All Topics / Creative Investing / Mentors and Partners

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  • Profile photo of alexbigalalexbigal
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 4

    Hi all,

    I’m looking for a mentor….

    "I’m 26 years old, turning 27 on Easter Monday, and I have set myself a goal to be financially independent by my 30th birthday. In other words, I’m aiming to have enough monthly passive income from my businesses and +ve CF properties to cover my monthly expenses. "

    Many people out there, I bet, are seeking the same goal but get lost sometimes and need guidance. They aren’t sure what is missing and stopping them going further.  I have come to realise that regardless of your age and experience level, everyone needs a mentor.  As you are developing and gaining experience your mentors do change.   

    As young as I am, I’m regarded to many people and close friends of mine as a mentor for different reasons.  I love to teach and help people to help themselves.  It is satisfying!  In fact I believe everyone is a mentor for someone whether you know it or not.

    I think we all agree that everyone is in search for a new mentor at some point!

    I have recently come to realise I’m one of those people.  I’m in search for a “BIG BROTHER”, someone who is already on the track but a few steps a head. Perhaps, this someone has already reached my goal.

    I also consider many authors to be mentors as we engage ourselves into the book and learn the lessons that are there to be taught. However, as we all know sometimes it’s not enough.  We often want more interaction and guidance.  

    I think forums such as this are great places to find new mentors.

    Anyway, I have read book after book and attended seminar after seminar for years. I have invested much of my time in researching different investment vehicles, looking for problems to solve and constructing win-win outcomes.

    I agree that it’s a challenging task to find positive cash flow properties using the conventional “Buy and Hold” method these days. However, I know the answer is to find problems and be creative.

    I’m very keen on Vendor Financing and Lease Options as they are more interment strategies.  You work closer with your “client” and you can become more creative to solve their problems compared with renting. 

    I guess what I’m now looking for is a mentor and guidance from someone who has wrapped a few or many properties and share similar values.

    Im not looking for answers but guidance.

    Let me learn from my own mistakes as you once did.

    If you are interested in being a “BIG BROTHER” or have any comments I will be looking forward to them.


    Profile photo of MITMIT
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 154

    Hi Alex
    Congratulations from taking the first step to FINANCIAL FREEDOM
    Can I recomend the RESULTS program run by Property investing .com.
    I have been on the program for 2 years and it is FANTASTIC!!!, life changing and thought provoking.
    I am self supporting having left my job over 18months ago,whilst this is not directly attributale to property investing it is a process I set myself on and have so far managed to make it all work for me.
    Steve and the crew are absolutely awesome mentors and coaches, if you can get on this program just do the Nike thing and JUST DO IT.
    If for some reason you think this may not be for you, email me and I can put you in touch with another fantastic coach
    Email me if you would like more info on my experiences in the RESULTS Program
    Warm Regards
    PS have a look at the promo on the resources tab, I'm the third person on the video

    MIT | Owen Real Estate
    Email Me

    Profile photo of Jeff JohnsonJeff Johnson
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 50

    Happy birthday Alex
    I hope you exceed your goals

    Profile photo of JacquiBJacquiB
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 4
    alexbigal wrote:

    "I’m 26 years old, turning 27 on Easter Monday, and I have set myself a goal to be financially independent by my 30th birthday.

    That's me to a T! Except I turn 27 in May.

    Profile photo of wayneclaytonwayneclayton
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 29

    i think i,m also at the same stage as you, i am 37 and have recently bought 5 properties which are all cash flow positive and am looking for a mentor and or a partner in crime to do some more cash flow positives.

    i am a fully qualified carpenter with my own business and have done heaps of reasearch and can see so many deals at the mo that i'm getting frustrated..

    went to the dean parker reno masterclass and read the 0-260 + properties book by steve mcknight and missed out on his results mentoring for this years intake. but if there are any interested parties out there that are interested in j.v, wraps quicki cash deals etc, then i would like to hear from you, and also possible mentors/coaches etc.

    thanks and look forward to hear from some like minded people!!!!.

    Profile photo of Smirg1


    I am new to this site and new to the Investing for Cash Flow scene.  Can some give me more information on this RESULTS programe Millionair In mentioned please.

    I am about to purchas the book 0-130, or should I go for 0-230?

    thanks in advance.

    Profile photo of Smirg1

    Never mind, I found it.

    Also ordered 0-130 tonight.


    Profile photo of aussieinvestoraussieinvestor
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 67

    Smirg, read both books to get a better perspective.

    aussieinvestor | Digital Revenue Pty Ltd
    Email Me

    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518


    Have you had any luck in finding a mentor?

    Your goal although sounding good will depend a lot on what you consider to be financial freedom.
    How much do you need to cover those monthly expensive and have a little more?

    3 Years will be a tall order to achieve this considering the current economic situation and dependent on how your business and current investments are.

    Profile photo of kum yin laukum yin lau
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 342

    hi, property is at an impasse so might as well gossip. share this experience with you.

    a young man aged 24 came to me & offered to work for no pay if i taught him how to invest. i looked & sure enough he was holding Rich Dad in his hands.

    i asked him his objectives & he said he 'd saved $10K in 2 years & aimed to continue like that. told him his aims were too low for me. i set him the target of $100K net worth in 2 years & his eyes bulged! he was earning $1957 a month. I know cos i was his employer.

    i took him to the stock exchange & helped him open an account.

    he didn't quite make it in 2 years but came darn close. Today, he's my godson & probably worth $350000 in total. The reassuring thing is that he's so conservative he always has cash so anytime, I'm in a jam i ask him & there's money in my account for speculative/higher risk ventures. Did one project with him that earned $110000.

    so if you're 20 something, 30 something or whatever, aim for the stratosphere. do something, anything & progress from there.

    good luck,

    Profile photo of Pockets733Pockets733
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2

    I am also 26 and looking to talk to anyone about all this property bizzo again.
    I have a little over 3 million in property but brought a motel 2 years ago and have been very busy with that.
    have just about broken the back of the thing and the town im in is about to explode with mining and train lines.
    So i am looking to getting back into investing because my cashflow is improving daily.
    Love to talk to anyone.
    If anyone could give me their experince from the results program would love to gauge if it would benifit me.

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