All Topics / Help Needed! / Subdividing

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  • Profile photo of DJay

    Hi all

    I've had a house in Nth Melbourne for a few years and am now planning to subdivide and build a townhouse out the back which has it's own street frontage.

    This is all new to me.  I called the council and they said I should get a surveyor to start the process but I've had differing opinions on whether to get an architect, a draftsperson, a builder, a surveyor.

    Does anyone know how this process works that could point me in the right direction?


    Profile photo of Jeff777Jeff777
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 3

    Hi there DJ,

    My wife and I have just completed a two unit development on an old quarter acre back six months ago in January 2007.

    We contacted the builders and they did all of the Shire and Council applications and organised the Strata Survey (this is what it is called here in WA).

    Why not consider getting a builder to do the lot. 

    This is our third house that we have built and this one is by far the most profitable.

    All the best

    Jeff Miles


    Profile photo of DJay

    Thanks Jeff

    Congrats on the house on your progress.  Now all I need to do is find a good builder!


    Profile photo of wwsurveywwsurvey
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 23

    Hi DJ,

    Obviously being a Surveyor I'm a bit bias;  but the Surveyor the professional expert in the area of Subdividing he/she is the only person who can prepare the linen plan and create the new titles.  A very good spot to start is your local councils recommendations on a Surveyor,  find one and go and see him.

    In my area I am normally first person on the job at the start of the process and the last off that being a registered plan.  Why pay a builder extra for passing you on to a surveyor anyway.  You should be able to find a Surveyor in your area who will project manager the process for you.

    Peter Williams

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