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  • Profile photo of crashy

    Thats the headline for the glowing article in the latest API magazine (Australian Property Investor)

    Theres 4 whole pages of extremely positive review.

    here is a few snippets:

    “with a new bridge on the way and urban renewel continuing, the Redcliffe peninsula is starting to make the most of its beachside appeal”
    “yet for some reason, the peninsula has yet to make a blip on many property investors radar and prices seem extraordinarily reasonable”
    “mayor says: the fuse has been lit but the bomb has yet to go off”
    “yes the area is changing, we are getting a cafe & restaurant scene developing”
    “were going to have the Biggest Bunnings in QLD and one of the biggest Harvey Normans, these people do their due diligence and know things are on the move”
    “i was attracted to Redcliffe cos its so cheap and close to the water”
    “the esplanade is beautiful now and the area is getting trendy”
    “I really believe that in the next 3-5 yrs this will be a great area”
    “the rental market in the area is very strong”
    “you really dont have vacancies here for very long”
    “Redcliffe is very reasonably priced compared to other areas a similar distance from the city. The real boom hasnt started yet, but it will

    Profile photo of Opportunity In Everything

    That would be the Mayor who is now out of a job? 

    Watch this space on Redcliffe and anything within the Redcliffe City, Pine Rivers and Caboolture Shires.  Council amalgamation is happening.  Anyone who has had to deal with these councils will know change has been long overdue. 

    From now until March 2008 this one of the fastest growing areas in the country will undergo some of the biggest changes  in over 100 years. 

    There will be both good and bad in the wash-up. 


    Redcliffes slogan previously "Redcliffe smiles better" now its "Redcliffe ready for anything".  So that smile has been replaced by a nervous smirk you could say.

    Profile photo of pinknic20pinknic20
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 52

    hi Crashy,

    i am really new to property investing and i am trying to research as much as i can before i make the leap have you any heads up on things we should or should not do?

    Profile photo of Milly

    I grew up at redcliffe, brother lives there as does my father.  I have an IP at kippa-ring. But I'm not as excited about Redcliffe (I read the article crashy mentioned). Yes there is a new bridge on teh way. That bridge is years overdue and I'm not sure it will adequately cope with the populution in any case.  If you are going to buy in REdcliffe, make it walking distance to the water. Kipparing, rothwell etc you might as well be living anywhere as you'd have to drive to the beach.  I can't see my house at kippa-ring increasing in value as the development around it  is ear marked for 'affordable' apartment, duplex, villa types. If you go out to Rothwell you can see dozens of these and they look awful.

    ANd yes the amalgamation of councils will mean Redcliffe with a smaller population than pine rivers or caboolture will miss out.

    Sorry if I'm raining on your parade crashy cos i really do love Redcliffe along the beachfronts. 

    Profile photo of crashy

    your attitude to the area is the same as any local.

    the locals are still consumed with the “deadcliffe” mantra and cant see what they have. go to northern beaches in other cities and see how good you have it!

    “Kipparing, rothwell etc you might as well be living anywhere as you’d have to drive to the beach.”

    oh dont buy Dover heights or anywhere in those eastern suburbs of sydney, as youd have to drive to the beach. its just as silly.

    you dont have to be ON the beach. you can get by being NEAR the beach. yeah, ON has better cag growth…..but most of us dont have a few spare mill for those deals.

    when I first looked at Redcliffe 18 months ago a house was 200k at most. but agents were all “yeah well youre looking to buy at the top of a boom” I looked at em with one eyebrow raised. top of a boom. HA! ok ok, growth had been double digit for 3-4 yrs previous……..but off such a low base.

    Profile photo of Opportunity In Everything


    Median house price Jan 2006 $251,000

    Median house price June 2007 $328,750

    There are no surf/open beaches in Moreton Bay.  It's a bay! 

    These figuers obviously should not be relied upon, they are based on historical sales data record by the poster.

    Profile photo of Milly

    "your attitude to the area is the same as any local."

    yeah cos im a local I know how much that beach stinks from masses of seaweed that doesnt get washed out like a surf beach would .

    as for the beach………..yeah only a victorian would consider swimming there ;)  . In summer we, like most brisbanites head to bribie, Caloundra or the gold coast for our morning swim and head home at 10.30 when it gets too hot to be out.  Redcliffe is good for a picnic.

    time will tell how much growth there will be there. All I know is some ppl there have been waiting for the 'boom' to hit redcliffe for a very long time. for example my parents moved there from vic in '75 absolutely positive that the area ' had to go ahead as it was almost surrounded by water'. 

    Profile photo of waterwater
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 23

    its true the beach stinks! and there are soo many sea lice it is not worth swimming there.

    I have noticed since i have moved (2004) from there that there has been alot of growth and that more ppl seem to be taking advantage of the water, there are lots of jet skis and boasts around.

    Even with the new bridge transport will be an issue. Bus transport to Sandgate for the train was irregular and cramped.

    What is happening with that train line? Even if it is put in i believe the station is to be at Rothwell which isn't great for the ppl living in Redcliffe anyway.

    Profile photo of Opportunity In Everything
    birddog01 wrote:

    What is happening with that train line? Even if it is put in i believe the station is to be at Rothwell which isn't great for the ppl living in Redcliffe anyway.

    Latest talk is that it will be a light rail line and recently the solution was that the current line/resumed land could be extended all the way to Redcliffe.  Not so sure there ever was a station at Rothwell on the cards, mango hill and kippa-ring.

    My prediction is that there will be light rail in Redcliffe within 5 years possibly through a greater funding arrangement.

    Profile photo of Milly

    wanna bet opportunity?

    There's been talk of a railway for a hundred years. There was talk of a station at rothwell linking to the caboolture line.  There was some talk of a monorail across to brighton.

    ANdrew Bartlett quote:
    The railway to Redcliffe – a city on Moreton Bay on a peninsula just north of Brisbane – was first proposed around the end of the 19th Century and is probably Queensland’s oldest and most regularly broken political promise.

    you mentioned earlier about the amalgamation of councils, I don't think redcliffe will fair well out of that. Of course the rail needs state and maybe federal funding.

    IF ONLY qld was the size of Vic! We too, could have beautiful roads and all the facilities.  oh well I'll put up with second rate infrastructure and facilities for blue skies and sunshine.

    Profile photo of Opportunity In Everything
    Milly wrote:
    wanna bet opportunity?

    Watch this space.

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