All Topics / General Property / Partner Resistance Issues

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  • Profile photo of Boshy888

    LOL Handy Andy!  I will definitely try that line but I will have to brace for the verbal fireworks and kill you where you stand glares! 

    I had decided to just proceed with educating myself further without his approval.  And, also to work towards increasing my income so further investment can be excelerated.  The next small step is to learn/practise using various share market strategies that 'should' provide about 1.5% per month (conservative earning) and upwards. Any gains would be reinvested and put towards further real estate as well.

    This weekend I am attending a wealth building workshop and I am SO looking forward to.  17 yo son is coming with me which I figure is best age to start to get a grip on this area.  He is really looking forward to it as well.


    Profile photo of emmajamesemmajames
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 22

    how bout not getting married at all…….lol

    Profile photo of okkamooieokkamooie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 39

    Hey Boshy

    I agree with most of the comments above.  Time, results,trust and rewards is what's required.  My wife was in the same position as you are in a couple of years ago.

    She was very nervous about investing, but over a short period of time (2 years) where I proved good results, I built her turst in my ability.  I now have her confidence to the stage where I came home today and told her that I put a hold on 2 blocks of land (240k) and she said thats nice dear, can you help the kids with their homework.

    Two things that made a big difference for me were, build your investing stratedgy in your mind and let bits of it out at a time.  Don't overwhelm them with to much at any one time, it scares them, and secondly build rewards for them (or the family) into the equasion.  For example, if this property reaches this value in 6 months time I'll take you and the family away for a long weekend, or the next time I increase the rent on that property I'll pay for you to have a massage.  I have found this increadibly powerful and I now have her interested in the progress as she sees something resulting from the effort. My wife is into photography and it is amazing how much support I got for extra memory and an off camera flash. Find a way that your passion can asist them with their passion.

    Good luck


    Profile photo of Boshy888

    The rewards sound like a great idea Okka. Its almost like goal setting. The rewards received as each goal is achieved helps cement the memory of the increase in value into a person's mind thereby building a history of positive results. Definitely worth doing.

    Emmajane – marriage isn't really any different to a long term relationship without marriage. You still have to divide assets, go through the trauma of the breakup and then if there's children…

    I read a book about wealthy people and most of the wealthiest people in the world had long marriages at the time of the study. There was a direct correlation between the degree of wealth and staying married. (I am sure we can all think of exceptions) They also said that wealthy long married couples had tended to pick a partner who had personal values and qualities that respected wealth, and had a high level of commitment to personal integrity and trusworthiness. Interesting. Maybe the wealthiest long married people trusted their brain a bit more than their gonads? Although it did say that these couples also had a healthy attraction for each other as well.

    Profile photo of chefmanchefman
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 61

    Sounds familar to me. I had the same drama with Robyn and it took me 7 years to get her to do the 1st one but after that we were on our way. we have done very nicely over the last 6 years And even a few months ago she rattled my cage by saying she would quit work to spend more time with me!! I am out of hospital now and she has said that she will keep working as she loves her job and can look around the shops in the city. I am also in a situation where i can go out and do a deal and she says thats nice dear!! In fact Robyn reckons what i do is boring looking at the computer and newspapers but as i said to her i find going into all those shops boring!!! It evens out, Just go with the flow as i am sure that your partner will come around. As for the bloke with the $35,000 car and cant buy more good luck!!!

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