All Topics / Value Adding / Our first reno project

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  • Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Mon 20th Aug
    -undercoat on most of the outside window frames.
    -removed front screen door ready for replacement
    -u/coat on front door
    -finished sanding ceiling
    -plasterer did top coat on blueboard joins. paid him. $220
    -paid roof restorer – $950 (Bargain!!) It was $850 for cash, but I really need receipts, so he charged $950. Still cheap as.

    Forgot to take camera, so can't show you the roof yet. Tomorrow.
    And tomorrow I get to spray paint ceiling. Yay!

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Tues 21st Aug
    -sprayed 1st coat on ceilings. Took 1 hour of actual spraying time, including a couple of phone calls and having to move some drop sheets around. So probly could have done it in 40 min no interruptions. But also had to do about 2 hours of masking up, and cleaning spray gun after. I got too busy with other jobs so didn't get to do the 2nd coat.
    -did 1st coat of bitumen in gutter
    -undercoat onto blueboard
    -2 coats of black onto some of the windows, and 1st coat on some others.

    Had some helpers who did great work. Thanks.

    I will put a photo of the new sprayed roof onto web now. Have a look.
    And did you all like the handrail on the deck? Too late if you don't!!!


    Profile photo of thornstowthornstow
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 4

    Quick question re: window paint. I've been looking to do this on my PPOR.

    Is it relatively easy to use (ie: I'm imagining something similar to laminate paint)??

    Did you just pick it up from Bunnings? Rough cost?

    Love your thread!!



    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Wed 22nd Aug
    Today I worked somewhere else, so no progress on the reno.
    Hi kate
    I am painting only the frames of the windows, not the glass. (At least not on purpose on the glass!!)
    The frames were raw aluminium. I used an oil based undercoat on the aluminium first, and then just normal exterior acrylic paint over that. Inside the same undercoat, and then an acrylic gloss enamel, same as I am using on the rest of the arcs & skirting.
    I have got all my paint from Solver paints. They are pretty cheap, and good quality too. I think 10L of exterior was about $80. I have an account there though, so I get it a bit cheaper than retail. The only paint I might get elsewhere is some specialty paints eg suede effects, or maybe paving paint. Solver has their own products but with the specialty ones they might not have exactly what I want. Good luck with your painting. Want to come do some painting for me??!!

    Profile photo of crashy

    I painted my window frames.

    One half I used a cheap black spraycan, gloss black, cost $3. painting itself was quick, good finish. prep work was needed, mainly masking off glass & boards. paint brittle, chips off with any hard contact. using a primer didnt help. good for security screens.

    other half I used tin of black enamel, gloss black. small paintbrush. took a lot longer. less prep work, but painting takes ages. finish is patchy. paint thicker and more durable. not practical to paint security screens.

    next time Im using spray can.

    Profile photo of crashy

    re helpers…….can you elaborate?

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Thurs 23 Aug
    -Texture coated all the blueboard and the purple and yellow bricks on the deck are now no longer (a nice white for now).
    -2nd coat of bitumen paint inside gutter.
    -helpers continued with outside window frames.

    Re: helpers
    Family of me and business partner generously donating time and doing a great job. (Still being counted in total man hours worked, just helping get it done quicker).

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Fri 24th Aug
    -2nd coat on ceiling
    -1st coat on doors and trims in all bedrooms.

    I used the roller attachement on the Wagner Paint Crew to roll the ceilings. I found that it was very tiring if I stood on the ground, so I had to stand on a step and keep moving it. Next time I think it would be easier just to use a normal roller with a pole. The time it takes getting up and down from the step is the same as re-filling the roller, but no cleaning the machine after. So Paint Crew quick for spraying ceilings, not for rolling them.
    Rolling walls should still be quicker with the Paint Crew though.
    I also used a small spray tip and tried spraying the windows and trims. This was a failure. The Paint Crew has too much pressure for fine work. Even though the tip only sprayed a 2inch fan, there was just way too much paint coming out of it. I did half of one window and gave up. Went back to a brush. Paint was going everywhere, drips all over the place. So Paint Crew good for big areas only.

    Profile photo of crashy

    good info, thx.

    how would you feel about using wagner to spray roof on windy day?
    how skillful do you need to be to avoid overspray / patchiness?
    do hands get tired holding trigger?
    does it give a thicker coat than roller?
    does it make much noise? ie could you work at night?
    do you need to wear a mask?

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    HI crashy
    -DON'T spray on windy day. If on a roof you will need some way of keeping the machine level. It won't work if sitting on the angle.
    -I don't think you can avoid some overspray. But on a roof you could probly limit it to the gutter.
    -If you do 2 or more coats there should be no hassles with patchiness.
    -Holding trigger is quite easy. You could do it all day. Only tiring if reaching above head for long periods of time.
    -It gives as thick a coat as a very wet roller, and if you are not careful it puts on so much paint that it will start to drip off.
    -It is quite loud. When using it, the motor kicks in every few seconds, but when cleaning it you have to run the motor constantly for several minutes. Not as bad as a jackhammer, but probly comparable to a power saw.
    -Definitely wear a mask. There are mirror wardrobe doors in the bedrooms at my reno. I didn't cover them all the way to the ground when spraying ceiling, and now they have a fine white mist coating them. It will wash off easy, so I'm not worried, but glad I wasn't breathing in that fine mist of paint.


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Sat 25 Aug
    -2 coats of cream on all the walls around deck
    -render completed
    -set out and dug holes for carport posts
    -1st coat on gutter for about 1/2 the house
    -bought a nice timber front door and put 1st coat of clear on it
    -electrician came back and fitted off most of the transformers for downlights, and changed power points and light switches

    Have a look at the new photos. I will put them up now. The render color is darker than I had imagined, so I am going to paint the fascia board cream, and just the gutter black. Look at the photos and you will see what I mean.

    Profile photo of pinknic20pinknic20
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 52

    the house looks fantastic. i think definatley paint the fascia to match

    Profile photo of okkamooieokkamooie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 39

    Hi Jase and Flick.

    The house is looking a million bucks.  What's your estimated date for completion?


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Hi Don
    A Million bucks? Is that an offer?!!
    Completion by mid to late September.

    Some Stats:
    Total hours this week = 95
    Total hours to date =453
    $ spent this week =$4460
    Total spend to date= $16150 approx

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Mon 27 Aug
    -got 1st coat on almost all the rest of doors and trims
    -replaced 2 damaged doors
    -checked out hinges on new front door, ready to hang tomorrow.

    Profile photo of crashy

    what are you painting the doors with?

    Ive used enamel and aquanamel. aquanamel dries fast & easy cleanup but far less glossy & not as durable.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Tue 28 Aug
    -bought all the door furniture (about $740 total) – inside handles, hinges, door stops, cupboard handles, entry sets
    -got front door hung and handle on, plus 2nd coat of clear gloss
    -also builders bog old latch holes so new ones look nice.

    Crashy, I am using water based gloss enamel. Same as Aquanamel I guess.
    Except the front door which is Feast Watson weatherproof clear gloss enamel.

    Profile photo of merrycmerryc
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 27

    Hi Jase and Flic,

    Loving your blog! Where did you go to get the door furniture? I am in carlton and am doing up 2 houses at the moment – always on the lookout for a bargain.


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Wed 29 Aug
    Working elsewhere today, so not much progress.
    I did call someone about a quote to re-surface the tiles in the bathroom. I might just do tile paint myself though, we'll see.

    Hi Chris
    I got all door hardware from Knobs & Brass in Hallam. They have a huge range. I checked some Bunnings prices afterward though, and Bunnings was probly just as cheap or better for the same items, so you would not go wrong there. Another advantage of Knobs & Brass is that they can give very good advice, and can key-alike all locks on the spot, etc. At Bunnings you have to make up your own mind. Next time I will probly get most stuff at Bunnings, and just the specialist stuff at the specialist store.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Thur 30 Aug
    -put first coat on all inside walls. Took about 9 hrs by myself using the Paint Crew to roll. Most of the time was cutting in, as usual.
    -helpers finished gutters, started fascias, continued outside windows
    -had a return visit from one of the agents who looked earlier. They were quite excited at the progress, and optimistic of a good result.

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