All Topics / Value Adding / building costs per square metre in Qld

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  • Profile photo of happyjack72happyjack72
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 53


    I am considering whether to build a house, probably a 4×2, on a 580sq.m. block on south-east metropolitan Brisbane.
    The block has a downward slop away from the road and, I have been told, any house built would need to be a "split-level", but I'm not really sure what that means.

    This would be my first development, and I have an almost full-time job, so I would prefer have a project manager to supervise the project — whether an architect or builder or someone else.

    I am yet to engage any quotes, but I would like to get an idea from all you wise people in forum-land what would be a reasonable range for quotes per sq.m. that I could be looking at.

    Even if I could get an idea of a range for building on "flat" land, that would be great.

    I'm not planning anything extravagant, just good quality house with double lock-up garage and medium quality finishes.



    Profile photo of JONCHUJONCHU
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 112

    Hi there, with Brisbane being a bit “hot” at the moment, you could be looking at around $1,250 x sqm. I could be wrong. I had a property in the Toowoomba area that had potential for sub-division, development, etc and after getting a few quotes for developing, the numbers did not stacked up as the local builders were so busy that they were over quoting and telling me to ring them back in six months, etc, etc. I even got some at $1,500 x sqm !!!!

    I know Toowoomba is not Brisbane, however good luck and let us know, I am curious to see how much builders are charging these days in Brisbane.

    Happy Investing

    Profile photo of Sailesh C

    We are currently charging around $800/sqm for a turn key product which includes a reasonably good level of finish. This includes the latest price rises for 2008. Our standard finish includes the following items as standard:

    • air conditioning to lounge area
    • ceiling fans to all bedrooms
    • Blanco stainless steel appliances
    • dishwasher
    • vertical blinds
    • security screens to all windows and doors
    • carpets to bedrooms
    • tiles to all other areas
    • two TV points
    • two phone points
    • oyster light fittings
    • fence
    • exposed aggregrate driveway
    • turf
    • TV antenna
    • letter box
    • clothes line
    • free access to colour consultant
    • price based on M class slab (beware of the added cost some builders charge when you go from S to M)

    I hope this helps give you an idea on current construction costs. Our cost is based on a slab on ground house on a relatively level block. For a split level house you will have extra charges for the following items:

    • site cut
    • retaining
    • scafolding
    • extra charges by brick layers working on the high side
    • edge protection for roofing

    Good luck with your decisions.

    Profile photo of Fried ChickenFried Chicken
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 4

    Prices here in North QLD are ranging from $1300 – $1600

    Profile photo of trakkatrakka
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 257

    Wow, you guys are all talking way lower figures than I'd anticipated. I'd planned on budgeting >$2,000/m2 for my new PPR.

    Are you guys talking brick and tile Tamawood-style project homes?

    Profile photo of Sailesh C
    trakka wrote:
    Wow, you guys are all talking way lower figures than I'd anticipated. I'd planned on budgeting >$2,000/m2 for my new PPR.

    Are you guys talking brick and tile Tamawood-style project homes?

    The cost to build a house should not be anymore than around $1000.00 per sqm for a split level house. The extra costs come in once you start adding features to the house. The cost here can be endless and is only limited by your imagination.

    We built our home on a sloping block and we used a split level design.

    Split level blocks are unique therefore you should have a house designed specifically for your block.

    Profile photo of bernstarbernstar
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 16


    Your Developers Edge website is not working. Just really interested to enquire about your services as we are starting another duplex project in 2009 in Toowoomba QLD.


    Profile photo of BuilderBobBuilderBob
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 131

    You are looking at $1300-$1800 per square in the Whitsunday area, most work I do averages out at about $1500-$1600 for a nice home.

    Check out the below link:

    Construction Costs Per Square Metre – Sydney

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    try this too

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

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