All Topics / Creative Investing / Seminar – Mark Rolton

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  • Profile photo of AAZAAZ
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 56
    Pro investor wrote:
    hi everyone
    there is a cd on options in the back of Australia property investor for $159.00 called options made simple i haven't bought it but plan on doin so

    thanks Rob

    We’re happy to pay for good quality information that helps to take us closer towards our goals. We haven’t done Mark’s seminar but the CD you are referring to is ‘Options Made Simple’ by Rob Balanda.

    We found it helped us in the beginning to understand how Options work. It explains how to use property options to buy and speculate in real estate. It includes really good checklists plus it has a sample Call Option Agreement and Put and Call Agreement.

    We personally think that Options are just another strategy that can be used to control or tie up a property. For example some developers may enter into an Option agreement with a Land Owner where, for a relatively small non-refundable fee, a property developer has the right, but not an obligation, to purchase the property by a pre-determined date, by which time it is hoped that a Development Permit has been approved.

    Options allow property developers to “lay by” a property and buy it at a later time if they wish to do so.

    Adrian and Amber Zenere

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    Yes I agree however … reading from books and CD's is not the same as dealing PERSONALLY with some one who is achieving success now ….

    You need coaching and to learn from the real people … how much would you pay Kerry Packer, Frank Lowery, Harry Triggerbof and the lists go on …


    Profile photo of bluesilverbluesilver
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 2

    dear mr fair go

    hi my name is rocco

    iv done the massland home study if you havnt brought the package yet i have a spear im will 2 sell 2 u for less then 5k

    if your interestd  plz  get in contact wit me 



    Profile photo of damo001damo001
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 19

    Just went to a seminar from Barry Pickering, ADAYOUN Capital Markets.  Anyone heard of this company before,  I googled him and it came up with another company name onsite direct.  Just wondering what people think of his practices and strategies.  That way i can make an informed decision.  His fee is $250 to be a wealth coach.  not quiet sure what that entails but i had to leave the seminar before getting to talk to him. 

    If anyone can shed some light that would be good.


    Profile photo of Poss
    wangster wrote:
    I signed up and then the problems started. They quickly took my money and gave me nothing. It took weeks to get the home study pack and then to get some answers on attending a course date – well. There was a course in a few weeks time and I wanted to attend. The staff could not tell me where or what time, only that it was on the Gold Coast. I said I needed to book flights and accommodation, but still no answers. I finally got an attendance welcome email, 3 days before the event – Guess my answer.

    There was another course 2 months later and once again, the response was slow, but I at least had 3 weeks notice.

    Hi all,

    I can relate to Wangster's experience regarding Mark's course.  They are an ever-so-helpful…. until they receive your payment that is, after that you can forget it.  It took a couple of weeks to receive any learning materials (half of it anyway), then another couple of weeks to receive the other half and without a covering letter or receipt.  I finally received a receipt almost 2 months later but I had to jump up and down for it.  After endless phone calls to their office, my calls not being returned, now they have twice postponed the Options event on the Gold Coast which has also left me out of pocket because of accommodation cancellation fees.  Needless to say I'm hardly impressed especially when they did not even respond to my request for a refund – hey can you blame me?  Apparently, seems the only way to get a refund is to attend the first day of the event and hand back your materials – if that's what I have to do then that's what I have to do.

    Just wondering if anyone else has actually done this to get their refund, how difficult was the process and how much of the first day did you attend? 

    Appreciate your experiences/comments. 

    Profile photo of Matt007

    I got a refund but only after they suspected I knew a lot more about them than they were comfortable with. I did not have to hand back any course materials either.
    Hope that helps.

    Profile photo of Poss

    Thanks Matt007.  Have found your comments in (several) forums very helpful.  I'm new to this forum thing – is it possible to PM you?


    Profile photo of Matt007

    Poss.. sure, PM me here if you like.

    Profile photo of Polski23

    Hi Matt007,

    I'm new to this forum but would like to know, did you get your refund after going to the seminar or did you talk to them over the phone? I have been reading the comments here and they have confirmed my early feelings that these people are not very professional at all. 

    Profile photo of

    Hello all,

    You can buy a Mercedes Benz and have problems, we have …

    We have done Marks course and other stuff and yes it is expensive but his deals are real.

    Within "options" are several opportunities to prosper, I attended (we) last year and connected with several intelligent people (solicitors and bankers) and out of that connection at "Marks" seminar have created a lot of business. Today I am flying to Brisbane to sit down  with a major finance company who has lots and lots of liquidated projects  that they want to off load and need our help … this would not have happened  if we did not attend  that seminar.

    There is a 97% failure rate of people who attend Tony Robbins seminars who just don't apply the strategies and fall back into their hum drum life styles several days after attending the events.

    You can read all the great books and they will all tell you that only 3% (possibly 5%) become wealthy because they learn to "do things in a certain way" (the science of getting rich, if you don't know).

    Are you or do you want to be in the 3 – 5% and if so what do you have to do to get there?

    Finally if you want to play in this league you need to have "balls" it's hard it's scary but the rewards can be outstanding IF "you learn to do things in a certain way"

    D … good luck to all and never give up.


    Profile photo of Matt007

    Hi wealth4life: interesting post saying Marks' deals are 'real' and all the other info. I'd be interested in speaking with you further, off-line and in person if possible, so please PM and let me know if you're open to that as I think we may be operating in a similar space.

    Profile photo of ak47ak47
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1

    For damo001

    Would not touch this Barry Pickering or Adayoun as they are both involved
    in Ondect tas onsite both ** UNDER EXTERNAL ADMINISTRATION and/or
    CONTROLLER APPOINTED ** BUNKRUPT!!!, Also involved in Australia's largest
    building crash of RPC ( Real Property Constructions).  As my research
    continues Adayoun is a new name for Onsite and the new builder is Bloomer.
     All of these companies are from the Gold Coast, Qld.  You work it out!! 

    Profile photo of Polski23

    Hey people,

    I am new to this site and indeed new to blogging and forums so forgive me for being such a novice, but could someone please tell me what it means to PM someone.

    To Matt007 if your reading this, I would be very interested in emailing you or you can give me a call to talk about your experiences with MassLand. After doing some further research including reading some of your comments I want to ensure I will get my money back when I arrive at the event in less than two weeks. Do not want to waste any more time here with this group as I have since found many better alternatives for learning about property development.

    Any help would be much appreciated,
    Thank you.

    Profile photo of Matt007

    Hi Polski23: my experiences and those of others with Massland are well documented, if not too well documented…. and I can't really offer more than what's been said already, but especially I'd suggest going over the post by Inthegame on page 1 of this post. I suggest you take that particular post to heart.

    My only suggestion is that you ask for proof of all claims made, in written form (at least something that will then hold them legally liable for the claims they make if they turn out to be false or not) including company value, projects and location, referees from past students (in person, not something posted on a website as they can be faked). If you know a good lawyer tell them (massland) you want to do a 10A (I think that's the associated number) due dilligence inquiry on Massland and its associated companies before entering into a JV with them (have your lawyer look at that too by the way and see if it compels them to pay you anything at all)…..see what reaction you get. Its' standard risk management practice by the way if anyone tells you otherwise….If they can't or won't provide any kind of proof, you can ask yourself why that is, make your own judgements….. I've been blissfully ignorant of that lot for a while now and i'm quite happy with that. Things may have changed there, but my own opinion is probably not based on what I keep hearing and reading.

    Having heard others experiences with trying to get money back I'd suggest a lot of  persistence is required and always remember that the media love a good story ;) …I'm not advocating or suggesting you do that, that's entirely up to you..just something I hear once…..but be persistent and have a good lawyer at your disposal just in case.. otherwise they'll just keep ignoring and trying to upsell you.
    Good luck.

    Profile photo of js2js2
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 758

    There's a few  videos on youtube about him.

    Profile photo of attrill

    I watched the DVD that came with the last issue of Wealth Creator. All very inspiring, so I responded to the website and was called the very next day by a nice chap wanting to sign me up for the Gold Coast or Sydney seminars. I told him I was in WA and he assured me that there were graduates doing million dollar deals over here. 'Great', I said, 'before I sign up, put me in touch with a couple as I would love to talk to them and I'm sure they wouldn't mind as it could benefit everyone'

    I'm still waiting…………..

    Profile photo of Matt007

    attrill: i asked the same questions…. still waiting… 3 years later.. still waiting.. finding anyone who's been paid out over there is quite a task I find! i think some of the people who speak of successful students over there may mean one or two who have successfully managed to get an option over something. The confusion then arises as many think that's a ticket to a million bucks…when in reality it means very little… Its getting the DA, adding vlaue and then being able to sell it to someone or have an end buyer in place and people who'll deal with you, that's the key, this is when you can profit from it..not a lot of point in having the option if you don't have those other factors in place…at least in the development sphere…whether or not the profits occur to the tune Rolton claims is another matter.. especially in this market place. Loads of stock out there, overabundance of it in fact, not a lot of buyers for it.

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    Hi Matt and sorry 4 the delay,

    Yes there are so many like you who are tall poppies but that is what what Australia is all about, right? …

    Yes I attended the last seminar … oh my god I am sooo guilty.

    Yes I am entering into some option deals …

    You wouldn't believe it but we just optioned the last of an unsold development of 50 lots from a liquidated land deal and sold it to a major company for a 100k profit (thats 2k per site with NO money down) all within 30 days using Marks strategies … if you want to challenge me I'll do u double or no deal on a personal guarantee …

    Sure it's not all for every body but just one strategy could be worth the risk after all are you any better … no I don't work for Mark I have been active on this forum way before he was here … yes I am qualified … any way what is your true gripe or are you like so many just jealous … opps what if you are wrong and he is right … or what is your strategy?


    Profile photo of Matt007

    Hi Wealth4Life: thanks for your reply. To answer some of your…comments..
    a – no i'm far from a tall poppy, still very much a learner learning but am going along just fine thanks for asking, long way to go yet but it's fun so far.
    b – no one said attending a seminar made you guilty of anything.. and if you read my posts around the place, i've never said the strategy of using options doesn't work. Fine strategy indeed in amongst the many available if the right conditions exist….
    c – i have no interest in 'challenging' you double or nothing for anything.. I don't care. Do what you do and good luck to you
    d – my 'gripe' as you put it is not jealousy.  Not by a long shot, certainly not of Mark.

    My only real issue can be described in a general commentary on the whole spruiking industry, and it is seeing written, verifiable proof of claims made, by anyone in business,whether they're a seminar spruiker or otherwise. It's called due dilligence and it's a very common practice. So if you and I were to enter into a business arrangement and you hopped up and said "I'm worth half a billion and I'm this that and the other" I wouldn't hand over a cent to you or sign any binding paperwork like  a JV until my accountant and solicitor had verified that… not too much to ask given the potential sums of money involved. At least not in my humble opinion. But hypothetically speaking.. if we did enter into an arrangement, and I said all those things to you, and you made business decisions based on those and it cost you time and money, and those things turned out to be either false or inflated or whatever.. what would your response be? I somehow doubt it'd be a position of trust.
    Whichever. Best of luck in your deals. Merry Christmas to you and yours.

    Profile photo of attrill

    Matt you have to be one of the sanest people on here. I wouldn't call myself a seminar junkie, but I will go to a free info evening and watch a free DVD and it's amazing what can be picked up for nothing.

    There are only so many legal ways to make money out of property in Australia and everything else is in the packaging. What I have learnt at no cost to myself is that I can use Google Earth, a zoning map and RP Data to find potential development sites. I then negotiate an option on these, add value and on sell it. No problem, so why not develop it myself?

    Of course the access to finance is the key. Most potential seminar candidates are looking for the golden egg that will make them a million dollars with "no money down" If you have been in the property market for a few years and have access to equity then it becomes much, much easier.

    Wealth4life, good on you for doing what you are doing. It's good to hear the other side of any argument..

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