All Topics / General Property / A$PIRE Sydney Investors Group – Next meeting Sunday 23rd September
Hi All,
The next A$PIRE meeting will be held on Sunday 23 September. Many thanks to everyone who came to our last meeting in August. There was alot of positive feedback with the meeting being the best yet and the upcoming meeting is sure to be just as informative.
This month's guest speaker is Rex Hockley and his associate from Access Finance. Rex is a real whiz when it comes to creative financing. Additionslly, there will also be a presentation on the current growth areas in Australia and the underlying factors that are driving the growth and how this is creating new trends.
Venue and agenda details are:
North Sydney Leagues Club
12 Abbott St Cammeray
McKinnon Room
2.00pm to 4.00pm
$10 to cover room hire
2.00 – 2.15 Welcome
2.15 – 3.00 Rex Hockley , Access Finance
3.00 – 3.30 Current growth areas in Australia
3.30 – 4.00 NetworkingLooking forward to seeing you there.
Cheers, Jo (0410 557 836) & Margaret (0425 209 671)
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