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  • Profile photo of Crommie

    I have signed up for the free course in melbourne on the 22nd-24th of feb
    Has anyone been to this course before
    Any advice?


    Profile photo of L.A Aussie
    Profile photo of Crommie

    Neauro Linguistic Programming, its all to do with how you communicate with yourself mentally and how to get the most out of your thoughts to empower you to do am become what you want in life

    Profile photo of trakka

    I have really mixed feelings about NLP. My predominant sentiment is that it's just so creepy.

    Anthony Robbins is a master at manipulating a crowd and creating mass hysteria, and he sure can pump a crowd. He works people up into such a state that they're going to feel great whatever he says, at least for a short while. But these techniques – which are very well known in social psychology – make me cringe. If you have valuable information to present, then you shouldn't need to use "psychological manipulation" to get your message across. 

    And it seems to me – admittedly no expert and quite prepared to be corrected – that his whole message could be summarised as 1) decide what you want out of life, 2) believe that you can achieve it, and 3) go after it.

    One big concern I have is that people who are into network marketing (I don't want to start on that, but let's say I'm far from a fan of MLM/NM) seem to love it, but they seem to go for years "improving" themselves, and very few of them ever seem to actually achieve anything tangible. They're always "in the process" of manifesting success, but I don't see too many results. And they use MLM/NM techniques to distribute the "free" seminar tickets, for crying out loud. And just the fact that somebody who'd be attracted to MLM would also be attracted to NLP makes me highly suspicious.

    NLP also seems to be full of pseudo-science, which I loathe. Statements like "quantum physics has proved …" where the thing they're talking about – such as thoughts changing reality – has NOTHING to do with quantum physics. NLP fans also seem to love Dr Emoto's research showing that prettier water crystals form when you breathe on them saying positive words than negative words. PUH-LEASE!  And many NLP practitioners seem to be right into other junk science like alternative medicine, faddish nutritional supplements, and organic food.

    And of course, if you've been through the NLP training, I'm sure you're already programmed to read my post and say "oh, she's so blocked and negative, I'm not going to allow her negative energy into my thoughts". Just like cults say about "non-believers". It seems very cult-like in many aspects.

    Now, that's a lot of negative energy that I have towards NLP. The only thing countering all this negativity and arousing some curiosity in me is that I know a few people that I really respect who seem to advocate it. This intrigues me – these are people who seem to me to have no need for such a thing as NLP, as they're already very successful. I have no idea why they're attracted to NLP.

    But perhaps there are some forumites out there who can enlighten me as to the attraction of these courses…. perhaps I'm really missing something. If I have it totally wrong, I apologise. I'm not meaning to be offensive – just sharing my sincere perceptions, formed over a number of years of interactions with those who've participated in NLP training.

    Profile photo of cu@thetopcu@thetop
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 36

    I agree with most of your comments Trakka except the one about organic food. I think there is probably real scientific proof behind the benfits of eating the same.

    Profile photo of L.A Aussie
    Crommie wrote:
    Neauro Linguistic Programming, its all to do with how you communicate with yourself mentally and how to get the most out of your thoughts to empower you to do am become what you want in life

    Oh, yeah; sort of like having a positive attitude and believing in yourself.

    There you go; I just saved you hundreds (or thousands?)

    Profile photo of kaz101
    trakka wrote:

    One big concern I have is that people who are into network marketing (I don't want to start on that, but let's say I'm far from a fan of MLM/NM) seem to love it, but they seem to go for years "improving" themselves, and very few of them ever seem to actually achieve anything tangible. They're always "in the process" of manifesting success, but I don't see too many results. And they use MLM/NM techniques to distribute the "free" seminar tickets, for crying out loud. And just the fact that somebody who'd be attracted to MLM would also be attracted to NLP makes me highly suspicious.

    Okay I just had to respond to that one (without getting into MLM) that not EVERYONE that's into MLM is also into NLP!

    I've been into MLM for some years in different companies (and yes now I've found one that working for me ) but I have never done or promoted NLP. If people want to do it fine, and it they don't that's cool too. You may find that people into MLM just want to improve themselves and so do different self development courses and I could say the same about a lot of property investors I know too. There are so many people that do property courses, shares courses etc and then complain that they can't do it when others around them can do it, just because people can hold themselves back and don't realise it.


    Profile photo of Gav H

    I went to the same thing two years ago.

    I really enjoyed it. I say do it and make up your own mind.

    Good luck.

    Gav H

    Profile photo of Crommie

    the way i look at it its free and if i can get anything out of it, it will be worth my time. It takes a few days to read a book cover to cover so i will set aside the time to do a course of the same timeframe and see what i can get out of it.
    thanks all for your responses

    Profile photo of Leila

    I've been to Chris Howard's Breakthrough to Success and got a lot out of it.  Definitely go and see for yourself and make up your own mind.

    Also went on to do Chris Howard's Billionaire Bootcamp which I had HUGE learnings from, along with a very positive impact in my finances.

    The results have been tangible for me, however, I do believe that you need goals in mind for what you want to achieve out of a training course – even if your goal is "I want to come out of this training with a set of clear life goals". As Karen said, lots of people go to property and shares courses and also don't achieve anything out of these.

    And, just so it's on the record, I think there are fantastic network marketing companies out there, and I personally am and know many others who are successful in this industry. Many of these people, like myself, are also successful property developers and investors. It can be a great way to fast-track your financial independence and wealth creation strategies. 

    Kind regards,


    Profile photo of MasihMasih
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 42
    Crommie wrote:
    I have signed up for the free course in melbourne on the 22nd-24th of feb
    Has anyone been to this course before
    Any advice?


    Free NLP? Who's running it? I know Tad James will cost you a fortune. 3000 or 4000. There is also run by George Faddoul. Forgot his company. They charge $300.

    It sounds interesting. Might give it a try.

    Profile photo of Crommie

    Masih you can sign up for free on there website
    has details and such
    i havnt been yet so i dont know if its worth while but im sure if i even walk away with some new information/ideas it will have been worth it.
    <br /:)” title=”>:)” class=”bbcode_smiley” />

    Profile photo of Gav H

    When I went in Sydney I was 'sponsored' by Hans Jakkobi as I was a subscriber to his web site at the time.

    At the end they gave me a feed-back form and asked me to give them numbers of how many people I know that might be interested. A few weeks later I received 10 free tickets in the mail.

    I didn't know it at the time but quite alot of people around me had paid $900 for their tickets. I gave one of the tickets to my now business partner.

    In short. If you paid, it's woth it. Weather you paid or not. If you enjoy it, tell them and make sure you use the feed back sheet to get some free tickets to give to family or friends. 

    Have a great weekend.

    Gav H


    Profile photo of EasyEasy
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2
    trakka wrote:
    I have really mixed feelings about NLP. My predominant sentiment is that it's just so creepy.

    Anthony Robbins is a master at manipulating a crowd and creating mass hysteria, and he sure can pump a crowd. He works people up into such a state that they're going to feel great whatever he says, at least for a short while. But these techniques – which are very well known in social psychology – make me cringe. If you have valuable information to present, then you shouldn't need to use "psychological manipulation" to get your message across. 


    NLP also seems to be full of pseudo-science, which I loathe. Statements like "quantum physics has proved …" where the thing they're talking about – such as thoughts changing reality – has NOTHING to do with quantum physics. NLP fans also seem to love Dr Emoto's research showing that prettier water crystals form when you breathe on them saying positive words than negative words. PUH-LEASE! And many NLP practitioners seem to be right into other junk science like alternative medicine, faddish nutritional supplements, and organic food.


    Some comments…

    Quantum physics and crystals are not part of NLP. They may be beliefs had by some people who have trained in NLP and run seminars, but they are not part of NLP. Over the years many presenters have added in their own stuff and that's where some people have gotten confused in the past.

    If you investigate the background of NLP it is based on some fairly sound premises such as the work of Virginia Satir and Alfred Korzybski to name just two. Perhaps you might want to research it a bit more?

    You are correct about Anthony Robbins. He trained in NLP but doesn't really TEACH much NLP at all.  He does however USE a lot of NLP though, most around getting people to sign up for his more expensive seminars. Still I wouldn't personally knock him because he has made a positive difference in some people's lives.


    Profile photo of businessglobalbusinessglobal
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 118

    I went to a free event in Brisbane, from this company- yes I did learn a few things and also made me rethink a few strategies and goals and take the time to really break down a few goals and write it all down. In summary my understanding was NLP was about training your mind, focus, getting rid of negative thoughts, or looking at situations in a few different ways.

    I didn't continue through to their training courses as felt I didn't require this- I'm fairly focussed, and motivated and full of energy most days anyway, and Ive been a poor uni student once, busking backpacker and worked jobs Ive hated, this motivates me daily to achieve, work hard, work smart, never give up and have choices. I set a goal by 30 to be a millionaire and I achieved it by 34, but this would not have been achieved if I had not read,learnt, studied, tried, blocked out all negative friends/ family, and so called experts telling me I'm too young, female, should be having kids, what if, not possible, you cant do it.

    Lucky I didn't listen to all the negatives! When I'm lazing about watching my foxtel, or zooming about on my wave runner, or hanging out with family whilst all the corporates are locked in their offices putting up with memos, stress, jammed fax machines, messages, email overload.

    I think any event or training you can go to even if FREE- even if you learn one thing or meet one person that can assist you progress you mentally, emotionally, intellectually or it leads to financial freedom and allows you more time with your family, friends, community, and saves you from an early heart attack due to over work cannot be ignored.

    I met one of my best friends at a free seminar many years ago, and we have had some amazing times investing, building, travelling, and helping each other in life, and there is no money in the world that could buy this friendship.
    I wont go into all the analysis paralysis of NLP- just take from it what you can as core teaching fundamentals, all learning no matter what is good learning, as long as you use your judgement, commonsense, morals and ethics to see if for you?

    Profile photo of Leila

    That's a brilliant post. I agree 100%.


    Profile photo of trakka

    Thank you all for your opinions, and for realising that despite my skepticism, I was sincere in my query. I don't think one of these courses is for me, mainly because like Kylie I feel motivated and focused enough already. But I now see that some of the more "cult-like" behaviour, and strange beliefs, that have concerned me are probably far more to do with the individuals involved than with the principles of NLP, which explains why some people that I respect have gotten a lot out of some of these courses.

    As you say, Kylie, wherever you can get some benefit, all power to you.

    Profile photo of houselmphouselmp
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 6

    I have been to Chris Howard's "breakthrough to freedom" and will do it again at some stage. I found it great and it helped me overcome a lot of my negative self talk and fears with investing and loss of money. This has freed me to concentrate and achieve what I want. It has helped me on all fronts – I am a better person. His goal planning is very good , so is the decision destroyer. In the past, when I  had obstacles in my way, I used to back off and procrastinate. now I head into it and replace every negative thought that goes through my mind. 

    My frank opinion is "GO FOR IT".

    For anyone who would like to enrol in the Breakthrough to success. My  personal enrolment link is:

    All the very best.



    Profile photo of Crommie

    Hey all i thought i would just give a rundown of the course to let you know how it went:
    Day 1 on the friday – well it was well set up, but it went for so long 8am-10pm
    TBH the first day i was very skeptical, the way Chris runs the seminar does force you to get involved which was good so you didnt sit back and get nothing out of it. Overall day 1 was a letdown so much sales pushing
    Day 2 we actually got some good info on the Idea's behind NLP and they lined up with a lot of other stuff i have been reading and learning lately. There was a real push for life long learning which i am fine with. Overall there was way way WAY to much sales pushing but for a free event it was expected.
    In the arvo we did some really good mental excercises designed to get over fears and limiting beliefs, and it is amazing how the unconciouse mind can recall some things when you ask it to – really kinda cool
    overall day 2 was a bit better.
    Day 3  a shorter day which was good, and we got to do a lot more excercises and we worked through our worbook and i have some good notes to take home and mull over
    we placed a lot of goals in our future and overall day 3 was good despite the sales aspect

    It was a diverse crowd of people with all kinds of different goals. Im glad i did the course and think i did get some stuff out of it.
    i suppose if i had have spent the same amount of time at home working on my goals i would have had the same results though.

    All in all im glad i went ( and no i didnt sign up for anything ) im sure ive got something out of the course and met a lot of interesting people

    Profile photo of kaz101

    Thanks for letting us know how it went!

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