All Topics / Value Adding / To pergola or not to pergola .. that is the question?!
Hi All,
Looking for help/opinions/if you have been there on pergolas.
In a property im looking to sell it needs a pergola (new 10x5m paved area already there). Various quotes put it at the $9000 mark,
My question is .. do you think its a wise investment? ie do you think ill get 9k over the price when i sell the house? Do you think it will make it easier to sell etc etc etc etc .. anything. If im more than likely not going to receive any financial benefit by putting one up .. im happy to let the next owner do it.
I have asked the real estate agent his opinion and his answer was "you may or may not get the money back" "it may give people less excuses".
AnthonyWhat the agent says is true.
Sometimes the money spent on renos doesn't equate to an increase in the house's value, other than the cost of the improvement.
This is one of those things that will definitely give the house more appeal, and may mean a passionate buyer will pay more, and you may sell it quicker.
$9,000 seems like a lot to me; I'd be getting another 4 or 5 quotes.
We had a whole 7 x 8m deck done, including materials for $5k a few years ago, so I think you are being scammed there. Either that, or you pergola plan is the Tahj Mahal
Try ringing the "Grey Army" as well. They have lots of old boys who were/are tradies and will do a good job at a fair price.
You say it needs a pergola – but does it really need one? You've survived without one.
It's very unlikley you'll get $10,000 more for having a pergola so why bother?
A pergola requires town planning approval, generally. If it is not shown/approved on the council plans that will stop it selling as well. Think about it. Don't do it.
As an alternative – install a shade structure
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