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  • Profile photo of young investor01

    Hi guys i know out there in the property investing world there are hundreds or even thousands including myself who want to now where to start when renovating that ex-housing commision 3 bedder down the road or that old run down miner's cottage on the outskirts of town. What i'm trying to say is where do you start when renovating a property. Do you start inside or out? Painting the walls or repolishing the floor boards? All you professional reno men and women please enlighten us (especially me) on the A-Z and step-by step of renovations. Do you first create a list of jobs and quotes from contractors . This is a topic so mind boggling to me . When do you start the reno during settlement? What if the contract falls through don't you lose all the work you've already started on the place.  Thanks for all your replies guys, if anyone has any books or info on the first till the last job you do please help out. It would be great if you guys shared your experiences or even a list of jobs you do time and time again.

    Profile photo of Jase and FlicJase and Flic
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 190

    I bought the Reno Toolbox from this site and learned heaps from it. It allowed me to get started on my first reno almost straight away. Without it, I would have not been confident to start nearly as quickly. Check out my progress on the "Our first reno" post on this forum.

    Profile photo of RealEstateQueenRealEstateQueen
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 69
    young investor01 wrote:

    Hi guys i know out there in the property investing world there are hundreds or even thousands including myself who want to now where to start when renovating that ex-housing commision 3 bedder down the road or that old run down miner's cottage on the outskirts of town. What i'm trying to say is where do you start when renovating a property. Do you start inside or out? Painting the walls or repolishing the floor boards? All you professional reno men and women please enlighten us (especially me) on the A-Z and step-by step of renovations. Do you first create a list of jobs and quotes from contractors . This is a topic so mind boggling to me . When do you start the reno during settlement? What if the contract falls through don't you lose all the work you've already started on the place.  Thanks for all your replies guys, if anyone has any books or info on the first till the last job you do please help out. It would be great if you guys shared your experiences or even a list of jobs you do time and time again.

    I too had the same questions when I did my first renovation. How do you know what the best things to do are?
    Best value for  money? Paint Paint Paint
    You can also update fixtures and fittings very cheaply and it does enhance end value. For example, light fittings, door handles, new mirrors in bathroom, even replace a tired olf shower rail with glass door quite cheaply. Even put in new curtains or blinds. The curtains are a number one outdater! Dont spend a fortune on the bathroom and kitchen. You want to spend as little as possible and keep a track of the budget at all times. Sounds simple, but very easy to forget!
    Number one rule which sounds like common sense but I didnt figure it out until it was too late? When painting (if you DIY) start from the top and work your way down! I started at the bottom because im quite short, and to do the high ceilings needed the ladder, but when we did the ceilings it was a mess trying not to splatter the newly painted walls!
    Now ill try and answer your questions:

    Do the messy jobs first. In your example, do the floorboards first. Sanding down will create so much dust!

    Unless you have a licence to occupy, you cant do any work until settlement. If you can get a Lic to Occupy, then yes any work you do you will lose if the contract falls through. Depending on what state your in though, here in SA, once the contract is signed, the only one who can make the contract fall over is you. And you wouldnt do that if youd done all work on it.
    If you havent got a Lic 2 Occupy, then in the time before settlement, you would organise your tradies, book them ready to go for when you do settle. But try and structure a few days difference between them because they can take longer than they say they will. With your first reno, you will have mucho fun trying to a) find the good tradies, and b) getting them to work and finish on time! No offense to the tradies out there!

    Get the book by the reno kings, it has heaps of tips you can pick up on there. Just google the reno kings and go to their site to buy it.
    Good luck. 

    Profile photo of young investor01

    hey thanks for all the help guys really great tips and info just gearing myself with enough knowledge before starting my own property portfolio. My hat goes off to you Jase and Flic for the reno diary and thanks realestate queen for your shared experiences , im actually looking in to SA regional where abouts are you from?

    Profile photo of AntheaPropertyAntheaProperty
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 17

    Hi. We are onto our 3rd project. Thru trial & error we believe you should start with the yard first as it may take time for the plants and the lawn to grow. Other jobs that you may need to do first is an outside deck, pool fencing, painting the roof, gutters/downpipes, fencing, new garage doors, new putty in the windows, sand back facia boards, TV antena, french doors/change windows. Inside kitchens and bathrooms can be big jobs, change doors, handles, resheet any walls/ celiengs, than plaster any joins, electrician for lights/change power points, install fans & air-cons, perhaps now you can sand the floors, before you can paint you have to putty/seal up all holes and gaps. Last jobs include painting, window treatments, screens, driveways/paths respray. You should try to attend open houses/auctions in your suburb if you are thinking of re-selling to get a feel for the market. There's a big difference between real estate agents as to what they think you property can sell for.

    Profile photo of letlet
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 10

    hi, welcome to the world of renovting…….so rewarding.
    We always start with a budget, look at what needs to be done from most important to least important. Keeping it realistic and freindly to all is so important espesially if selling or renting the property. An A-Z of renovating would be great but it would not suite every job as each reno is so different and little suprises always pop up along the way. Im sure you will find this once you get into it. Ask as many guestions as you can, find people nearby who can show you how to do more thinks yourself, most people are really happy to help if they can see that your 'having a go'. I would also try to remember that what works for another may not work for you. Interesting reading the above posts…….. does everyone paint last????. We always do the floors last and find it much easier, but you have to have the right sander to not make dust.  We also always start the reno  before settlement, this is always written into the contract of sale, but we are in vic. I hope someone from SA can help you with this. good luck and enjoy

    Profile photo of crashycrashy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 736

    floor sanding should be done LAST. dont risk damaging it while you have tools and powertools being used. polyeurethane takes weeks to harden and is easily damaged. second, you dont want paint going on the new floor.

    this is our schedule:

    1. garden
    2. street appeal
    3. kitchen
    4. bathroom
    5. painting
    6. floors

    Profile photo of Easy Beach ShowerEasy Beach Shower
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 46
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