All Topics / Value Adding / Our first reno project

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  • Profile photo of fatkatfatkat
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 5

    Just checked out the photos…lookin' goooood!!!

    Was the floating floor difficult to lay?  Any tricks/tips you could pass on?

    How are you going with the budget?  Do you have any figures yet to share?  What did REA say re sale price…was it good news?

    Profile photo of bpudaderabpudadera
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 4

    WOAH!!!!! WHAT A BEAUTY!!! Love love love it! It looks awesome! Ive been following your progress and I hope my investment property turns out the way yours did!!! By the way, i followed your trick on staining the wooden fence, and it looks great! It repels water and doesnt stain when you run your hands on it! I truly recommend it and its cheap!!! Great stuff! Again, keep up the hard work and you deserve all the praise! Hope things go well on D day!!!

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Thurs 13 Sep
    Me and 2 helpers:
    -demolished the gate where the carport is
    -painted the brick wall where the carport is
    -did a big clean up and took a trailer load to tip
    -took a load of timber and paint left-overs home
    -did some repairs to the deck and started sanding it
    -oiled some mirbau ready to make a bar on the deck
    -hire furniture arrived and installed
    -bought paint for the deck, one more timber blind (had wrong size), some misc timber, and picked up the floor tiles for bathroom

    The furniture makes a big difference, but I didn't have the camera with me today sorry.
    The furniture company brought a 7 piece dining setting instead of a 5 piece, and the 7 is too big for the small dining room, so they are going to change it tomorrow.
    They also had a lovely vase set up just inside the front door with some tall dried flowers in it. We were all admiring the bedrooms and walked in just a gust of wind blew in the front door and knocked the vase over and onto the floor. It smashed, and put a divot in the floating floor as well. Bummer.

    Another story about the floating floor: I took all the taps off the other day, and forgot to put the washing machine taps back on before I turned on the water again. So got back to the house to hear water gushing onto the laundry floor (floating floor).
    It was very flooded. I mopped up all the water straight away, and hoped it would dry, but a couple of the boards swelled on the join so I had to pull up the boards in the laundry and replace 4 of them. Lucky I did, because there was still water sitting on the underlay with nowhere to go. It would have wrecked the whole floor if I left it. Next time I think either vinyl or tiles in the laundry would be better.

    In answer to questions:
    Floating floor: it took a couple of hours to prepare surface and do underlay. The actual laying is not too hard, but you have to sort of do it a row at a time, not a board at a time, because when you put the 2nd and 3rd boards etc on a row, all the ones before it lift up a bit and don't stay stuck together. So you put all the boards down as best you can for that row, then go back along the row and give it a final push and yank to bring the boards all together nicely. When the whole row is clicked together right, then start the next one.
    A pair of knee pads are very handy.

    Reno cost: I have been flat out and not added it all up. I will let you know.
    REA comments: all very positive so far. REA is coming back tomorrow to see furniture. She is quite excited about how the house is turning out and expects a lot of interest.

    Glad the fence stain works for someone else also. Good luck with your reno bpudadera.

    Try to get some pics tomorrow.
    This is a very full on week. Trying to make the deadline of Photographer on Monday morning, then the other deadline of open house next Sat. So many little things that are not expected or planned for.
    But we are almost there. And very soon I can start earnestly seeking the next one!! That will be fun!!

    Profile photo of Easy Beach ShowerEasy Beach Shower
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 46

    Keep up the good work.

    Here is an online BLOG.



    Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 25

    Gday jase and flic

    Well done… nearlly there :)

    May i ask who you got to do your painting on the roof and driveway??

    Thanks again..


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Thanks gatecrasher, oh, I mean oneplumber.

    Fri 14 Sep
    -deck sanded and repairs complete, ready for painting
    -built a bar on the deck and a sort of plant holder feature thingy on one of the walls
    -splashback tiles and border tiles laid in bathroom
    -went sick with a diamond blade and grinder on the bathroom floor. Tiles all scored, ready to lay on top.
    -the blinds in lounge got cut to size and installed
    -some touch ups inside
    -windows cleaned outside

    I will be away for the weekend. Going to a 2 day seminar that Steve is running. Can't wait.
    So I will post again Monday.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    I just put some photos up of the furniture, bar on deck etc.

    Hi Mark
    We are doing the driveway ourselves next week.
    If you email me I will send you the number of the roof restorer. He was great.
    Just send me a private message through my profile page and I will write back next week.

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Mon 17 Sep
    -got the bathroom tiles all grouted, border and floor tiles. Ready for a fit off now.
    -finished the 2nd coat on deck
    -cleaned shower base and bath.

    I should add that over the weekend all my helpers got heaps done, including: paint deck, spread lilydale toppings in carport and on footpath around back, laid floor tiles, set up some plants, hung some pictures, planted some more plants in garden, and lots of other things.

    While they were doing that, I was having a great time at the 2 day advanced property workshop. The simplest thing I can say about the seminar is "Wow". Those of you who were there will know what I mean!!!

    So the professional photographer is coming tomorrow morning, and I will be madly rushing about making it all look pretty. That's a tough order for a bloke, so I think I'll drag my wonderful sister along with me and put her to work.

    The rest of the week is looking very busy. So many little things to be done at the end. I will get some more photos tomorrow.
    Getting exciting now.

    Profile photo of dmv

    Nearly there my friend! Hang in there it will all be worth it! Good luck for the weekend.


    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Tue 18 Sep
    Hi Diana!! Thanks. Great to hear from you. Hope you are recovering ok from the weekend. I am still pooped.

    Today I:
    -took my sister to help me and took a few vases, table cloths etc from home
    -picked up more vases etc from business partners' house
    -went to the reno and cleaned up a few places that needed it
    -raced up to the nearest shopping centre and did 1hr 10min of speed shopping. I bought fruit for a fruit bowl, mugs, wine glasses, glass tumblers, jug, plates, bowls, cutlery sets, place mats, fake flowers, canisters for kitchen, door mats, a floor rug, napkins etc.
    I have to say, I did pretty darn good for a bloke.
    -raced back to house and set it all up
    -the profesional photographer came and took photos.
    -did some more painting 2nd coat on bits and pieces
    -went to Bunnings and got some paving paint for driveway, and other bits and pieces.

    The house is now looking fantastic.
    The professional photos will be up on web tomorrow at latest. In all the rush I didn't take any more of my own today.
    Here is the link to see the pics when they are ready:

    The open house will be at 11-11:30 on Sat. All welcome.

    Total spend so far is $23,168. I think it will get to about $27,500. Out budget was $25,261 and we have made some deliberate choices to do additional things over our original plan (like tile bathroom floor), so I am quite pleased with 27.5k on the reno.


    Profile photo of elkam

    Looking really great. The last owners will be kicking themselves for selling. :-)

    Would you mind telling me what lazer light sheets are as opposed to what was on the roof of the deck before? Sorry for the stupid question but I am overseas and can't pop down to Bunnings to ask them.

    What was the cost of all that furniture hire? I must say whoever furnished it did a good job and I think it will help in the sale.

    After all that  hard work now I wish you just a little luck with 2 or more motivated buyers.


    Profile photo of elkam

    Did you lay the floating floor boards over the tiles in the kitchen etc. or did you have to remove them all first?

    Getting rid of those tiles has upgraded the place no end IMO though they did suite the blue window frame and skirting boards. :-)

    Profile photo of timmcmtimmcm
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 3

    Good luck
    I have just done a very similar reno in the next suburb of springvale – but using a buy – reno – hold strategy
    Im amazed how much houses are selling for in this area this year. and also how quickly they are selling


    Profile photo of PickworthPickworth
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 48

    Hi Jason

    I have been watching with interest for quite a while – as you know.

    The reno has come up a real treat and you must be pleased with your efforts.

    I am sure you will reap your rewards.


    ' you will never go broke taking a profit '

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Wed 19 Sep
    -met with agent to give ok to the photos and choose the ones for ads and signboard. Also gave her S32's and keys.
    -made a bit more fence at the side of the carport
    -planted a few more plants
    -started cleaning the driveway
    -went shopping for bistro blinds
    -had a meeting with business partner

    Hi Elka
    The old roof sheets were fibre glass, the new ones are polycarbonate for $9.90 per lineal metre (780mm wide coverage per sheet).
    The hire furniture was $1617 for 5 weeks, but we have added a lot of small things ourselves. We brought a lot of vases etc from home, and have spent about another $600 on little things. The big shaggy rug in lounge is ours and was nearly $300, but lovely don't you think? Our budget was $2500 for hire furniture, so we are happy 'cos we will have a few things to take with us to the next house. My sister is the brains behind most of the arranging.
    The kitchen and dining used to have lino, not tiles, so we pulled it up and then put the floating floor.

    Hi Tim
    Congrats on your reno. Maybe we should compare notes sometime. Call me if you like 0411 424 871

    Hi Pickworth

    I still have to paint driveway, 2nd coat some fascia, hang bistro blinds, fit off in bathroom, quite a few touch ups, and some more cleaning, so a lot to get through in the next 2 days.
    If I don't post tomorrow it is because I am still there. Fun.

    Profile photo of StumunroStumunro
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 49

    Awesome job mate. I am gobsmacked at how great you have transformed this house and on that good a budget. you are a deadset inspiration :)

    Profile photo of dmv

    Hi Jason,

    Still totalled but coming to terms with the great info! What you have achieved is totally amazing, here's to several interested parties and a better than anticipated outcome


    Profile photo of elkam

    Just had a look at the photo tour on the open2 view site. Great photos.
    Is there a reason as to why there are none of the bathroom?

    Profile photo of Jase and Flic

    Thur 20 Sep
    -pressure cleaned and painted driveway, footpath, and porch
    -hung bistro blinds to deck
    -finished most of touch ups
    -plumbers came and finished carport roof and fitted off all taps etc
    -went to Bunnings, Target, Reject shop, Coles and a couple of others looking for little bits of furnishings.

    One more big day tomorrow, and it will all be about done.

    Thanks for kind words everyone.
    elkam, no bathroom photos because still finishing the bathroom. Plumbing gear went in today. Still need to hang blind, hang mirror, towel rail and toilet roll holder, silicone around bath and vanity. I will get photos of it (maybe not till Sat) and put them on the flickr site so everyone can see.

    The ad is up now.

    The open house is 11:00-11:30am Sat. If anyone is in area please have a look, and tell me what you think of the agent, the house, and the crowd (I hope) that shows up.

    BTW the couches are grey not purple, but apparently sometimes fabrics just look weird in photos.

    Thanks all for reading. What are we all going to do for fun when this is over with?


    Profile photo of cruzinbudcruzinbud
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 23

    Hi Guys,

    Congratulations on your achievements. I have almost completed my first reno as well, and am quite surprised at what we have achieved. Nothing as expansive as yours, just painting mainly and a new kitchen. We are getting it revalued next week so fingers crossed with that.

    Good luck with the open house tomorrow.

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