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  • Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Here we are coming to the end of the year and i look back and say to myself this is the best year we have had so far. We did our 1st building project which we done very nicely out of and we did 2 speck homes which went very smoothly and we bought 3 properties in s/e qld and are returning 8% plus. we also bought 36 properties for my broker's  clients and they are very chuufed. Wife said during the year that she would quit work and work with me and that was very scary!!!! She now will continue to work for another 18 months and then will go part time as she says that  what i do is pretty boring!! Last week the lovely lady took me away for a weekend where she used my body for her own pleasure and by gee i was happy!!!! For those who are starting out the real big secret is be patient as resutls will happen and you will learn how to look at a really good deal. as i get ready for the xmas season and those party's i want to wish all those on the forum a really good xmas and great new year and happy investing!!!


    Profile photo of bardonbardon
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 557

    Nice one chefman thats a good lady you have there probably about 5.5 houses worth.

     I got rid of some dog investments and have aquired two props this year and am real happy with that.  Company I worked for listed on ASX share price doubled under my nose in 6 months but i didn't do much about it.

    Got mega bonus and pay rise at work and have been promoted to executive level which makes my serviceability real strong.

    Got 4 weeks leave starting Friday first time for a long time going on a driving holiday down south with family and hopefully a bit of spice to.

    All the best for 08.

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