All Topics / Help Needed! / IS the R.E.S.U.L.T.S program REALLY worth it?

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  • Profile photo of asdfasdf
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 139

    Thanks for the response guys. A shame I missed the web cast but still I'm no clearer as to some specifics of the deal. I understand in principle how wraps, buy and holds, unit developments, flips, OTP…etc.. all work. Just wanted to hear some real life stories thats all.

    Profile photo of julierjulier
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 3

    Hi Reeco

    I'm not really sure why you would even be looking at the Property Investing website if you are so sceptical?
    No one is forcing you to part with your money, or even think about parting with it.

    I am in the current Results program.
    Even though I have been investing in property for several years and done some successful deals there is still so much to learn.
    I have found Steve McKnight to be very forthright and ethical, and never once have I ever felt that the $$$$'s paid wasn't worth it.

    My philosphy is that if you want to be successful you need to surround yourself with like-minded successful
    people…..a la Results!

    I work part-time, so that I have time to invest in property…you don't need stacks of cash to get started, you mostly need committment. I know my tertiary education has cost tens of thousands of dollars, but even then I had to figure out how to apply and use that information.

    As the great Bill Gates once said: "Life is not fair – get used to it!"

    cheers Julie

    Profile photo of reeco

    nothing wrong with being skeptical… Being cynical now thats something else…

     One thing ive noticed since i first posted was seeing steve in action through a seminar. He portrayed himself as being very ethical and a all round great guy (not that i know him of course but keep up the good work if your watching steve!)

    My beef is with the content of the course and its validity . People are hypnotized with his covers "0 – 130 in 3years" and "positive cashflow" this and that.

    most people know positive cashflow properties don't really exist anymore. if you believe in a needle in a haystack then sure there are opportunities.

    Again the post is just about the content of the course and its validity. Id happily pay twice the admission if a steve could promise the courses validity.which i think he does so there goes that argument!  

    and yes you are right! hes not forcing me and i should be greatful such a great opportunity exist…dont worry i got the memo(and yes i read it)

    Profile photo of nicko7nicko7
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 33


    I'm a little confused about some of you comments and the research you have put into them.

    Firstly yes the course may cost $7k, 5K etc and if you are skeptical don't join. You asked for a blue collar Gen Y to write and I am exactly that. I joined Results in 07 and I'm now in the graduate course and both were worth every dollar we have invested. We have completed around 4 property transactions in around 18months.  

    You mentioned that you should get some money back if you don't make any, why? On the other hand Steve does not ask for a portion of your profits if you make them during the course?

    Secondly you said that positive cash flow properties do no exist anymore? Speaking from experience I disagree. As Steve has mentioned you have to solve a problem to create positive cash flow property, you can't just open the newspaper and have them pop out at you.

    After joining the RP3 we found a property valued at 110k. We fully furnished this property (with all furnishing we already had) and rented it out to contractors for 300.00 per week. This brought us in a small but regular cash flow every week. That for us was proof that positive cash flow properties are out there but you have to create them.


    Profile photo of Boshy888

    Reeco – get over it man.  Pay the $$$ or stop whining.

    Profile photo of reeco

    boshy. not about me champ. this post was designed(long time ago i almost forgot about it) for the many people(trust me mate there are a few) that are super keen but want due diligence in some form.

    apart from being smart. Number one rule of property.   ..due diligence. Which encompasses all aspects of property. Not just buying. Correct me if im wrong.

    Congrats Erin. Thats the kind of info i was after. Great to see someone succeeding in life.  Does the course fit the current financial climate? is it outdated do you think or definitely stil valid for a beginner. Cheers 

    Profile photo of kkingkking
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 17

    Ditto Boshy888

    Reeco – get over it man.  Pay the $$$ or stop whining.

    I'm an RP2 graduate who went bankrupt (marriage breakup) during the course but I wouldn't swap the course education for a full refund of the course fee to improve my financial position. What I gained from the RP2 training makes the course fee pale into insignificance.

    Thankfully the bankruptcy has been annulled (I paid out my creditors) and now I have the opportunity to use the RESULTS education over an over and over again.

    Infact I learned a lot more than just property investing during the course and this knowledge has allowed me to develop a complete new business and one of the biggest influencers was Steve so it is he I have to thank for this.


    Profile photo of reeco

    Haha. Whining hey. I Think you need to get over your self.

     Dont think you understand the concept of due diligence kking. If you did you wouldnt be ignorant to the simple fact that im gathering information for both sides of the arguement..  Only a fool(or gambler)  jumps in without due diligence.. again correct me if im wrong

    ps thanks to all those that gave an account of there all experiences in the R.E.S.U.L.T.S program.much appreciated


    Profile photo of dhillon2dhillon2
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 26

    reeco, I understand what you're doing, and i appreciate it.

    From the feedback i think I'm definetely sold on the idea of looking further into this course. Is there going to be another RESULTS seminar in 2009?

    Profile photo of reeco

    cheers dhillion2. Glad somebody gets it.

    I believe ive helped people,(who read this post) indirectly get the answers they wanted to know. Which is why it was really posted.

    Ive learnt much from posting. But as many people and world famous self help books would say. ACTION ACTION ACTION is the killer app here.

    Again cheers to everyone for the info.

    Profile photo of Clare2008Clare2008
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 2

    Hi all,

    I'm new to this website (joined last night) so I will respectfully refrain from commenting on the debate (regarding fees) going on. Just one comment that  I absolutely can not resist posting. Boshy888  'the mind like the parachute works best when it's open?
    I'm a writer (which I love to do but it makes me no money–hence my entry into the property investment market)
    But I've never heard that simile before Bushy888. LOVE IT! And fully agree with it.


    Profile photo of tylon020tylon020
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 23

    Hi reeco..i can see this is quite old but i felt the need to add my 2 cents in.I  can understand where you are coming from and yes this is a huge outlay for ppl like you and I. I am 26 single female. I also have the one IP. I considered the RESULTS program myself.

    My mother did the program hmmm i think approx 2 years ago now i think. And my father was very anti and thought it unneccesary.I had the opportunity to flick through the folders that is provided (sorry Steve that might be kinda cheating..)

    From what I read to me personally it was sound. Mum had access to mentors who could trouble shoot ideas etc. Now you might say that well this forum can provide that…

    ….yes possibly to an extent but compare it to a lecture given to 300 students with general information as oppossed to a personal tutuor who can assess your skill levels and give you a peronalised advice. Its all about YOU!!.
    Now just like uni you can skip class OR you can be knocking on your tutors door all the time. And if you have a good tutor they will smile and give you a hand even if they do find you a tad annoying.

    My mum I felt at the time did not make any huge progress that I would have expected BUT this is surely not the program's fault. Steve cant control what the student does or does not do any more than a uni lecturer can make you submit your assigments or attend class.  And if you fail the subject he aint about to give your fees back. 

    PS: Parents now have sold a property that was badly neagtively geared which improved cash flow, renovated it and made a tidy profit from it. And have now developed and rented out 2 town houses through contacts that mum made via the Results program. Are they driving around in Mercedes Benz……. no, not yet.  

    I also had a chat with a lady named Sue at the Brendan Nichols seminar in Sydney who is part of the graduate program ie. she has completed the Results program and she I believe was refurbishing a hotel and had humble beginnings which she assurred me she would not have had the courage to do without the Results program.

    PPS. I have decided to try my hand at a reno and if it is successful I will then join the RESULTS program. If im unsuccessful with my reno I will keep trying until I am successful and then join the Results program. Why after the reno?? For me I feel I need to have had that personal experience to get the most out of the program. And although the my mum has been through the progam I think investing is a dynamic thing and new information is to be discovered + what I get out of the program is differrent from what my mum did.

    Let me know what you decided to do with the program.


    Profile photo of HAV11CHAV11C
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 12

    Hey guys,

    I'm a current Graduate Member, I continued on from being an RP3 member last year. The main question I've read so far seems to be I want my cake and eat it too? Is that right?

    You have to do your research and act on your own instincts, How can you expect Steve to refund your full year membership if its you that has done nothing to grow yourself and prosper?

    RESULTS is not just about making money NOW……. its about instilling skills and life changing thought processes that enable us to move towards goals most of us would never reach. One of the greatest leasons I received in RP3 was reviewing the goals I set in the first week after 6 months of the course. I had all sorts of wild things written down :)

    I've invested alot in myself  with Steve's program I've also invested in Marty Ayles course too. Both of which have enabled me to manouvere around some very tricky situations with my latest duplex development in Sydney.

    I guess the key is you get out what you put in!! I personnally found the greatest asset of the RESULTS program and the Graduate program has been the like minded people you meet and mingle with, But most importantly the coaches who all have different specialities. Without guidence from Norm and Simon I'd still be dreaming of becoming a property developer not actually being one.


    Profile photo of reeco

    HI Andrew.

    Ummm no thats not the premise of this post at all. THIS below is…

    Any good or service purchased in this world….yip thats the entire world,  requires 2 basic things. A good or service and some form of exchange/payment(usually dollars) for that good or service. BY LAW whatever is traded must meet its ADVERTISED and MARKETED description….

    or ….well theres many stories good sad funny stories for when the above is not adhered to… which is funny because that relates to Steve and today tonight 2years ago.

    P.S dear fanboys/girls no this is not a attack on steve and by extension you so no need to get ya knickers/Y-fronts in a twist

    The good thing about that premise is that its universal. Sort of like the word f*&# and beer. I apologize for sounding a bit sarcastic before but thats bottom line…Im happy you have succeed. Truly am. The experience sounds great.

    If anyone else post here ill add that premise so people understand where im really coming from…took a while i guess haha.

    Profile photo of reeco

    Thanks a bunch Tylon for your input. I wish you the best on the reno. I definately hope it works out… if you buy something for the reno ask yourself if the paint you use doesnt meet its description(lets say you get a black wall instead of a white) Do you deserve a refund…

    Unfortunately a few years ago i did a bunch of business ethics papers while at university and its made me into this wierd ask questions person before you commit hehe. That damn Neil Jenman got into my head to..Damn you NJ! His book is staring at me from the shelf! And i got 80 books..somehow his rears its ugly head!

    I think ive actually help make Steve money by allowing people to open up there great experiences to the rest of us on the fence…ahhh you can thank me later steve lol…Free RESULTS course would be a good start lol juuust kidding..but if ya change your mind you know where to find me hehe

    Again i hope that reno thing turns out well. Jus make sure if you choose a paint color it meets its advertised description hehe. thanks again for the input. BEST of luck

    Profile photo of Boshy888

    To all the Results program graduates thank you for your generous input.  You have all taken the leap of faith and had the courage to follow your dreams and the courage to grow and stretch yourself.

    Thanks for the compliment Clare2008!  Though I can't take the credit for it – it was someone elses! .

    Profile photo of reeco

    Ive done the impossible and joined the 2009 RESULTS program

    Now as the RESULTS program biggest so called critic(Goin on 2 years now me thinks)  im going to see what all the fuss is about. Ill promise to inform everyone else that was/is in my shoes and open my experience (without rose tinted glasses) to anyone wanting to know

    I give everything i do (well everything that involves money) 110 percent so its should be great experience. I live in Perth so making it to the 4-5 meet ups in Melbourne and Sydney will be a challenge but 110percent is a 110percent so i hope to see you all there those who have joined.

    So lets see. Is the R.E.S.U.L.T.S program, R.E.A.L.L.Y worth it?

    Profile photo of Boshy888

    Congratulations Reeco!  Mistakes can cost a LOT of money so being mentored by people who have already made plenty of mistakes but who have learned how to do it smarter and who are weilling to teach you how is so worth it.  I would do it in a heartbeat if my partner would allow it ,as I have learned first hand, how beneficial it is to know people who have experience in whatever area you are interested in.

    Good on you!

    Profile photo of reeco

    I knew youd be floating about

    Had to chance to go over my post over and appreciate the input you've given. Still scared the s&#t outta me punching in the credit card numbers to pay it but glad its done. Now the fun begins. If you'd like i can keep you posted. Dont worry i know im going to succeed so my progress may help you convince your partner to join.

    Just show  the full ummings and arrrings of my post and im positive youl get a convert.
    Again thanks

    Profile photo of Boshy888

    I would love to hear how you go with the program and wish you every success.

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