –

    Jamie McIntyre also found at –

    Other SPRUIKERS to watch out for that are affiliated with the above: –

    Universal Wealth Creations Pty Ltd

    Jenny Armato – I was also a victim of her security flawed products and only got a refund because of an Australian Tax Office security IT industry experts skill in being able to uncover the product defects. He was a close personal friend of mine and what prompted him to investigate Jenny Armatos product was when I had IT glitches with her product and they refused to assist me.

     I had to present  a case study to get my money back. Most consumers do not have access to such resources. Additionally the after sales service was disgusting. Also affiliated to Unviersal Wealth Creations and the McIntyre group.

    Planet Wealth affiliated to the McIntyre group.

    inthegame wrote:

    have worked with mark and massland for an extensive period….

    Use the below to help with your research on mark rolton and massland.

    Can marks accountant claim that he is a multi a millionaire? Mark should be able to produce this evidence on request to you.

    Has mark every built any developments? If he says he has you would want to do back ground checks to see what part he actually played in the development.

    Can you speak to past students that have actually seen money go into their bank account…. if you get to speak to a student request a bank statement.

    mark has a high turnover of staff and consultants/deal finders…. you may want to find out why that is. (you may even want to speak to some of them)

    You may want to ask a Lawyer if the JV agreement mark asks people to sign at the seminar, actually binds mark to pay you when a deal goes through.

    Speak to people in the development industry…. have they heard of Mark rolton or massland? Speak to the people that mark says he is good buddies with…. a number of them are large property developers… from my research they either do not know him or have only met him on a once off occasion.

    Ask mark to give you references from people on the BRW rich list… he claims a number of them are his good buddies… are they happy to put that in writting?

    Do your research… if you still want to go to the seminar or work with mark after your research, you obviously have not dug very deep, so do more research.

    This is probably my second forum post in my whole life…. i dont get a lot of joy doing this and i would prefer to stay anonymous (mark has a temper research "narcissistic personality disorder" on the web…. it is mark to a t). I along with a number of other people feel that mark has taken this too far and people should be very aware when buying seminars from him or doing work with him…

    Mark is a gun salesperson and master of NLP…. one of the best i have seen…. remember this when you are at his intro nights or seminars about to buy something….

    All the best

    Profile photo of Matt007

    OrderThroughChaos: very interesting post. PM me I'd be interested in talking with you further.
    given that you've now let the cat out of the bag it'll be interesting to see who runs for the hills and who doesn't..

    Profile photo of finditoutnowfinditoutnow
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    These guys are making money selling the likes of rpdata service to the users, as like what  Crutchfield does, they pay in the region of  $9 per extra  user and then on sell this access for $150 per month. also this os a possible breach in supplying this data in Victoria as you have to have a real estate licence or finance licence.

    I heard from a source that works there  that they can have at any one time upto 1000 active clients, 1000 x $179 per month = $179,000 per month access fees, They are selling data services, and with this data, providing details of every home owner, the price they paid and their contact details to whoever will take it / pay for it.

    Profile photo of OrderThroughChaos

    Thank you for your post. We are also aware of this SCAM and Carly as well. It's amazing how small but well connected the industry is in this country. Carly is another Mc Intyre speaker as well.

    Why I am thanking you is because the more people that speak out the easier it will be for these rogues to be taken out of action.

    We are witness to a huge number of people who have suffered financially because of such SCAMS and empty promises, who have perhaps lacked the resources, knowledge or persistence to exercise their consumer rights.

    finditoutnow wrote:

    These guys are making money selling the likes of rpdata service to the users, as like what  Crutchfield does, they pay in the region of  $9 per extra  user and then on sell this access for $150 per month. also this os a possible breach in supplying this data in Victoria as you have to have a real estate licence or finance licence.

    I heard from a source that works there  that they can have at any one time upto 1000 active clients, 1000 x $179 per month = $179,000 per month access fees, They are selling data services, and with this data, providing details of every home owner, the price they paid and their contact details to whoever will take it / pay for it.

    Profile photo of roxy02roxy02
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    I have done Marks course and found it extremly interesting!
    does anyone know of any other business/companies  that do jv's similar to masslands??
    the system obviously works for some, but surely there are other options (ignore the pun!) for
    those of us who are new at the game, to learn from people other than massland?

    Profile photo of Quantum LeapQuantum Leap
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 56

    Hi There,

    Responding to a question posed earlier in this thread.

    I purchased the 'Options Made Simple' CD by Rob Balanda.  It is a good CD, however it really is a little basic (especially so if you already have your head around how options work).

    Did I feel like I got value for money from it?  No – it was too basic.

    Would it be of value to the uninitiated?  Yes, I believe so.

    Is it 'worth' $149 or whatever the price was for it?  No, I believe it's worth $30 to $40 tops.



    Profile photo of Matt007

    Hi roxy,
    OK, as someone who's done Mark's course, and has been out there doing it, both in a JV with Massland (thankfully one i'm now out of) and in general my advice to you should you wish to pursue this is as follows:
    1 – increase your knowledge of developing in general over and above options. Options are great and they work well as one of many possibilities you can use. If you have a library near you and want to know how flexible options are, there is a great book called: "Principles of Land Contracts and Options in Australia", Christopher Rossiter, LexisNexis Butterworths, 2003 (crap referencing I know) but its a good book to really understand options.

    2 – Find some good references to learn about development, but more importantly, increase your network of people who are already in the game, doing it, have had successes big or small, find a mentor if you can. Make your contacts in the real estate agents and developers in your home town. these are the people who can help you find and buy deals if you get them.

    3 – get some good basic knowledge about business in general. the government small business portal is a good place to start getting your head into the right space to put your plans together if you're going to pursue it. This will come in combination with expanding your knowledge of developing in general.

    4 – be patient. I dont' know of too many groups who will do a JV in the style Rolton says he will (and in my experience i haven't found anyone he's done that with but of course I could be wrong). It will take time to develop your networks and find a suitable JV partner out there, there are some, they do exist, but they take time to uncover. And remember the profit split of someone doing the DA for you may or may not be the same as Rolton's offer, although it should be more as his 15% was insulting in comparison with industry standards.

    5 – find other forums. this one is great for investment property, wrapping etc, but its not specialised in development. Try searching for other property related forums, somersoft is one..there are a few others around but there are active developers on there who often will answer some questions openly.

    Hope that helps.

    Profile photo of Michael 888

    Thanks for posting Matt and providing that book reference.

    Some handy and practical insights there for those interested in this area. Are there any specific forums that relate to developing and optioning land that you have found usful and are they necessarily Aus sites or more US based?

    Profile photo of Matt007

    Hi Michael
    So far in Australia the forums seem limited although within all of them I find the odd developer willing to discuss their experiences. I just look at all the websites to do with development, whether they're from developers themselves or other sites that are off-shoots eg: is a good one. just google it and look over each one you come to. some will provide insight and direction, others will simply be useful background. It all adds up.
    Optioning in particular there aren't any really good sites dedicated to it but then its not as simple as some spruikers would have you believe, and the legalities can be very complex, so tis probably not a wise thing to give someone a small part of the puzzle then send them out all fired up, as the potentials for cluster f**k factors is considerably high.
    I've been lucky in that i've managed to find some folks who are in the game and while I can bring one or two things to te table, they can bring 3 or 4, and so we tend to compliment each others skills and abilities. So look within your own existing networks of friends for possible connections eg: real estate agents, solicitors who may know someone in property, developers, etc etc.. friends of friends who you can be referred to or by.. see who's out there doing what and with whom. Work out in concentric circles. You may be surprised at who you already know.

    Profile photo of Michael 888

    Thanks for that Matt,

    i have already looked at various developers' websites to see what they are up to and where they play. I make a point of looking up any new names I come across in the various print media also.

    I will play with google to see what else I can come up with. The site is nice, especially the News section. Thanks for the lead.

    Also, don't short change yourself mate, your outcomes and the people you've liased with and complement your skills with have nothing to do with you being lucky. You have created synergy with those who bring different skill-sets to the table to your own.

    Your LUCK is due to Labour Under Correct Knowledge. You have tken action and created you outomes by walking your talk. I will work on seeking out those who are already under my nose and in my circle of influence. I am only now (the last few years) coming to realise how valuable networking is, with everyone. Real estate is a relationship business and being humble and "human" to all with whom we meet and interact is a valuable way to deal with others.

    Profile photo of Matt007

    Thanks Michael, appreciate your kind words. I hope what I write helps others in some way. I know the feeling of helplessness you get when you first step out into the game. I still get it, but i'm less helpless than I was!
    I figure, and some may agree, its who you know, develop the relationship of trust, deliver on what you say you will, show them you're serious, and good things will come. its a cut throat business at the best of times, but if you can form what iv'e heard termed as a 'relationship client' which is one who brings you repeat business because of a formed and trusted relationship, then your business development  becomes a lot easier and more targeted, with three or four 'relationship' clients, rather than a scatter gun approach with no reliability.
    Just my opinions of course…but I've seen it work very well for larger international reason why it can't work on smaller scales too.


    Profile photo of kylemorgankylemorgan
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 1

    Hi s&n,

    I did Mark Roltons property option seminar.  If you are totally committed and take action on what Mark teaches I am sure you could be very successful with Property Options.  The content really is good and the big players are using this stategy but you really have to be committed to create success.

    Cheers Kyle

    Profile photo of Bill007

    Hi Matt007,

    Appreciate you posts regrding your experiences in dealing with Mr Rolton and his Massland group.
    I sadly have been exposed to Mr Rolton's silvery togue and taken for some serious cash which I really
    can't afford to loose.  I would appreciate it if could assist me by affording me the time to chat with you
    privately.  Thanks Bill

    Profile photo of Bill007
    Matt007 wrote:
    I got a refund but only after they suspected I knew a lot more about them than they were comfortable with. I did not have to hand back any course materials either.
    Hope that helps.

    Hi Matt007,

    Thanks for your comments they have been most helpful.
    I wish I had seen them earlier before I fell prey to Mr Rolton's silvery tongue and got taken
    for a lot of cash I can't aford to loose.  I would really appreciate it if could help me out here and
    make contact with me to discuss your experiences and how I may be able to get my money back.


    your expe

    Profile photo of

    Why don't you start a new thread inviting students of Marks and others to share their success stories with real life examples …

    The current danger with property options is what is the true value today and if the recession hits hard how to determine the "true value option price"

    An option strike price today at 2 million could drop in value by 100% negative or a 50% drop in real value … eg; the opposite of doubling your money.


    Profile photo of Matt007

    Good points W4L – while some may say options work well in a falling market, (which they can of course), in a market as volatile as this one is (whether that's for the right or wrong reasons anyone can say) that danger of totally inaccurate price points is a very real danger with options..offering more money is one thing (and despite what some say its not the only thing that will tip a seller or potential seller over the edge) but that then can only impact on your ability to onsell the option to a developer/builder etc and if the margins aren't there or the risk is too high you can forget moving it…DA or not.

    Not sure what others experiences are at present but a combination of overall market fear, no funding available (at least locally) and the media beatups..fronting up with a deal at the moment invites derisive laughter and strange looks! Most of the developers up here in Qld are dropping people like crazy, such as 200+ in one go..

    Not to say one shouldn't keep trying but as always caveat emptor and be careful who you do business with…one likes to think their efforts will be rewarded, not reward someone else! :)

    Profile photo of dismagdismag
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 3
    damo001 wrote:
    Just went to a seminar from Barry Pickering, ADAYOUN Capital Markets.  Anyone heard of this company before,  I googled him and it came up with another company name onsite direct.  Just wondering what people think of his practices and strategies.  That way i can make an informed decision.  His fee is $250 to be a wealth coach.  not quiet sure what that entails but i had to leave the seminar before getting to talk to him. 

    If anyone can shed some light that would be good.


    ***  I also recently went to the above seminar and would appreciate feedback or can someone please tell me how do I retrieve or view the 19 posts Damo received in regards to the same question as I am new at this site.  Reply in the matter would be greatly appreciated as we are close to signing documents associated with Barry Pickering.


    Profile photo of

    It would be very interesting to hear from anybody doing options at the moment how the vendor will be willing to accept an option in the future for his/her property at a lower price.

    The other way is that the option contract can read that you are willing to pay 20% more for the property today and in the future if the value drops you will pay 20% above that value in the future date.

    Question is this good conduct or manipulating the client.

     D … maybe some of Marks students can answer that one, should get something out of a 5k course.

    Profile photo of Matt007

    Not sure about others but i find it hard enough to get them to agree to an option (more so as many of them are in financial distress and waiting 2 years for a payout isn't on the cards for them) as it is without trying to get them to accept it for a lower price. I think in this market you need to do a few things:
    1 – know where in the cycle your sector is (comm/resi/industrial etc) and bid accordingly. You're not going to go in 20% over value at the top of the cycle as if you're lucky enough to get a 24 month option and ti takes you 18 to get a DA or buyer your figures and feaso will be out if the market drops during that time, thus making it less likely you'll sell to an end buyer as the margins will shrink.
    2 – Do your research and know what it's worth before you go in, and be honest with the vendor. They're not as dumb as some would have you believe and the mere mention of more money isn't enough to get them over the line. Most of them will do their own research before signing anything, and battering them to death with NLP or doing a 'hard' sell on them more often than not just annoys them.
    3 – Hold your own integrity: the industry isn't THAT big that if you go out and act like a cowboy and do the wrong thing people will hear about it and that will be the end of you doing business. BE honest with the vendor at all times. There's enough information out there for them to know exactly what they're sitting on and if you try and bamboozle them or give them false info you'll just shoot yourself in the foot.

    Personally I think offering 20% of a current val at time of expiry ISN'T all that bad if its properly explained to the vendor, although it's up to them if they take it but if you're honest about what you do, I figure some will, some won't. Just like the rest of the options out there.

    Just my 2 cents worth anyway. Not sure how others will think of it.

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