All Topics / Heads Up! / Insight Investment SCAM or What???

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  • Profile photo of clovies

    Hi all
    I dont usually post on here, this is my OH domain. Anyway has anyone had any dealings with Insight Investments?  A friend has just signed up and from my small experience (partner being the property guru not me) It sounds quiet dodgy.  These friends, are ones that could get sucked in easily too. 
    Basically you buy a block off a plan and they build a house on the land, you become a landlord, they look after everything for you.  I did not get too much time to find out from my friend the process, but i have googled the company and it does not look good.
    Please give my your opinions or have you heard anything.

    Profile photo of Bob AndersenBob Andersen
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 36

    Hi Clovies,

    I'm not sure if this is the same crew as The Insight Group which is featured strongly as scammers on Neil Jenmans site

    Profile photo of clovies

    Hi Bob

    Yes i have looked at his site last night, i will be putting this information forward to my friend. It does not look good.
    Thank you for reply

    Profile photo of SuperSleuthSuperSleuth
    Join Date: 2010
    Post Count: 12

    This thread is a little old now but let me bring members up to speed with Trent Richards (previously CEO of he Insight Group).  As some will know Trent liquidated the Insight Group of Companies in early 2008. Later in 2008, Trent still had some money tucked away from the Insight Group, as he purchased a helicopter from the USA. See this You Tube clip he has posted  
    [ ]

    He disappeared for a while but then popped up again in Darwin <edited> in the background of a new company called "The Illumination Group" After that <edited> he set up another company <edited> and called it "Property Finance Investment' 
     [ ]

    I have also seen conclusive evidence that Trent and his father [Tony Richards] are heavily involved in this company now as well.
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    A few days ago Trent posted this testimonial about himself which, in my opinion, <edited>:
    [ ]

    You will notice how he makes a lot of his experience and successes with the Insight Group but fails to mention that it went broke owing a lot of people,( including staff) large sums of money. <edited>

    You really need to do some serious digging before getting involved with some of these companies as the real directors and decision makers can be lurking in the murky depths within, and not easily distingushable at first glance.

    Profile photo of BeerBottleBeerBottle
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 3

    Super Sleuth “I have also seen conclusive evidence that Trent and his father [Tony Richards] are heavily involved in this company now as well.
    [ ]”

    Is there any more you can say about this ?
    or point where to look or pm me ?

    Profile photo of sapphire101sapphire101
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 203

    Thanks for the info on these guys. I have a friend who was looking into investing via the myusaproperty so will pass on the details for them to look a lot closer. A reputable outfit with one of the Aussie directors a previous heavy contributor to these forums is Global Property Deals based in Houston, Texas but investing also in San Antonio and Sherman among other Texan cities and towns. They do tours as well and I've only heard high praise of there conduct and systems they have in place. I'm sure they will come up if you google the name.

    Free Property Information, Tools & Resources for Property Investors with a Sense of Humour

    Profile photo of dandyinvestordandyinvestor
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 3
    SuperSleuth wrote:
    This thread is a little old now but let me bring members up to speed with Trent Richards (previously CEO of he Insight Group).  As some will know Trent liquidated the Insight Group of Companies in early 2008. Later in 2008, Trent still had some money tucked away from the Insight Group, as he purchased a helicopter from the USA. See this You Tube clip he has posted  
    [ ]

    He disappeared for a while but then popped up again in Darwin <edited> in the background of a new company called "The Illumination Group" After that <edited> he set up another company <edited> and called it "Property Finance Investment' 
     [ ]

    I have also seen conclusive evidence that Trent and his father [Tony Richards] are heavily involved in this company now as well.
     [ ]

    A few days ago Trent posted this testimonial about himself which, in my opinion, <edited>:
    [ ]

    You will notice how he makes a lot of his experience and successes with the Insight Group but fails to mention that it went broke owing a lot of people,( including staff) large sums of money. <edited>

    You really need to do some serious digging before getting involved with some of these companies as the real directors and decision makers can be lurking in the murky depths within, and not easily distingushable at first glance.

    Super Sleuth, what sort of conclusive evidence do you have that Trent and his father are involved in myusaproperty?

    Profile photo of RenoTeamRenoTeam
    Join Date: 2011
    Post Count: 92

    Was asked if i knew this company only last week…. thanks for the information, I’m passing it on… much appreciated :)

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