All Topics / General Property / Keep the FHOG When Moving to a New House?

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  • Profile photo of emilov

    Hi All,

    Here is my situation:
    I'm currently working on buying a new house (my second one). I'm thinking of moving into that and making it my new PPOR.

    After this I'll rent out my old PPOR (my first house). That I bought 7 months ago (Settlement was on 19th January) using FHOG. I've lived in that house since settlement. Given that fact, when I move out next month and rent it out, I won't have to return the FHOG, right?


    Profile photo of Mortgage HunterMortgage Hunter
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 3,781
    Profile photo of emilov

    Short & to the point 


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