All Topics / Help Needed! / cashed up not sure which way to go

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  • Profile photo of tonkaau

    hi i just sold one of my rental properties in elizabeth south aust and have 180k, i also have 4 adjoining vacant blocks in holbrook nsw 1/4 acre each, there kerb gutter, town water, gas, town sewage
     i can develop these, duplex or townhouses or what ever.
    my other option is with the US mortgage problems it might be a good time to pick up some properties there, i do have some experience with the states, i worked there for a while and have a social security card, drivers licence in Texas and bank account
    i would like any advice on which way to go regards tonkaau

    Profile photo of StumunroStumunro
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 49

    Would cost you an absolute mint to develop the 4 blocks (full acre) is there a market for it in holbrook? (sorry i dont know much about the area) don't want to move too early on something that size because when it comes time to sell you want to be maximising profits for the project. 

    if your desperate for money you could sell it to a developer or even partner up, or alternatively you can  subdivide and sell the land in smaller blocks.. 

    Profile photo of tonkaau

    Holbrook is on the Hume highway about 20 minutes north of Albury it is known for the full size submarine in the main street there is very few properties to rent , it has a hospital, rsl club , old folks home,  2 truck stops and about 5 motels. i was thinking of duplexing the blocks and building 2 off 15sq homes on each block, do them in stages rent them out for a while then sell. 
    then repeat the next block. But with the US $ @ 0.92 cents the US looks better 

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