All Topics / Legal & Accounting / Income losses carried forward.

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  • Profile photo of timbo.

    Hi All,

    I'm an Australian currently living in London.  I want to purchase an IP back home in the not too distant future.

    Question 1: If I don't have any Australian income other than rent and incurr a loss (ie interest, expenses, depreciation etc… are greater than rent) can I carry that loss forward to when I come back to Aus and start earning a salary?

    Question 2: If the answer to the above is yes, how long can I carry these losses forward for?

    Many Thanks.

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    I am not qualified to answer, but I think you can roll over income losses from year to year without limit – until your income wipes them out.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
    Email Me

    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of srobinssrobins
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 14

    Yes, you can roll it forward – I effectively rolled 3 years worth of losses into one year for exactly the same reason.  But you should time it better than I did – I came back to Australia in November and didn't start work until early Feb, plus I worked on a 1 month in arrears basis for pay (so didn't get paid until early March).  So in effect I was only paid for around 4 months of the financial year.. so although I had some great deductions, I don't think I even broke into the 40% tax bracket for that financial year. 

    While I was away (5 years), I also didn't submit a tax return.  I just had my account submit them all at once when I returned.  I don't know if that makes a difference or not..

    Profile photo of timbo.

    Cheers, thanks for the info all – much appreciated!

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