All Topics / Help Needed! / GCCC – Registration of Rental Accommodation – Advice Needed!

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  • Profile photo of angelwings

       I recently called the Gold Coast City Council to get the rates notices for my rental property delivered to where I live (my own home). That obviously red flaged me as about a week later I got a form pretty much forcing me to register my property as rental accomodation (unless I lie).
       I wasn't aware that I had to register but of course I kicked myself for getting the rates notices billing addressed changed as now I'll have to pay even higher rates and come under a lot closer council scutiny. 
       Basically there are 2 major questions on the form –
    1. Is the occupant/s of these premises required to pay rent? YES/NO
    2. From what date did occupancy commence?
       If I answer YES to 1. and put the true start date in (some years back) then the fear is that the council will hit me up for thousands of dollars in underpaid rates. Councils are notoriously ruthless so I do think I have justification for concern.
       Does anyone have experience in this matter or any advice to give?

    With Thanks,

    Profile photo of kaz101kaz101
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 45

    Are the rates definitely higher if you rent out the property? We have rentals in Melbourne and have always had the rates sent to our home address. Maybe it varies from State to State?

    Profile photo of angelwings

    Yes rates are definately higher (by about 20%). When googling "registration of rental accommodation" a few Queensland local councils websites come up so it appears that it may just be qld local councils that can do this.

    Profile photo of marg4000marg4000
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 70

    Don't stress, Angelwings.

    We have owned rental properties on the Gold Coast and your rates will NOT be much higher – I think that rate rises are capped to the rate of inflation for owner occupiers.  But once the property is sold the rates reset at the going rate.  What you will get is an account for about $40 for registering a rental property.  This allegedly covers the cost of inspectors to check that rentals are not over-crowded.  And the $40 is tax deductible.

    IMHO, it never pays to lie to authorities, they have a knack of finding out and the penalties usually far exceed any monies saved.

    Profile photo of Cameron JonesCameron Jones
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 10


    I too have an IP on the Gold Coast and had to submit the forms your talking about.  I would definatly agree with Marg in that "it never pays to lie to authorities, they have a knack of finding out and the penalties usually far exceed any monies saved".  And besides the little extra you will pay is tax deductable anyway. 


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