All Topics / Help Needed! / Tassie Boom Suburbs

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  • Profile photo of tuggerwaugh

    Anyone know of some good suburbs in Tassie that are ready to boom? Already have property in Kingston and Sandy Bay and looking for a cheapy for number 3 that will hopefully be positively geared…cheers

    Profile photo of Jaz85Jaz85
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Tuggerwaugh,

    I live in the Hobart area and am currently researching exactly the same thing.  I too would be very interested if anyone has a clue… The latest property investor had an article about Gagebrook (didn't give it the best rap) and Claremont.  I have only recently started research, but I have a feeling that Claremont (approx 15 mins from Hobart) and Glenorchy (which is closer to Hobart, about 5-10 min dirve) are definitely going to pick up.  Also Moonah (closer than Glenorchy).  These suburbs have all generally been considered less than ideal places to live due to housing commission homes and low prices and rent, thus you can get the lower socioeconomic thing happening, or 'bogans and hoons' etc.

    Kingston is fantastic and still relatively cheap and only 15 mins from Hobart, and there is some great development happening with stores, and there is a fair bit of roadwork happening.  There are plans for a bypass through Kingston for the suburbs down the Channel such as Margate, Snug, Kettering, Woodbridge etc (up to 30 mins from town), which will make the Channel even more attractive I would say.  The Channel area is well-priced though, and seemingly highly sought-after.

    Bridgewater, Gagebrook, Risdon Vale etc are eastern shore suburbs and definitely not places I would personnally choose to live.  But judging by the last PI magazine, houses seem to be selling quickly in Gagebrook, and prices aren't overly cheap.  They were still under $100K about 2 years ago (I think), they are now going for about mid 100 – low 220K.

    From what I can tell, the rental you could get for properties advertised on would definitely not cover mortgage repayments if you were to be lending 100%.  Depending on your deposit etc.  You would need to do the sums.  Check out rentals in the areas of interest, then check out the prices properties are asking.

    Hope this helps.



    Profile photo of tuggerwaugh

    G'day Jaz…

    yeah I am from tassie but have been living in the NT for the last 3 and a half years… having just spoken to my property manager today she seems to agree with the margate call and has thrown lutana in as another possible suburb to move in the next little while. Might even look at land packages down in Margate and see how that goes…cheers

    Profile photo of mauriciomauricio
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 23

    I am from tassie to do not forget about mornington and warrane still good buys there and midway point and sorell

    all very close to THE DFO development at Hobart Airport,22884,23271099-921,00.html

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