Hi everyone, just a quick note in response to this discussion from Massland and Mark Rolton.
The entire methodology surrounding property options and all of Mark’s ideas have been based on 20 years of doing the time and actual deals in the market. Mark however relies on you as an investor putting in the ground work and following what he teaches very closely. Unfortunately Massland does not advocate “Get rich quickly schemes” AND all who decide to invest must do the due diligence and learn – like any savvy property investor would advise.
Like any educational course – university, college, TAFE – whatever…for education you pay to learn. However many graduates who have applied themselves and followed the steps and advice from Mark Rolton …..have made fantastic gains. Additionally Mark and Massland offer the AAP – Automatic Acquisition Plan – again a systematic plan based on well informed choices and a 10 year plan – http://masslandproperty.com.au/aap/.
If your looking to simply invest in great property – Massland develops deals (basically at wholesale) cutting out costs that many of the larger developers simply can’t match. <moderator – delete advertising>
As we always say – check out our real life testimonials from our students, rolling in everyday from all walks of life who have used various strategies taught to make profits –
This link you can view simple case studies with real figures, strategies and profits – http://propertyoptions.com.au/category/real-people-real-profits/
These are honest testimonials from our clients who have started and are growing in confidence, knowledge, momentum and of course wealth. http://propertyoptions.com.au/testimonials/
Again we are strong believers in doing the time and the work and learning the steps yourself – however yes we also have great deals on offer to add to your AAP.
We’re passionate about property and realise you are too. <moderator – delete advertising>
Finally, by simply listening to doomsday, negative forums (and making a snap based decisions about your financial future based on fear) we suggest perhaps talking to a team member and asking the questions you want answered – as this will certainly give you a more comprehensive understanding of what Massland can do for you and your family.
<moderator – delete advertising>
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Massland Team.
This reply was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by Massland Team.
This morning I turned up to Mark Rolton’s introductory seminar at the Novotel Brighton Beach along with a number of other people. We all stood around waiting for the 9am start when Mark emerged from the conference room to inform us all that they didn’t have enough numbers for the seminar to go ahead and that he was cancelling it. He then offered us a DVD and promised to pay us $50 to turn up to his seminar tomorrow at Parramatta where he would ‘help us all make money’. I’m not sure kind of numbers he was expecting because there was at least 50 people and more people coming in just as Mark was cancelling the seminar. Personally I think this is extremely poor form. In my experience if one person shows up then that’s ‘enough people’ for the seminar to go ahead. We all gave up our time to hear what Mark had to say only to have him blatantly show how little he valued it. As I was leaving I saw him leaving the hotel laughing with his goons as they wandered into a cafe. Clearly he had better things to do but it would have been better if he let us know rather than waiting until 9am when we were all standing around waiting for him. If Mark can’t keep to his word with his own seminar then it’s likely he’s not someone who’s word can be trusted. My recommendation is keep your $5k and go elsewhere or take a holiday!
Hi hd1111
The seminar you mentioned in your post was unfortunately cancelled…this was one of those very rare situations when it was simply not possible to proceed. It was unavoidable on this occasion and Mark was very sincere in his regret…he is most respectful of the time and effort that people make to attend his seminars. After this cancellation, Mark was focussed on supporting his staff and preparing for future seminars, certainly no time for laughing in cafes. The circuit of free training events is a major undertaking with thousands of satisfied people benefiting from these valuable events every year. We’d love to see you along at another free training event and encourage you to contact us at info@massland.com.au for details about our future events.
Hi All – What a Croc. I have just sat through the Mark Rolton on line Seminar it grabbed my attention as I have always seen Superannuation as a con and when he said he has clients looking to buy property that out number his available property sellers 3 to 1 I thought what a smart man and what a great way to acquire new listings.
I had a call from one of his staff today who after a lovely chat hit me with a cost for a sales training course, about 5K I said as I am living in Townsville and still trying to recover from the recent floods I don’t have that money to outlay however I do have access to property that is for sale and one of the properties has a 2 million dollar commission on it. I said if I can speak with Mark or one of his sales people and we can move on it I’d be happy to pay the 5K from the commission I receive. She immediately responded with that is not how Mark works he only works with people who have bought and done the course.
Well I have to say to my surprise I have never heard of a $2,000,000 payday being turned down for a $5K fee.
Not to leave it there, I called the Massland office on 07 5531 7822, I spoke with the receptionist explained what I have put above, she said she would put me through to the appropriate person, 1 minute later I was told they were all to busy but someone will come back to me. “I’m Still Waiting!”
In case there is anyone out there who has an interest here’s what I have on offer 300 acres that’s 118.57 hectares of prime land with access to the Great Barrier Reef 1 kilometer of Ocean Frontage which actually has 3 ascending levels with an estuary that could be developed for deep water moorings the property already has town water and sewage attached to the property Council Approval for Commercial and Residential up to 7 Stories there’s much more to it, you can email enquirers to inbc@mail.com