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Hi everybody. If anybody could point me to the right direction it will be greatly appreciated. I'm a 20-year-old male who is interested in REI. I have the startup money, but I’m wondering what should I do to start? I've studied and read books. I have some knowledge, but now I want to get into action.
If it's property you want to invest in then hit the pavement, talk to a few loan brokers and research your loan options to find out what sort of loans suit your situation, deside on a stratergy,…. do you want to buy and hold,… renovate and sell,…. do small developments,
once you know your stratergy start looking for properties, it's free to look.
and then ultimately buy something, and most importantly never stop learning.
The first thing you need to do is to understand very well the market, neighborhoods and the property type you will be investing in, their idiosyncrasies, current situation, and dynamics that is where prices and rents are headed (up or down) – if you are going to be investing in what I call "bargain" properties you need a mentor experienced in this type of investing (I am not one of those) because you will encounter many details turns and situations that are not described by books…You may check out the site for information and guidance. Get a good feel of the market before doing anything.
Best of luck,
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Hi Semetha
I'm not an experienced investor but I know where you are at. I'm in a situation where I have one IP with about 200k equity. My plan is to draw on that to renovate/develop or somehow improve properties to sell quickly for profit. I plan on continuing this until I can have my own house paid off and have a growing amount of rental properties to replace and eventually exceed my income.
I have no advice for you except to check out this link…
It's on this website and encourages three main things (as far as I can gather):
1) Plan what you want, eg $20,000 or $50,000 profit per trade, or $20-50 positive cash flow per house?
2) Choose a method of investing, eg renovating, developing, flipping, wrapping etc
3) Choose an area and become an area expert, eg get to know the agents/sales/market…
4) Crunch all the numbers for worst case scenario, and have different options written up, eg renovate plan, demolish and develop plan, and subdivision plan all for each opportunity that presents itself.
When you have done that, (as I'm learning to) I believe that the opportunities will present.
If you are smart enough to choose investing at such a young age and as you are obviously focused and hard working enough to save a deposit and purchase costs, then I think you will be going great very soon.
See you on the other side bro!
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