All Topics / Help Needed! / Venue of the Seminar Conference in April

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  • Profile photo of cmh

    Hi all,
    I am a new starter.  I booked an online ticket to attend Steve's Seminar . 
    Then I got an email of the order confirmation.
    However, the email doesn't provide me the full address of the place.  If you know the address please share with me.  Will I get a ticket sent to my address or I just need the order number to go to the Seminar?
    Thank you very much

    Profile photo of kaz101kaz101
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 45

    Hi cmh,

    Same thing with me so I've sent an email to Candace today asking the same questions. Her email is on the website where you ordered the tickets.


    Profile photo of cmh

    Hi Karen,
    Many thanks  for your feedback:-)  I will see you there at the Seminar.

    Profile photo of honky tonkhonky tonk
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1

    I rang the office and found out.  It is at Sebel at Albert Park.

    I found it difficult to even find the price in the article about the seminar, but eventually found it.  Seemed to be hidden away and hard to find, but they should have been shouting that price from the roof top, coz it is a good price.

    The office told me that there is a special conference price for rooms, so i rang the Sebel and they said $220 per night, but I managed to get a room for $189 on-line.

    See you all there.

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