All Topics / Creative Investing / Seminar – Mark Rolton

Viewing 20 posts - 261 through 280 (of 285 total)
  • Profile photo of Amit ThakerAmit Thaker
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 46

    ShawnfromSydney, Mate can you please contact me over the weekend. I have PM’ed you my details. I think we need to talk :)

    Profile photo of Massland TeamMassland Team
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 5
    Amit Thaker wrote:
    bluesilver wrote:

    dear mr fair go

    hi my name is rocco

    iv done the massland home study if you havnt brought the package yet i have a spear im will 2 sell 2 u for less then 5k

    if your interestd  plz  get in contact wit me 



    I am a little confused as to what do you get when you join Mark Rolton's course for 5K. So far my understanding, 1. Home study pack (you study this before you go to 2day Seminar in QLD) 2. 2days seminar in Queensland. On going out of pocket: 3. RP DATA. How much? ($100 per/month, $200 per/month) 4. Google Earth?? If anyone can clarify I would much appreciate.

    We are happy to clarify what is offered to Real Estate University graduates –

    * Three day bootcamp – either at the Gold Coast, Sydney or Melbourne – your choice
    * Opportunity to Joint Venture with Massland – if you choose
    * Profit Share 20% on the first deal and 35% every deal after that
    * Massland pays for all costs of the deal – Development Approvals, consultants, deposits etc.
    * Massland is 100% responsible for the risk – you have no money in the deal
    * Option documents and feasibility software to use on your own deals or JV with Massland
    * Unlimited support from the Massland Team – through webinars, email, phone support and educational websites
    * Massland will come to the negotiation table and negotiate with you – if you choose
    * Massland's experience of 100% success rate on Development Approvals.

    Profile photo of eshesh
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1
    quickchick wrote:
    I did a one day course a year or more ago with Mark Rolton.
    it was very inspiring and exciting, but then we found we needed to join RPData (no provision for group joining at this stage). Cost when we investigated, would be about $600 per month. Ouch!
    Some of the concepts were certainly worthwhile, but we decided that to put so much money (RPData) and time into it, JV with them (too difficult to do ourselves after one day's info), was not for us.
    I'm not averse to paying for education, but not sure when (if) this info will benefit our investing….


    I have used rp data, it is quite useful howver if u want to search a particular area for information of houses and the sales history prices you can use and even Google earth to help you look at the land size and house position. You don’t need to spend that much money, it is more time consuming but go for it. Research pays off

    Profile photo of Guest

    Well hello all, i just signed up to the site. The only reason i have done so is to post a comment here regards the whole Mark Rolton question……
    First of all i would like to say im not one to sit on forums all day typing my little heart away. For the significant individuals that seek more in life wether it be money, love, friendship, or just in general a better life than the one you are currently living i have three words…. “Good On You”, you are going to need a coach/mentor and last but not least an incredible amount of drive and motivation, more than you could ever imagine. Unfortunately 95% of the population if not more are going to fail, all i can say is when failure shows its ugly face try even harder. I dont want to sound to tacky here but i just want to get my point across.

    To the guy that raised the question regards property options. Do your research ring and ask questions if you like what you see get out there and do it if you dont like what you see dont do it. Its as simple as that but dont fall in the trap that most people do and listen to everything you hear and especially what you read on the net and in forums like this. The sad part is 95% of the members in this site are absolute failures in there own eyes and have never accomplished what they dreamed of, this may sound harsh but someone needs to put the truth out there.

    Another thing too, the reason why your not hearing any success stories is because the ones pulling deals are scared of letting people know of their success…why because unfortunately these people are pulling deals but dont come from a place of abundance. Again to the naked eye this may sound a bit tacky but its true, what this means is the successful individuals dont want anyone tapping into there success.

    I could probably spend all night on here explaining my point but unfortunately i have better things to do like spending time with my family, to rap it up its simple.

    1)position your self in life.
    2)Find out who you are now and who you where born to be.
    3)make the decision to either be who you are now or who you where born to be.
    4)Learn from someone thats made it in the industry you want to succeed in.
    5)Get yourself a coach/ mentor to push and stretch you way beyond you ever imagined and once your there stretch and grow 10 times more than what you just did.
    6)Never look back and always look forward.
    7)When you think your a master in your industry and have it all sorted get twice the amount of coaching you previously had.
    8)Never under estimate yourself.
    9)take absolute no notice of what people say on forums like this especially when there putting post on a workday during work hours, they are clearly not happy with them selves, with there jobs and with there lives.

    Thats pretty much it, obviously there is going to be the few afternoon beer drinkers that have nothing better to do and respond sarcastically to what i have written and the other tyre kickers that are going to oppose to my opinion, all i can say is this, i went from sleeping during the day on my couch no job and $500 tucked in my wardrobe to having everything i could ever imaginei am not bragging, i dont believe in it.,but i let myself go and gave everything i got and received in return everything i dreamed off.

    Last but not least who ever said putting a deal together was going to be easy, imagine if you have to work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week 45- 50 weeks a year to earn 50-100K how hard and how much focus are you going to have to put towards negotiating a deal thats going to leave you a 1 to 5 million dollar profit in a 1-5 moths…. Again sitting here and putting my energy towards this post is against my morals but someone just needs to do it.

    Good luck to all entrepreneurs out there!!!! i trust your doing a great job.

    Profile photo of ducksterduckster
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 1,674 wrote:
    Hello all and an interesting read,

    I know Mark personally and have been dealing with him for over 4 years … Mark has found deals for my group and we have made great profits from them and him, without his help this would not be the case.

    There is in all business people who are left out in the cold and stranded, and this is sad to have happened via Massland as some have found from reading above. I would say that Mark is taking this on board as I believe he has a good character and high values to rectify this for the sake of his future reputation.

    Not everybody likes you in this business when you chose to become a leader and a prophet. If you ask Donald Trumps staff what they think of him I am sure you will get a mixed bag of reply. or "you're fired"

    When you attend $49.00 seminars you will find $49 dollar people and when you attend $5k events you will find different people. You also have the choice to network with people and build your own company like Massland, which is what it's all about, 5k is cheap in this business of property developing. My solicitor just did a new put and call agreement for me which cost  $8,800.00

    A call option contract costs 8800 and marks course costs less than this so given you get a call option contract you can use you are

    Marks business has grown very quickly and as a result of this some pressures in administration have emerged, anyway he's a good bloke with good intentions in my humble opinion and I've made money from him. My strategy is a little different as I enjoy optioning the properties doing the conceptual planning then revalue and on selling without becoming a builder with  the head aches.

    Good luck with your choices, I would recommend doing his one day event to get a taste of the bigger picture. Kindest Regards to all PS.

    You won't find leaders amongst the crowds, they fly out in front.

    Considering I have been billed $16,000 in HELP  debt by the Government for a degree that I found did not result in employment I think $6,500 for Marks course is a better deal and doesn't rely of someone employing you at the end of the course to make money.

    Profile photo of Terryw

    Hi Duckster

    An option contract would not cost $8800. That is extremely on the high side! Maybe you put an extra 0 in by mistake.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
    Email Me

    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of mv175amv175a
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1


    Thought I would share my experience with Mark and Massland to help others with the decision on purchasing the course.

    I signed up for the massland course after watching the promotional dvd (I think I paid around $4000 but cannot remember the exact amount) and completed the course in 2007. The main selling point for me was the support that Mark promises (Unlimited support from the Massland Team – through webinars, email, phone support and educational websites).

    In my experience the SUPPORT was absolutely ZERO.

    Would I recommend the course? Absolutely not.

    Before making your mind up please read this whole thread.

    Profile photo of MattLoweMattLowe
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 1
    mattbombers wrote:
    OK, i see a lot of controversy here!
    i just finished Mark Roltons 3 dayer . 6ish grand for the course, it was GREAT!!! i found it very knowledgeable and handy.
    we just singed up for his conclave course, $35 000 its in 3 weeks time here on the gold coast when we singed up there was 10 spots left so its definitely hot value. after the course i will re-inform you guys how it went, but so far it is looking good.
    BTW i see some people are saying there is no hard evidence of his dealings ect. but in the conclave course on the 3rd day it is driving around in a mini-bus viewing local deals he and or massland have landed.

    Hi Matt,

    I just did the course as well and loved it. I just want to find out how you went with Conclave?

    Profile photo of M.InvestigatorM.Investigator
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 134

    I read that Mark Rolton is one of the most respected real estate educators in Australia. He is very empowering and has the same real estate understanding as the successful property moguls, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki.  It will be interesting to come across this mentor.

    Profile photo of Terryw
    M.Investigator wrote:
    I read that Mark Rolton is one of the most respected real estate educators in Australia. He is very empowering and has the same real estate understanding as the successful property moguls, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki.  It will be interesting to come across this mentor.

    Where did you read that???

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
    Email Me

    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of grantos_champosgrantos_champos
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 106
    Terryw wrote:
    M.Investigator wrote:
    I read that Mark Rolton is one of the most respected real estate educators in Australia. He is very empowering and has the same real estate understanding as the successful property moguls, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki.  It will be interesting to come across this mentor.

    Where did you read that???

    Probably on one of MRs adds

    Profile photo of Shambo Porperty Group

    Hit the nail on the Head………. great points shared

    Profile photo of Shambo Porperty Group
    abc169 wrote:
    Well hello all, i just signed up to the site. The only reason i have done so is to post a comment here regards the whole Mark Rolton question…… First of all i would like to say im not one to sit on forums all day typing my little heart away. For the significant individuals that seek more in life wether it be money, love, friendship, or just in general a better life than the one you are currently living i have three words…. "Good On You", you are going to need a coach/mentor and last but not least an incredible amount of drive and motivation, more than you could ever imagine. Unfortunately 95% of the population if not more are going to fail, all i can say is when failure shows its ugly face try even harder. I dont want to sound to tacky here but i just want to get my point across. To the guy that raised the question regards property options. Do your research ring and ask questions if you like what you see get out there and do it if you dont like what you see dont do it. Its as simple as that but dont fall in the trap that most people do and listen to everything you hear and especially what you read on the net and in forums like this. The sad part is 95% of the members in this site are absolute failures in there own eyes and have never accomplished what they dreamed of, this may sound harsh but someone needs to put the truth out there. Another thing too, the reason why your not hearing any success stories is because the ones pulling deals are scared of letting people know of their success…why because unfortunately these people are pulling deals but dont come from a place of abundance. Again to the naked eye this may sound a bit tacky but its true, what this means is the successful individuals dont want anyone tapping into there success. I could probably spend all night on here explaining my point but unfortunately i have better things to do like spending time with my family, to rap it up its simple. 1)position your self in life. 2)Find out who you are now and who you where born to be. 3)make the decision to either be who you are now or who you where born to be. 4)Learn from someone thats made it in the industry you want to succeed in. 5)Get yourself a coach/ mentor to push and stretch you way beyond you ever imagined and once your there stretch and grow 10 times more than what you just did. 6)Never look back and always look forward. 7)When you think your a master in your industry and have it all sorted get twice the amount of coaching you previously had. 8)Never under estimate yourself. 9)take absolute no notice of what people say on forums like this especially when there putting post on a workday during work hours, they are clearly not happy with them selves, with there jobs and with there lives. Thats pretty much it, obviously there is going to be the few afternoon beer drinkers that have nothing better to do and respond sarcastically to what i have written and the other tyre kickers that are going to oppose to my opinion, all i can say is this, i went from sleeping during the day on my couch no job and $500 tucked in my wardrobe to having everything i could ever imaginei am not bragging, i dont believe in it.,but i let myself go and gave everything i got and received in return everything i dreamed off. Last but not least who ever said putting a deal together was going to be easy, imagine if you have to work 8 hours a day, 6 days a week 45- 50 weeks a year to earn 50-100K how hard and how much focus are you going to have to put towards negotiating a deal thats going to leave you a 1 to 5 million dollar profit in a 1-5 moths…. Again sitting here and putting my energy towards this post is against my morals but someone just needs to do it. Good luck to all entrepreneurs out there!!!! i trust your doing a great job.

    hmmm, slam dunk

    Profile photo of ZimzellabimZimzellabim
    Join Date: 2012
    Post Count: 7


    I was thinking about signing up for a Mark Rolton Course – $10,000 (Nov 2012), it all sounds great, what did you find out.

    Thanks Zim

    Profile photo of Bertiejnr

    You seem to have changed your opinion of Mark and his course from your first few posts where you sing his praises and encourage other people to do his course.

    As I've been doing some research before I commit to one of his seminars may I ask what brought about this change in attitude towards him and what he offers? 

    Profile photo of Bertiejnr

    Bugger, I was responding to a previous post and didn't include it so no one knows what I'm talking about :)

    Never been on a forum before, can you tell! But love real estate and find the posts on here very informative.

    So thanks. 

    Profile photo of JasonM772JasonM772
    Join Date: 2013
    Post Count: 1

    Went to the Sydney seminar just yesterday (Thurs Nov 7 2013)

    The info was good but I left at lunch as well as a few other friends.

    It was so VERY cold inside the room, everyone was complaining. My friend said he was was freezing his nuts off.

    But the real story and the CLANGER is the lack of professionalism, the nastiness of staff who made it clear that

    this was strictly business and they were none too happy to display ruthless attitude.

    Another good friend who I did not know was there told at least 6 staff about how very cold it was and she was

    ignored by a a middle aged lady and another (asian) woman who claimed to be his wife told her that the lights

    were hot for the presenter. She told her she did not understand (which she did) and the next BIG CLANGER came

    when the wife started making fun of her. 

    A few of us decided we wanted nothing to do with this company with a big lack of integrity.

    Unbelievably appalling behaviour.

    Bells rang for me when he said mid-morning that he would "not betray our trust."

    There are many paths up the mountain… LMAO

    Go get the info and do business with someone else. That's my advice. 

    Profile photo of Property Trainee

    Awesome thread and its great to see a healthy discussion as a fair amount of money is changing hands on the promise that it would assist real estate students achieve specific real estate goals.

    I've been to Mark Rolton's free day seminars in Brisbane & Gold Coast in Oct/Nov 2013 and found them informative. I however did not sign up for the 12-Month Coaching Program because I wanted a bit of time to think it all over as well as assess their value proposition (cost/benefit)

    Also at the Brisbane seminar I had a chat to one of Mark's Portfolio Managers regarding an existing rental property that I have and the chance that they could rent it through their property management arm. She said that they would guarantee it's rent if it did not rent after the first week of them taking over as managing agents. I felt this was awesome as it would give me the peace of mind regarding vacancies and rental cash flow. I sent her an email and followed up with another email after a week. She came back to me saying she was on holidays. and would get back to me in a week. Its been 3 weeks now and haven't heard from her. 

    I did a google search on Massland and stumbled on this thread today. I signed up and I must say despite being keen to learn Property Options, JV's etc I now have doubts that Mark & his business are the team to do it with.

    I consider to have an above average understanding of property as we are currently going through council to get DA to demolish/develop & BA to build. Its a steep learning curve and have to put in the hours to browse council websites, speak to town planners, get countless surveys done etc. It would be great to have a procedure manual or mentor to guide you through.

    Am thankful to threads like this and people on here who share their opinions as the property game is littered with pit falls.

    Good luck to all and do your home works guys .. no substitute to hard work .. but be smart about it ..

    Property Trainee  

    Profile photo of Property Trainee

    Correction – when I wrote 'I signed up'  above – I mean sign up to make a comment on this thread – not Massland – Am yet to be convinced of their value proposition.

    Property Trainee

    Profile photo of pgjspgjs
    Join Date: 2014
    Post Count: 1

    I thank God for Mark Rolton. I have followed what Mark teaches and as a direct result of his teaching I am in the middle of my first profitable deal – it took 12 months to find after thousands of letters – a splitter – and it is all testament to the powerful teaching that Mark and his team has supplied me. Mark – after his BIG deal spent the next 13 months in a wilderness – but he pressed on. Thank goodness he did. As a business owner who has had his share of successes and failures over the past 17 years in a number of industries – and I am still operating two of those businesses apart from my property efforts,  it's quite simple. You have to roll up your sleeves and put in the effort, take the knocks and get up and go again. Property options is no different. You have to keep at it – and if you do you will get the breakthrough that we all dream about. In my opinion Mark offers us all the best chance if we put in the work.

Viewing 20 posts - 261 through 280 (of 285 total)

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