All Topics / Creative Investing / Looking for a “Mentor” in regards to Property Options – Melbourne based ideally

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  • Profile photo of Matt007

    Hi David
    Happy to chat. just email me and we can go from there.

    Profile photo of MrFairGoMrFairGo
    Join Date: 1969
    Post Count: 93
    Davidqld wrote:
    Re Mentors etc
    Hi everyone, Mudassar , My Fair Go, Matt and others ….
    I would be very interested to talk with anyone who is doing options or is keen to.

    Like Matt said, Please email me: mrfairgo  at

    Mr Fair Go
    A fair go for investors, home buyers, and sellers.

    Profile photo of LearningsLearnings
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 7

    In my 9-5 I’m a teamleader for outbound sales for a major telco & I had alarm bells going off all over when I saw Mark from massland.

    I have the 12 dvd massland set here and seen Mark from massland live.

    Very slick salesman, great assumptive sell and great use of emotive language. I think a big part that is commonly overlooked at his courses is stealing his communication techniques – cant deny his sales abilities regardless of the material delivered.

    I am still in novice stage waiting to finish my reno to open an LOC to fund an option deal, but the main issue I have come accross with many of the “popular” options models is councils RARELY subdivide without building plans.

    Makes the Option > sub > onsell abit tricky.

    Im in 3028 and town planning tells me “sometimes” they do it. All other councils I have spoken to say “no chance”

    Can anyone comment on their local council in regard to this?

    Profile photo of Matt007

    I think its very individual with Councils, if you're doing a material change of use to a residential zoning, it may be easier, if its already residential zoned and you're looking to subdivide it further, then yeah they'll probably want to see indicative building plans which of course adds to cost of the DA, but most DA's I see on land lots for sale have indicative architecturals as part of the DA documentation.

    Rolton is a consumate salesperson, NLP, looping, reframing, getting emotional and logical buy in, asking questions that demand a positive response to lull the crowd into saying 'yes'.. all very clever. As you say, can't deny the script writing and tonality ability going into it. I can deny pretty well everything else though

    Profile photo of LijahveeLijahvee
    Join Date: 2015
    Post Count: 1

    Hi everyone, thought I would bring this thread back to life!
    I live in Melbourne and have recently begun practising options full time. I’m looking for a partner or anyone who is interested in working in this field. Get in touch – 0458 0033 41
    Ilia Vaisman

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