All Topics / Value Adding / Our first reno project

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  • Profile photo of tammytammy
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 155

    Hi Jase,

    Congratulations on having the finish line in sight!!! I am sure Steve's weekend will see you explode forward now.

    All the best with the sale.
    Tammy (from Tamworth)

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Fri 21 Sep
    -Bathroom fitted off
    -more mulch
    -remove rubbish
    -remove tools and paint tins etc
    -heaps of little defects
    -a couple of last minute purchases

    Tomorrow is just a bit more cleaning, turn on lights, arrange some furniture. Then go look at some more houses. Fun!

    Agent says she had heaps of enquiries, and due to popular demand has decided to have a 2nd open house at 6pm for those who can't make the 11am tomorrow. The sale board went up tonight also. Looks nice.

    I will let you all know how it goes.

    Profile photo of okkamooieokkamooie
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 39
    Profile photo of elkam

    Congratulations on having reached the most exciting part on time  and within budget.
    The need for a second inspection certainly sounds very promising. Terrific.

    Can we have some bathroom photos please before you sell.
    Also a small summary of what you did in the bathroom would be great now that you have all that free time on your hands.

    Am I right in assuming that a sale by negotiation is the same as a private sale but with a "sell by" date?
    Best of luck

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Thanks don
    Elka, I will definitely get bathroom photos, probly today. We originally were going to basically leave it alone, but decided it needed a lift so it didn't drag the rest of the house down.
    So we:
    -re-tiled floor
    -tile paint all wall tiles (white)
    -added splashback tiles to vanity
    -changed vanity handles
    -all new taps, toilet and mirror
    -timber venetian
    -added a row of mosaics as a border around the wall tiles

    The "Sale by set Date" method that we are using is like a cross between an auction and a private sale.
    It starts with "sale by 4pm on 20th Oct" – 4 weeks after first open house. The idea is that people make their offers and then on that date we choose which one we will take (if any).
    But if we get an offer that is high enough we can say "yes" immediately, and then the "set date" is brought forward to 4pm the next day. So then all the intested buyers are contacted and told "This property will be sold at 4pm tomorrow, so if you want to make an offer, you have 24 hours to make your best offer.
    From that point all offers are put in an envelope so only the agent who takes the offer knows what it is. This gets agents competing, and puts pressure on buyers to truly make their best offer. Then the next day we open the envelope and choose which offer to accept -either the one we already said yes to, or another one if better.
    We think this method will work well for us in the current market which is very strong, with many buyers frustrated at missing out, and with properties like ours being quite rare in the area.
    As a buyer though, this method is really hard to get a bargain. So as a seller, Yay.

    Anyway, today is the day.
    I better go finish cleaning and make the place pretty!!!
    See ya.

    Profile photo of pinknic20pinknic20
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 52

    Hi Jase and Flic,

    Well done, you have done an amazing job the house looks great your hard work and determination has really paid off.

    i wish you well with the sale and i am sure you will have people lined up to give you money haha here's hoping….

    Good Luck 

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Sat 22 Sep
    -got the house all cleaned up, tables set, music on, fresh bread on bench, lights on. Looking great.
    -agent came, we left and went to look for next one.
    -17 groups through the 11am open, and one person wanted to make an offer in the evening.
    -another open at 6pm an agent rang me at 7:30 to say she was still at our house and had taken 2 offers. She didn't want to tell me over phone what they are, so have to wait till tomorrow. Suspense. Grrrrr.

    Also, looked at a few more houses and found about 4 that need more research.
    Quite a fun day really.
    Now how am I supposed to sleep with all this suspense? Feel like a 5 yr old on Christmas eve. What is in those offers?
    I will let you know how it goes.

    Profile photo of LifeUnlimitedLifeUnlimited
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Jase and Flic,

    We have been watching your reno with great interest for a little while now. Thanks so much for keeping track of the whole process. You have done a fantastic job with the house, and to come in on time and on budget is fantastic! We are excitedly awaiting to hear how the offers go – we are hoping for you that they are well above your initial expectations.

    Keep up the good work and keep us posted!

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Hi all
    Just thought i would post as Jase has taken our 3 boys camping for last 2 nights (hell be back today). Just thought i'd let everyone know that we regrected the first 2 offers made but last night received 2 more, 1 of which we accepted. What does this mean?! All buyers have until 4pm today to put their best offer forward. Cant tell you anything else except our house is soooo quiet with just my daughter and i home. As for the boys they are all having a ball fishing, camping and doing all those boy things with their dad  

    Profile photo of elkam

    Hello Flic

    That was quick but with the great job you all did certainly no surprise.
    Looking forward to hearing the details after the contract is signed.


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Hi everyone
    I'm back.
    Ready for the news?
    Altogether we had the following offers:
    330k, 60 day settlement, subject to building and pest
    338k, 60days, subject to finance
    (both rejected on advice of agent)
    342k, 60days, building and pest (accepted so agent could give 24hrs notice to all buyers),
    345k, 60days building & pest
    348k, 30 days, unconditional
    350k, 35 days, subject to bank valuation.
    At this point we met with the agent (5:30pm tonight) and she decided to try one more time, so called the 348k buyer and asked him to match the 350k.
    He did, so we signed. $350k, 30day settlement, unconditional. The only possible problem is the 3 day cooling off period, but should be ok there.
    So needless to say, we are all very pleased with the result.
    Now we can get out and find another one.

    I will post again soon with some breakdowns of costs etc etc.

    Profile photo of KancabKancab
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 4

    Hello Jase & Flic

    Congratulations !!! On a fantastic result .. Hope all goes well with the cooling off etc..

    You both did a great job on the reno…    all the best with your next project ..

    God bless

    Profile photo of John JJohn J
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Jason and Flic,

    Congratulations on the reno and the result.

    You have put in a lot of work and deserve the pay off. Good luck looking for the next one.



    Profile photo of the_maddogthe_maddog
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 16

    Purchase Price: mid $200k's
    Reno Cost: $25k
    Total Cash in: $56,624.00
    Expected Profit: $15,726.00
    Project length: 4months

    This was your original estimate. I am guessing the profit has increased with those sort of offers?
    Well done, the place looks great. With the renovations on the outside, it really gives the perception of additional living space.

    Profile photo of millionsmillions
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 355

    Hi Jase, I was wondering if you could please include with your breakdown of costs an estimate of how much the property would have increased in that time without a reno also.  Thanks.

    Profile photo of merryc

    Congratulations. Absolutely fantastic result for all your hard work.

    Profile photo of merryc
    Stumunro wrote:

    Awesome job mate. I am gobsmacked at how great you have transformed this house and on that good a budget. you are a deadset inspiration :)

    Couldn't agree more.

    Profile photo of dmvdmv
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 7

    Well done Jason and Felicity,

    Congrats on the well earned break too!
    So excited for you – have fun looking for the next one (and the next).
    Drop us a line,


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    What a day.
    The "unconditional" offer suddenly got a heap of conditions added to it.
    The buyer went back to have another look at the house and started to pick little problems like the windows need lubricating, and the wardrobes could use some paint on the inside.
    They are using the threat of the 3 day cool off period to get these things added to the contract.
    Anyway, it just means about 1 more day of work for me, and the offer amount is very good, so I might as well accomodate their wishes.

    BTW, I haven't forgotten about posting all the details of reno costs, profit margins etc, but I want to wait until after the contract is unconditional before I put up all that detailed info.


    Profile photo of crashycrashy
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 736

    they wont pull out using cooling off period as it will cost them around $800

    tell em to get bent

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