All Topics / Value Adding / Our first reno project

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  • Profile photo of pinknic20

    i can't believe how much of a difference that one coat of render makes it will look fantastic when it's done any chance you could give me an average cost for it including painting?

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Hi nicole
    The render is going to cost me about $1540 for 2 base coats and 1 top coat which is coloured already so I don't need to paint over it. I am not sure how many square metres is being rendered so I can't tell you the per metre rate, but it is the front of house right around to the edge of the porch. I will try to work out the metres this week – if I remember that is!!

    Profile photo of pinknic20

    hey Jase,

    Thanks for that i just got a quote for my whole house and it came it at 5,000 and then 1,500 for two coats of paint. i was told that if you just tint the render it fades quickly??? have you heard that??? or are you just going to leave it the grey colour?

    Profile photo of pinknic20

    sorry just re read your reply the top coat is coloured derrr….. lol

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Mon 13th Aug
    Not much done today. Only 2.5hrs spent at the house.
    -got into roof and moved insulation away from where all downlights will be. (the sparky said he could do it for $40per hour, or I could do it for him)
    -worked on the blueboard cladding a bit more. Only 2 sheets more to put up.

    Also went to a Property Investors Network meeting. Very educational.

    Profile photo of here to learnhere to learn
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 33

    try fowles at narre warren for carpet. cheap comes in modern colours and i have had 2 tenants tell me how they love the carpet its so easy to keep clean. have had it one property for 51/2 years still looks good.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Teus 14th Aug
    -finished nailing on blueboard
    -called some more trades to get quotes
    -had a visit from another member
    -a glazier came and replaced glass near front door. (Changed it from frosted to clear.)

    Hi debra, thanks for the tip. I will go have a look.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Wed 15th Aug
    -painted 2nd coat on the handrails around deck
    -tried out my new Wagner Paint Crew (spray painter) and sprayed 2 coats onto the rafters etc of the deck
    -started repair work on the gutters
    -did a bit of patching holes in the ceilings
    -inspected another house

    Profile photo of crashy

    tell me more about the wagner……..I want one!!!

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Hi crashy
    The wagner seems great. It does say "Not for Professional Use!" on the instructions but I am not really a pro painter and will only use it for one house every couple of months, so should last me a while.
    It is made as a very good DIY tool, works almost as well as a $2k+ machine, but doesn't have any pressure adjustment. Just fixed pressure, so can't turn it down for doing small intricate work etc.
    Today it took me an hour to read instructions and assemble, then at least half hour to clean it out at end of day. Once I am used to it, probly a total of half hour down time each day that I use it, so not good for just little bits of painting.
    Tomorrow I hope to spray 2 full coats on the ceiling. I still have to do some prep to the ceiling, and mask up a few places like wardrobes so they don't get sprayed. I reckon it will take only 1-2hours to spray whole ceiling, each coat. I will let you know tomorrow.
    One good thing, is that you can leave paint in the machine for a few hours. So I can spray 1st coat in morning, then wait 3-4 hours and spray 2nd coat, then clean out machine at end of day. That is the plan anyway.
    I also got a roller attachment for it so I can roll on paint without having to re-fill the roller all the time. Just start the machine and roll roll roll. I will probly do this on walls.

    I shopped around a bit, and everyone was the same price – $695. I found a Syndey shop selling online for same price but they had about $250 of extras included, so I got it from them and bought some more accessories as well. Total spend was $869.35. The cheapest professional model is about $1500+. The place I got it from is here:
    Not sure if they still have the same deal, but they were quite helpful. I called them to place the order, and they talked me through the product and helped me select extras like different size tips. Then I got the package next day, which was very fast service. It was free postage too (for orders over $250 I think). So I would use that shop again if I need anything.

    Not sure what else to tell you. I guess after I use it more I will have a better idea.
    The rafters were quite easy because the existing fibre glass roof sheets are still in place, so I could just spray all rafters from standing on the deck, and any overspray hit the roof sheets. We are changing the roofing anyway, so it is a useful "dropsheet".
    It did waste a bit of paint doing it this way, but I sprayed the whole roof structure in less than 30 min each coat. It would have taken probly at least 2 hours per coat by hand.
    I will get a photo tomorrow if I remember.

    Profile photo of crashy

    great review, thanks

    Ive always wondered just how much paint they waste, and if the time saved is worth the paint lost.

    Ive seen those machines on ebay quite cheap so might buy there.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Thurs 16th Aug
    -put top coat on all plaster patches inside
    -installed 2 bits of cornice
    -sanded all the cornices
    -sanded some ceilings
    -bought all the materials to texture coat blueboard

    Didn't get a chance to spray ceilings. Much more prep still to be done than I thought.

    Funny story. While entering some receipts onto computer last night I noticed that a large order of timber from last week had one item that cost $717.13. Problem is the item was 2 bits of 70x45mm treated pine, 5.4m long each. Seemed a little expensive. I had not noticed it at the time of ordering material because it was a fairly big order for the carport and all the timber for the deck handrail and blueboard framing etc. Total order was $1944, seemed a little expensive, but I just thought that's what it was.
    So I went back to the timber yard and showed them the receipt. The very embarassed salesman explained that it should have been 3.75 per metre, but had been typed in at $75 per metre. So I got a refund of $684, and my budget is looking much better.

    Speaking of budget, for everyone's interest the reno cost is so far $11,689.99. And we have done a total of 321hours work, excluding subcontractors.
    I think we are about halfway there on the time, and running pretty close to budget overall.

    Profile photo of rboothrbooth
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 8

    Hi Jase & Flic,

    I love reading about your progress, very informative.
    BTW I managed to buy a Steve McKnight  Wrap kit on Ebay today, so  I now have some serious reading to do. Got the word about it from someone on this forum.
    Keep up the good work.


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Fri 17th Aug
    -replaced all the dodgy architraves that I had taken off earlier
    -did some more plaster patching
    -a roof restorer came and did all the repointing. ( I was going to DIY, buy decided to get some help to speed up the process. I found a quote that is still under what I had budgeted for to DIY, so that's great. I had allowed $1500 for roof re-paint, and this guy quoted me $950. Awsome. I have already pressure washed the roof, so saved him some time. But I had 2 other quotes that were $2250 and $1200 even though I already washed it, so this guy is very cheap. And he was recommended by the paint store that sells roof paint as "the only guy I would trust on my roof", so I think he will be ok quality.
    -had a visit from another fellow investor. Hi Troy, good luck with that unit.

    Profile photo of okkamooieokkamooie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 39

    Hi Jase and Flic

    I have enjoyed following your journey. 

    You have indicated that you have looked at a number or like properties within your area.  I am interested to know if the market in general is going up there and if you think that this will add extra profit when it comes time to sell.


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Sat 18th Aug
    Another productive working bee. Together me and all the helpers:
    -finished staining front fence
    -nailed balusters onto deck handrail
    -troweled base coat onto blueboard joints
    -did 'no more gaps' over whole house
    -2nd coat of render on front wall
    -undercoat to the remainder of arcs and skirts
    -took off the balustrade from front porch
    -started sanding all the plaster patches

    I have put a few more photos up here:

    Hi Don. The market in our area is quite strong. When we started this deal we had a best case, worst case, and likely case sales price in mind. It now seems that we have a great chance to get the best case or better. This is partly due to the market, and partly that the reno is going to be a bit nicer than we originally thought. Because this is our first attempt, we were not confident of the quality that we could produce, and so based our predictions on a good but not great final product. Now that we are halfway through the job, we can see the end product more clearly (in our heads that is), and it is looking lovely. Can't wait to make the vision reality and show you all the photos!
    However, we are doing what we can to get the house finished and sold ASAP so that we don't miss out on the current strong market.

    Profile photo of corhigcorhig
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 37

    Hi Jason,

    On my way home from doing some painting on one of our rentals in Skye, I popped past your place in Noble Park (best side of Noble Park too).  Met Anthony & his wife, who showed me around.  Please thank them for me.  The place looks great, so much work going on.  I think the deck will sell the house, such a great private area !  Did you have someone do the rendering for you?  I'll do another drive by in a couple of weeks.  Good luck


    Profile photo of meme
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 19

    i too are watching closely,  i think everyone in the forum is watching, could you keep us up to date with costs maybe a weekly  expenditure.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Hi me
    I will try to give a weekly total expenses, but probly not a detailed breakdown until the  end, mostly because I don't want to type it all out every week. Have to be careful not to become so engrossed in that the rest of life suffers.
    So maybe a running total of the reno cost so far, and the total hours so far.
    A couple of days ago the total was about $11,700, and the hours were 321. I will update this in a day or two.

    HI Coralie. Thanks for stopping by. I did get a renderer to do the front of the house. He seems to have done well so far. Final coat very soon. Pretty cheap too I thought. $1400 +GST for the whole front of house round to the porch.

    Apparently the roof tiles got spray painted today. Can't wait to see it and get a photo for you all.

    Profile photo of BagheeraBagheera
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 10

    Great thread, very inspirational, just got married and we are looking at getting our first investment property for christmas.
    With all the hard work you are putting in listing the hours and costs, you are letting us get into property with our eyes wide open and not stumbling around in the dark. Nothing worse than taking on a project only to be dissapointed with the enormity of the task before you.

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