All Topics / Value Adding / Changing Curtains and Drapes when you live overseas

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  • Profile photo of KristineKristine
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 100

    Hi, I have a problem my investment house in Invercargill NZ needs some curtains washed and some need to be replaced drapes and curtains….I want to buy Second Hand stuff but i am unsure at how to go about this little project is there someone i can ring that would put them up for me and even getting measurements is hard i have asked my  Property Manager to help me via  a email 2 weeks ago i have heard nothing back( is this to much of  a ask for PM to measure up am i being Unfair?)
    Any help or suggestions would be great i am thinking of asking the tennant but i feel a bit rude doing this……just for him to measure up and hang new ones up.
    but washing them i dont know who to ask any help would be great thank you everyone in advance

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    Get a local supplier to come out and do a measure/quote for new blinds (include size on the quote).

    Then source new blinds based on these measurements.

    Hmmm getting the tenant to do measurement/install – what are your risks? How's your insurance? Do they have the properr tools ?

    You pay the agent to look after the property – get them to call the quotes (it is part of the service that they should be providing – basic r&m)

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