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  • Profile photo of r1trackdayr1trackday
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 25

    I recently was invited to sit down with a friend and his parents to talk with a rep from "The Investors Club".

    He was a really good sales rep and made you feel like you really needed to sign up there and then, but with my knowledge on figure with real estate, it didn't really work out. (or i had a better plan)
    Basiclly, they say,work up 4 million worth of property in 10 years and then live off the equity…

    Just intreged if anyone is with the investors lub and is it making them what they say it should?

    Anyone know how they work and whether it's a good deal or bad?



    Profile photo of KuadeKuade
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 84

    The Investors "Club" is the only club I can think of (other than Amyway perhaps) who has sales reps. They're not a club, but a well conceived marketing business.

    They have other related businesses and business partners who all benefit when an individual buys through the "Club". Its not to say they're all bad investments, but perhaps not the best you could find.

    Profile photo of XeniaXenia
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,231

    They are a marketing business for the properties they sell please do a search for other threads on this forum, the question has been asked many times.

    Profile photo of Elaine Dusty Muddy

    HI, Your question is a bit old now, I suppose, but I have purchased property through the investors club.
    It cost me the same as was advertised through Domain, plus I got extras, security screens, blinds and light fittings, on a house and land package.  Everything was done for me, and at no cost at all.

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor


    You have to love them dont you………..they are everywhere.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of Elaine Dusty Muddy

    Hio GOM,
    Are you paranoid, or do you only like to read negative comments in a forum? 
    At least I have purchased a property through TIC .
    Would anyone like to know of a first hand experience?

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor


    You might have opened the proverbial can of worms.

    I think you will many many forumites have purchased through Big Kev and not all will have happy stories to tell.

    I can tell you a few from the TIC early days but these have been posted before.

    Do a quick search and you will see what others have said over the years.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of god_of_money

    BTW, EDM

    I suggest you get INDEPENDANT valuation on your property(ies). And let us know the truth!!!
    Hopefully you are not running into negative equity and bank/lenders are ghosting after you

    Profile photo of Nick Kirlew

    I have never purchased through the investors club although early today I sent our current house requirements through to my local club support member. If we buy one through them I'll let you know how it goes.

    The last time I asked for a property through them the advice was we were spending too little. As we did not have any more to spend that advice really wasn't that helpful.
     So on our way home from holidays we visited Townsville, looked at the 20 or so properties in our price range over the week. Culled out the suburbs that were just to far out, the houses that were just to weird, (gently collapsing north Queensland property, nothing quite like it). Then we followed the tribe around who where just ahead of us in the same price range, until we were the first to find the real estate agent on the day and make the offer. Job done. 

    Over the last few weeks we have been trolling the usual suspects who present a property via the internet that should come over the line for the average Joe investor.
     It seems to me that apart from the Jenman "all salesman are evil" angle there are shades of grey. Property investment for my wife and I is all about purchasing over distance. We live in the Northern Territory, so we don't often get to see the properties we buy. Remember early Jan Somers, average house, average street? So as a distance purchaser we look for what might trade again in a reasonable time frame should we need to liquidate. More likely we will eventually look for the growth to support another purchase. 

    Yesterday we put an offer in on another prominent property supply company, the finders fee being $9,900 inc GST which seems a lot to me on a 332K trade but we are assuming we can do it with some confidence over distance.
     Last time we tried them it was one of a set of flats and all the flats had to change hands on the same day, hopeless! 

    So I guess my point is that just like buying any thing else of high value (shares, indigenous art spring to mind), there are plenty of people who are cash rich, time poor, willing to leap in but also willing to pay someone else to do the legwork. Is any company that forms to take advantage of that necessarily evil?

    Not wanting to start a flame war

    Profile photo of lozza1959

    Did anyone mention TIC??

    my husband and i love them, we were skeptical at first, and treaded carefully.

    Attended one meeting to start with (free) aback in 2004 nd learned some information that was very helpful to use with our existing rental property.(which we have now sold due to some bad advice from our accountant) We didn't get along to another meeting for another 4 years and this time we jumped in feet first. The reason so long between visits was we had a wedding to pay for, bought our own house, and saving for renovations & paying off the mortgage – we generally thought we didn't have the right finances available to invest in more property during this time. We attended the next meeting earlier in 2008 and haven't looked back.

    We've had many meetings, lots of 24hour phone support, help from mortgage brokers and interesting club dinners with guest speakers of various kinds learning so much more than we had ever realised we were capable of. We've met many interesting experienced people willing to help us with information on anything and everything. Its refreshing and motivating learning from people that have done it all before and only interested in offering positive support. I'm tired of the club being knocked for what they do. All their support o us has been free and uncomplicated. It's not cost us anything to be a member and we've bought our first property which has already increased in value and it's not even built yet, also the rent has been valued at $30 p.w higher than when we first bought it 3 months ago. Someone said to me the club gets a cut from each sale….well why shouldn't they? They do a tonne of work for us and if we had bought through normal methods a real estate would still get some commission anyway but he wouldn't be looking out for our interests whereas TIC does.

    I say don't knock it until you've really tried it, going to a meeting doesn't count, get involved and you will reap the rewards within 5 – 10 years. We are already reaping our rewards as it's cost us nothing from our weekly budget to acquire this new $423K house which looks like it's made us another $20K in just 3 months. equity mate equity!! you gotta love it.if you want to know about the law you see a lawyer, if you want to know about something medical you get advice from a doctor, if you want to advice on computers you see an IT expert….so if you want to know about the investors club why don't you get advice from them and stop listening to the negative people. If you haven't done it yourself then you're not qualified to comment. Some of our family are worried and skeptical but they are like that about everything, they are from the old generation that thinks completely different about investment property plus they've never done anything like this before so how can they judge? I also recently discovered that several people i work with are in the club also so it's spreading. Hey i don't care if anyone wants to stay away from it, that just means all the good properties and the rewards in a few years will be mine, more for me to choose from. My husband and i are looking at financial freedom and retire within 10 years on $100,000 tax free income each.

    My son has recently joined at age 28, he'll be retired and 38 now isn't that worth thinking about?

    If everyone thinks it's soooo bad then why is it sooo successful, you only had to see all the people at the SA state conference on setp 21st to see it's working and most of all it's FUN!!



    Profile photo of god_of_money

    Another glowing reference in the doom market… hm…
    A$100,000 tax free income in 10 years… you must be Dreaming in the la la land…
    It is probably KY that got that much of money in 10 years … TIC's investor….on the way to hell :)
    Good luck.. and enjoy your loss

    Profile photo of sienna1

    There is always someone that is too dubious to do it themselves so they will put the ideas down to stop you doing it.. in every scenario you will always find them. Investment club is a great club, whatever their backdrop. They have given us great ideas and never pushed us into any decision. We decided to hold back from buying through them only because we were interested in a certain area and at the time they did not have any houses there. We followed their technique and bought a house and are more than happy with their advice. The next house we will go through them. We have noticed they are now buying up in our selected area. The interesting thing about them is all are investors themselves, most are experienced in investment real estate before they joined the club. Even our mortgage broker had many properties before he was associated with them, he now has properties also bought through them too. You say they are not a club, but the assistance they give people especially for first timers is fantastic so my vote is do your research before and after the information night. They have been around long enough for people to get feedback on. And what is wrong from profiting from it. The put in big hours to help other people i would hope they get some kickbacks.

    Profile photo of tess85tess85
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 48

    Have a thorough read of the articles here. Neil jenman is well respected in real estate thinking.

    Remember, if it's too good to be true….. IT PROBABLY IS!

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor


    I am not being funny but a condition of being a member of Club Loans is that you must but through them.

    Why would your mortgage broker buy a property with between $16,000-$32,000 mark up in ?

    Also dont think they are marketing in your area because they believe in the area they are marketing in the area because they can get stock. They market in area where stock is plentyful and commissions are high.

    Trust me i have been involved in many a development which they have sold on my behalf.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of sienna1
    tess85 wrote:

    Have a thorough read of the articles here. Neil jenman is well respected in real estate thinking.

    Remember, if it's too good to be true….. IT PROBABLY IS!

    Yeh i wrote to him after reading his newsletter about it in feb last year. he wrote back with an incredibly biased and bitter letter about the investment club. It was pretty clear i was not going to hear anything informative.  There was nothing informed about it, it was more hiss hiss. The reason i wrote to him was he asked people to do it as he had all this information on them, but really it was about this one woman that bought a house that lost value and demanded her money back.. and got it. I listen more to people who are informed and not so one track minded. I speak to brokers, accountants and legal people. No one has said they are a sham but more a real estate agency. As long as u jump with your eyes open its all cool.

    At the end of the day they do not own the house .. you do. By everyone going around saying its not a club.. i would not be so quick.. have a look at the amount of clubs at the moment and what they do to the average joe and his money. Gambling like nothing else.

    I am not here to say they are the best but they definately have a great formula and resources to help people. By saying the prices are more than what the market is going for, maybe some are, i am sure most people catch on if they have any idea at all. But i researched all the areas they had stock in and not for a couple of weeks but months. I am a fraud investigator with the government and my parents both previous real estate agents.  We looked into them and asked around alot. And as long as people are aware then there is no harm.At the end of the day i believe they are a great source for people who do not want to go it alone, or people who like to be part of a group. Yes they make a mark up..but the houses are not more expensive. they openly tell you that and if u sit with the local leader or whatever they call themselves he will tell you he gets a take. It is all about making people rich.. and its not like its people who do not have homes selling other houses to people.. they also buy up the properties.

    Profile photo of lozza1959

    Thanks Sienna for your comments.
    I too wrote to Neil Jenman and i didn't get a reply at all. He left a lot of information out of one of his stories on the internet, it's easy to make something look bad when you leave out most of the facts!
    The property we recently bought in Townsville WAS listed on the open market with for $10K more than what we paid through TIC. TIC are able to secure better prices for their club members with direct negotiations  and relationships with buiilders and vendors, along with lots of other benefits, sometimes even furniture packages. We did and continue to do alot of research both within and outside TIC. We are very happy with what TIC offer and do for us, so why knock us? Hey maybe it's not for everyone, but i thought in this country we had freedom of speech. Why would reputable builders (around for 25+years) negotiate with TIC if they were a dodgey outfit? Who knows who cares, i am here to say, it's my decision and i advise anyone always to check things out to make sure they are comfortable with it first. If it's not your cup of tea then so be it …AFTERALL WE ALL HAVE A RIGHT TO AN OPINION DON'T WE??

    Profile photo of Nick Kirlew
    thickknees wrote:
    Yesterday we put an offer in on another prominent property supply company, the finders fee being $9,900 inc GST which seems a lot to me on a 332K trade but we are assuming we can do it with some confidence over distance. Last time we tried them it was one of a set of flats and all the flats had to change hands on the same day, hopeless! 

    I thought I would give you an update, very disappointed, the vendor would not sign the contract over 6 weeks, we ended up visiting the property around 1 October as we were in the area for another matter. There was still a for sale sign on the property although it had been under offer by us for 7 weeks.

    The information were given was in direct contravention to what we saw with our own eyes. And as far as I can see they were again trying to get all the units to change hands on one day, but not telling us that. When we spat the dummy and cancelled out everything changed contracts are ready, tennant is in place, better rent and so on.

    The challenge of buying over distance, we went to the next town and made an offer, I'll come back to you in a while and let you know if we can get this one over the line.


    Profile photo of Property GuruProperty Guru
    Join Date: 2009
    Post Count: 5

    I thought I would let you all know that I have bought several properties through the investors club, now looking for another. The purchase process is so stress free compared to doing it through a real estate yourself. Buying through a realestate agent I have done twice and say I will never do it again.  TIC support you well after settlement, RE don't. And I could go on and on why they are better.

    Profile photo of holdandrefinance

    i am not hearing anyone say that their properties are shabby,old,in poor growth areas,get a poor yield or poor capital growth.i have never purchased through tic though i did attend a confrence( paid for by myself).the government is telling me i have to work to 67 to get the pension .my super wont buy me a new car when i retire if i live that long.their idea of accumulation and living of the capital growth  and refinancing (and excess rental hopefully)sounds okay to me i never heard of anyone going broke making a profit.!!!!!!!! if i sell i pay what 10000 in real estate fees and another 20000-30000 in capital gains tax everyone wins except me.they have all got their hand in my pocket.i would rather be master of my own destiny rather than listen to doom and gloom and do nothing. when i drop dead my kids can do with it what they like  but  until then you could do a lot worse than listen to the investors club you can look on the net to find properties in similar areas if you like.if in doubt with your valuation go 80% lvr stand alone  the banks will let you know if its over valued too many people here think they wat they do things is the only way to go.i say if you sleep soundly at night thats all that matters.too many people here line there pockets from inexperienced least tic lets you know what you are up for and offer support after the purchase name one real estate agent or broker who does that

    Profile photo of holdandrefinance

    i thought one of the knockers out there would of had something to say by now or have i hit the nail on the head

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