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  • Profile photo of js2

    When looking at this sub-division what peace of land do you think is the best selection and why?


    Profile photo of millionsmillions
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 355

    No. 14 is my favourite.  Being at the end of the culdesac their is less traffic.  Furtherest from freeway.  I would like knowing that the blocks behind No. 14 will be developed into housing also, and not a school, shopping centre, units.   It has a decent frontage and spacious backyard.

    Profile photo of Tysonboss1Tysonboss1
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 306

    Number 30,

    Nice big block, wide street frontage, can see a nice strip of town houses sloting in there.

    Profile photo of ElliceEllice
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 2

    The one furthest from the highway

    Profile photo of js2

    The Highway noise is a good point. I picked 20 and 29 mainly because it seems it could be a sub-dividable block later on as well as tranquil country views over the road and some trees. 20 the one I favored.

    Profile photo of AmandaBSAmandaBS
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 549

    I agree with Millions that any of those wedge shape blocks at the end of the culdesac look best.   They also look elevated?  Hey Jaffasoft maybe I'm getting old but the numbers are very small so I'm buggered if I can see Lot 20.  By the way it looks too green for Toowoomba.  Care to share where the location is?

    Profile photo of js2

    No your not getting to old it's a bit difficult to make out what the numbers are in that photo. After emailing the agent he gave me these prices of the blocks that we're left. With these numbers now at hand I changed my mind to block number 32 based on value for money for the amount of land for dollar value. I don't know how the agent got them prices? If you look at number 3@1000sq mtrs at $54k then at 32,33,36@2200 sq mtrs at $59k each, then it's only $5k extra for more then double the land. The culdesac are priced pretty high. Then I took the median price of all the blocks they have left and used a median price per square meter ($26.81) to calculate what I really thought each block should be priced at not sure if I made any sense of it but my calculations go down the right hand side. If I based my decision on that then Number 3 would be the cheapest at $26810.00c and at 1000 sq Mtrs it's still a reasonably large block in anyones standard, it's just the others make it look smaller in the photograph and you might get a fence built all around you for nothing.

                            Agents list price                             My land evaluation based on median price = ($ per mtr X sq mt)
    3  1000 sq mt at $54k           = $54.00c per sq mtr – median $26810.00c
    4  1449 sq mt at $57k           = $39.33c per sq mtr – median $38847.69c
    5  1486 sq mt at $62k           = $41.72c per sq mtr – median $39839.66c
    6  1531 sq mt at $67k           = $43.76c per sq mtr – median $41046.11c
    10 2167 sq mt at $95k         = $43.83c per sq mtr – median $58097.27c
    13 4711 sq mt at $87k         = $18.46c per sq mtr – median $126301.91c
    14 4312 sq mt at $95k         = $22.03c per sq mtr – median $115604.72c
    15 4019 sq mt at $92,500   = $23.01c per sq mtr – median $107749.39c
    17 3720 sq mt at $90k         = $24.19c per sq mtr – median $99733.20c
    23 1526 sq mt at $56k         = $35.82c per sq mtr – median $40912.06c
    28 1563 sq mt at $57,500   = $36.78c per sq mtr – median $41904.03c
    32 2200 sq mt at $59k         = $26.81c per sq mtr – median $58982.00c
    33 2200 sq mt at $59k         = $26.81c per sq mtr – median $58982.00c
    36 2200 sq mt at $59k         = $26.81c per sq mtr – median $58982.00c
    37 2320 sq mt at $59k         = $25.43c per sq mtr – median $62199.20c
                         Total =$1,049,000          Total = $975,991.24c

    Mean price per square meter   = $32.59c
    Median price per square meter = $26.81c X per sq meter

    Available Land
    Profile photo of mackarmackar
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 106

    I would pick 15… as it looks like it has less trees to remove thus less expense
    & is in a cul de sac but doesn't back onto rear of development to
    safeguard against what may get developed behind …??

    Profile photo of js2

    B.T.W the red dots are the only available land blocks for sale currently! Also the contour of the land would come into it as it has slight hills and slopes across the total parcel of land I have not been to actually look at the land but i seen some other photographs. I'm using this mainly as an exercise. That's a good consideration about it costing to remove the existing trees on some of the blocks not sure if they will clear them all in one go when they go to develop the road, sewage, lighting etc.

    Oh Amanda  I made a mistake myself I thought it was 20 now that I notice it's number 30 on the corner.

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