All Topics / General Property / Sale by set date

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  • Profile photo of Tools

    Hi guys,

    Has anyone bought a property with the "sale by set date" method,attached tconditions to your offer and had the offer accepted with the conditions?


    Profile photo of holdencommodoreholdencommodore
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 88

    There are plenty of properties that sell by either Sale By Set Date (R) or private sale with conditions attached. As to whether the vendors accept your offer, depends on the competition you're up against, vendor's motivation, whether other components of your offer suit the vendor, whether you're paying the vendor a premium for the conditions that you want, and how firm (or flexible) your conditions are – I am yet to have a sale where a vendor has signed anything that virtually allows the buyer to walk away at their discretion, so you'll need to keep that in mind when attaching conditions.

    Profile photo of Tools

    Thanks for the reply HC.As it turns out, we inspected the property on the Saturday which was the first OFI and the start of a 4 week campaign.On the following Tuesday we received a call to say the sale date was now 6pm that evening, so it was too soon for us to get our act together and we didn't submit a bid.That was a real pity as our bid would probably have been more than what the property sold for.


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