All Topics / Value Adding / Help Needed!! About to sell and need to do some basic reno’s

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  • Profile photo of daaussie

    Have a 2 bedroom unit rental in South Australia, Edwardstown. Intend to sell if the accountant gives me the okay.
    Otherwise will continue to rent to the tenant who has already been there for 5+ years.

    There is probably a margin of $20K between an upgraded and non-upgraded unit in this block, so I want to make the most of this. Therefore I can spend a little money but not 2 much.

    The positives are:
    It has pine coloured timber floors and a medium dark timber ceiling throughout (unusual)

    The negatives are:
    Kitchen cupboards were painted orange over the old brown original colour of the cupbaords
    Should I just take out old handles, fill in, sand down and repaint and then put on new handles? What colour if walls are white and timber floors/ceilings as described above? White gas oven there too.
    The Bench tops are old and tacky – how do I re-do this cheaply?? I want to use an expert. Any suggestions on materials, colours etc? Be detailed please.
    The taps need replacement – easy to do

    One of the bedrooms has one wall covered in wallpaper. Should I remove this?
    Should I re-paint one wall as a feature colour wall? or this a bad idea? what colour?
    Neutral beige carpets (10 years old).

    currently a medium-light blue colour,
    vanity unit old – will replace with a smaller white vanity (simple)
    has a small baby bath/shower, the tiles on floor are white 2cmx2cm and the shower tiles are standard white tiles, there is a bit of permanent mould there…
    Thoughts – to get someone in to clean up tiles and re-paint surface? Don't know price of this, but expect $2K?
    or should i do it myself?????

    The following are a given:
    Re-painting walls white or cream.
    Is there such a thing as door paint, or do you just use wall paint on doors???

    New powerpoints/light switches worth the expense?
    There is one of those very old powerboxes, upgrade to clipsal?

    Hope you guys have details there, thanks

    Profile photo of waterwater
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 23

    you use enamel on doors and skirting boards as it doesnt mark as easily and is easier to clean if if does mark.

    We have an old kithen i was considering replacing benchtops only and painting doors and putting new handles on have got quote from 3 ppl they lal pretty much laughed saying it was pointless but to give you an idea benchtop replacement was going to be $1500 and a new kitchen $4000 it is a small kitchen !

    i would get rid of the wall paper and paint a feature wall it sounds liek you are doing all 'earthy' colurs so why dont you just do to bunnings get a free paint catalouge and take the colours from that.

    we are going to get the new kitchen

    hope this helps

    Profile photo of daaussie

    That is interesting about the kitchen.
    I might investigate this at the hardware store and see if I come up with the same end result.
    The alternative option is to repaint the cupboards.

    Not sure about feature walls. The problem is that a feature wall for 1 potential buyer may be distusting for the next.

    Profile photo of mackar

    you can get kitchen benchtops recovered in a new laminate or even a skin of granite nowadays… don't try to make a silk purse out of it, as new buyers often don't mind doing the odd job to add their taste anyway… give the place a fresh paint thru (especially your front door as this is the first impression), get rid of any blue sinks, re-cover benchtops, steam clean carpets & elbow grease & bleach any mould marks away (they will go if you get at it)… add a couple of modern ornaments if poss. try & make the property look bright, spacious & loved… that's my thought's… good luck

    Profile photo of daaussie

    thanks mackar.
    please explain the where, what, how to recover in a new laminate?

    Profile photo of mackar

    there are companies out there that do it…. i don't have any names but talk to kitchen companies & i'm sure thet'll put you on to them… good luck with the reno mate

    Profile photo of dreamingdreaming
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 42

    Before you sell your property visit


    I've done a few renos, sold them, I wish I kept them. My 1st reno was in 1985 one stree from the Esplanade in Seaford SA. I paid 40K for the house and spent 10K renovating, I sold it 3 years later for 70K and thought great. That property sold last year for 280K, that could of been my capital growth.
    Now I buy and hold and use the capital growth to fund the deposit for the next one.

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