All Topics / Creative Investing / Should I sell high yield property through buyer’s agent?

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  • Profile photo of littleguy

    Hi everyone,
    I have a high yielding property that I want to sell.
    It's in a booming area and at the price I want to sell (>900k) it gives a 11-12% gross rental yield.
    I'm thinking that it may be an easier option to contact buyers agents to pass this on to their clients, rather than selling through traditional selling agents.

    Does anybody know whether buyers agents ask for a commission from the seller when they pass on the deal to a client?
    Are there any drawbacks to selling this way?


    Profile photo of hschmid

    Most forum users would never sell a 11% to 12% yielding property.

    U might get killed in the stampede if u ran an adv.

    Is it comm or res.

    Send me the details, I'll might make u an offer.

    Profile photo of hschmid

    Most forum users would never sell a 11% to 12% yielding property.

    U might get killed in the stampede if u ran an adv.

    Is it comm or res.

    Send me the details, I might make u an offer.

    Profile photo of Michael4Michael4
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 70

    Hi Chris,

    Send me an email with the details and as i might make an offer too!


    Profile photo of Happy_DragonHappy_Dragon
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 8

    Hi Chris,

    Sound interesting. Please send me details and I may join to put offer as well. Do you have more property to sell?

    You could me email on


    Profile photo of littleguy

    Thanks everyone for your interest and advice


    Profile photo of The ContrarianThe Contrarian
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 97

    Yep… If it's still available… I would be happy to look into it also.

    Profile photo of Scott No MatesScott No Mates
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3,856

    If it is yielding 11% what is the catch? Low growth area, nett or gross, is it about to fall down/be resumed for roadworks?

    Unless there is a major defect with the property, why not use the income generated for further purchases – $90k cashflow will buy a reasonable investment portfolio

    Profile photo of littleguy

    Hi Scott,
    There is no catch. The property is in a high growth area. The building is structurally sound, we have the building reports and pest reports to satisfy this. Council has been through the property to ensure that all regulations are abided by.

    We do use the equity in the property as leverage for other property acquisitions.

    Let me know if you are interested in the finer details Scott. There's a number of people who have shown interest and I'm happy to answer all your questions.


    Profile photo of elkamelkam
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 722

    Hello Chris

    OK, now we are all curious. Do you have it advertised somewhere where we can have a look?.
    If not, can you at least post the area and the sort of property it is… residential, retail, office, industrial or ?.

    That much should not infringe the no ads rule I should think. 



    Profile photo of littleguy

    Hi Elka,
    The property is not formally advertised as yet, and it looks like it may never need to be advertised. It is a residential property.
    As far as the details are concerned, I'll send you a personal message because I have a lot of info.


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