All Topics / Help Needed! / Perth Accountant

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  • Profile photo of attrill

    Hi There

    Could anybody please help me find a good accountant who is familiar with investment property south of the river in Perth. Mine just retired and I am looking for one who preferably has a property portfolio and so would have a keen interest in keeping up to date with all the latest rulings.

    Many Thanks

    Profile photo of LarsontLarsont
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 24

    Ive found Tony Mc Clean at Mack and Co, West Perth to be very good. Not South but does it really matter.

    Profile photo of attrill

    Thanks for the advice. From the number of replies I presume most of the readers of this forum must be based in the eastern states.

    Profile photo of millionsmillions
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 355

    attrill – if you search history you'll find other recent recommendations.  
    – I don't mean to takover your thread but its probably pointless starting a new one.  I know other forumites have previously recommended above accountant.  I would like to ask why you would recommend him?  I changed accountants last year and my current accountant is better than my previous accountant but I'm thinking she may be a bit average also.  She charges me $350/hr and scribbles down figures during our appointment and then has a post-graduate type it up at a lesser fee per hour.  I don't know how she can properly advise us if she's not looking at the final figures.  She doesn't make any suggestions or ask many questions and I'm sure she doesn't even know what our financial position actually is.  Is this the norm?  Is it up to me to be asking the right questions?  Linda

    Profile photo of leddledd
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 13

    Millions, I know how you feel. I had a similar experience with another investor-related professional service.

    I guess your accountant will continue to work the same way as nothing has been said and the fees are paid.

    I'd be finding another accountant.



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