All Topics / Help Needed! / Oh No What do I do!!!!

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  • Profile photo of chefman

    Hello Everyone!!!!

    I am in such a delema!!! Wife went off to account the other day and the account of the female spieces said to lovely wife that she could just about retire as we built up such good equity. Wife comes home and starts using such heanes terms of ;we can be couple' spend more quality time together' I can help you!!!' When you go to QLD i can come with you' We can date more' This is very scary!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes we have done really well and do have terrific income from the rentals but i have my life style to consider!!!! we got a dog to keep robyn company while i was in QLD doing stuff!! Robyn has said she can go shopping whilke I do stuff!! What di I do? Please Guys Help Me!!!! Lovely wife  home? Love her to bits but don't like the idea of her helping to cause as is normally to crictial. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Profile photo of hallghallg
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 31

    Hi Chefman, sounds like it’s time to compromise a little. My guess is the wife as has been supportive up to this stage by watching her spending habits and the such? I know what you mean about “my life style” as she also needs to understand what makes you tick. I had a similar issue last year when my dearest decided we needed a tennis court (lights the lot). Sure I had plenty of places to invest the $50,000 (and it hurt a little at the time) but in the end I’m glad I did something whcih was important to her. Sorry but you need to hear a little of what she is saying.

    Regards Hallg

    PS: shoot the accountant

    Profile photo of sdemsdem
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 14

    I think you should divorce your wife, and marry the accountant, who obviously still has to work.

    Profile photo of mackarmackar
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 106

    mate… I could think of a lot worse problems to have…. but if the dog didn't work try having a bub…

    that' ll keep you both busy… hahaha

    Profile photo of Curious_Curious_
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 28

    You call that a dilemma? There are people going bankrupt, much less people dodging bombs in Iraq. Get over it.

    Profile photo of mathewc73mathewc73
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 241

    Nice tongue in cheek post. Very funny!

    I think you should follow what others have already said. Learn to share!  Much more rewarding!  Share with your wife, share with your community and share with the world.  Do it both with your $$$ and with your time!

    I think you will be surprised how much better it will make you feel for such a little cost.

    Profile photo of chefman

    hey m-k bombs in iraq has nothing to do with me so why dont you read the post as tounge in cheek as it was posted. you idiot. Wife read the post and loved it. Go hide back in a dust bin.

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