All Topics / Value Adding / Vinyl wrap vs two-pac vs aluminium framed glass doors

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  • Profile photo of Ozboy

    So vinyl wrap doors can look as good as two-pac, but have a reputation of the vinyl bubbling. Is bubbling always eventually going to occur or was it a probem in the past & the technology has improved to virtually eliminate it? Is it dependent on the base MDF of the the door?

    Profile photo of letlet
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 10

    Hi ozboy,
    I have just fitted some new vinyl wrap cabnets which caused major problems……… The glue batch was faulty, the manufacturers had to pay for all losses. Our tradie (and family friend) believes that bubbling and peeling is rare and that how they are treated has alot to do with it. It does raise the question  of how they are made to start with… Is the glue OK, are the products free from defects and are they water tight. 

    Profile photo of loccolocco
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 62

    Hello Ozboy,

    I have used both materials for cabinetry work. Vinyl wrap is cheaper and yes can be made to look like two pac as for bubbling i have only come across it a few times and it was because of poor manufacturing. Two pac looks brilliant but if you scratch or damage it, it is going to cost.
    If you are looking to use in an IP then i would use vinyl wrap or even just laminate.

    Hope this has been of help


    Profile photo of RenomartRenomart
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 6

    Vinyl wrap is the worst type of finish to put on kitchen doors. The heat from a toaster can delaminate a wall cabinet door just as the steam from a kettle can too. If heat deflectors are not installed on ovens then the doors next to the oven can delaminate.

    Profile photo of shylockshylock
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 4

    Hi Ozboy,
    I have used both 2 pac and v.wrap, i prefer to use v. wrap over 2 pac any day…I do agree with Luke though and would not put either into a IP.If you are after a softer look than the plain laminate then i would suggest Hardform doors .You can order these with the rounded edges on the sides and a 3mm thick pvc edge top and bottom…very durable and looks great at a fraction of the cost of the V.Wrap.
    Hope this helps
    Regards Shylock.

    Profile photo of Cory RobertsonCory Robertson
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 13

    If this is for your place and have a stack of cash that you want to get rid of go the 2 pac doors.

    I have been in the shopfitting / cabinetmaking industry for around 20 years and found that 2 pac door are not a real good idea for a rental or a house that has kids running around as they can mark very easly and be a problem to match down the track due ti colur fade if they do get damaged.

    If you go the vinyl wrap doors they can have a problem with some heat (next to ovens and above hot plates) but they can be replaced with out any problems as long as you know the company they come from and the style they are. The door in my place are around 7 years old and they are still as good as new.

    If it is for a rental I would be sticking with laminate doors with a 2mm abs edging to protect the edges from any knocks that may happen.

    Good luck,


    Profile photo of karenfullwoodkarenfullwood
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 2

    Hi Ozboy,

    I am an interior/kitchen designer and my cabinetmaker will not use vinyl wrapped unless forced due to bubbling effect then eventually cracking, especially in hotter area's such as Qld.
     You can't go passed 2 pak for a superior look for a capital growth property however, if you are going to rent out the property it can tend to scratch if slobby tenant.

    Hope this helps.


    Profile photo of Ozboy

    Hi all & thanks for your feedback.
    I have actually decided to go with aluminium framed glass doors. They're a fairly new concept to the Australian market & as such I expect an even better return than what two-pac would give (at least for the next 3 to 5 years, when they become 'yesterday').
    I also have a friend who manufactures toughened glass, so I reckon I will be able to make them for at least half the price of what 2 pac would be. The glass will be white painted.

    (As such I have updated the forum topic!)

    Profile photo of bjb007bjb007
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 69

    Marvellous thread. I'm in the process of buying a flat pak kitchen for a rental and was tossing up between the vinyl wrap and the laminate wrap doors.

    You've just made a decision for me. Many Thanks. Laminate wrap doors, here I come!

    Profile photo of Boshy888Boshy888
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 154

    In our PPOR the kitchen is vinyl wrapped and the doors have a rectangle pattern routed into them.  After 7 years they still look great and the surface has proven to be quite durable (we have three kids).  However, there are three doors where the vinyl started to lift off the timber underneath.  It wasn't on the cupboards anywhere near the stove, toaster or kettle.  We quickly glued them back down but in a rental property this probably wouldn't happen and a they could be irrepairably damaged.  The business that made them doesn't exist anymore which was annoying because they disappeared long before the 7 year guarantee expired. 

    For an IP I would definitely go for a laminate finish as it is so tough and reliable.

    Profile photo of Paul the Door GuyPaul the Door Guy
    Join Date: 2008
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Guys, most of the above comments are pretty accurte but the problem with the vinyl "bubbling" is referred to in the industry as delamination. It has happened to a small percentage of doors made using a spray adhesive and has effected all manufacturers which use this method. There is another method which uses a membrane film between the vinyl and the MDF. Its been very common in the UK and USA but has only been used in Australia by a handful of manufacturers for the last 5 or 6 years at most. Its now being marketed as ThermalFusion or TF. Our company has been using this method since it first came to the country and we haven't experienced ANY delaminations since we progressively switched to it. If you're considering vinyl wrap doors be aware that there is a difference in how they are made and it can have long term effects.

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