All Topics / Finance / Bargaining the Banks Down & Other LEarnings

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  • Profile photo of paul4471paul4471
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 11

    Hi Guys,

    Thought I would share some learnings/advice from a recent deal I have done. And thanks particularly to TerryW for his sage advice up front on the way to finance this.

    I've just bought a 9 dwelling proeprty on one title in SA. As some will be aware this means that it falls into the commercial range for LVR determination by the banks so my first learning is:

    1) More than 4 dwellings in the deal seems to be a rule that you'll only get a 70%LVR lend on the property

    The most interesting thing that I found was that the banks were willing to neogtiate significantly. NAB my usual bank wanted to charge me $2500 application fee and lend at a commercial rate of 8.3%. I pushed them and they agreed to reduce this to $800 and 8.1%. So then I took Terry's advice and rang the ANZ. They agreed to do the deal on the residential interest rates and offered 7.55% and nil fees. So back to the NAB and they came to the party with nil application fees and a 12mth fixed rate of 7.49% plus the same discount (ie .81% on the variable rate after the end of the fixed period). In the end this was the deal I took. So:

    2) The banks will negotiate on interest rates and fees and this can save significant $'s (I estimate on my deal $4k first year and $2-3k per annum thereafter)

    The current challenge is insurance (which the banks requrie). I have now found that getting landlord and building insurance is not as easy as just phoningh EBM or AAMI. In fact AAMI declined to even quote saying it was too hard for them. So my final learning:

    3) Insurance brokers are the way to go when it gets to this point as they know the market and who deals with these more complicated type deals – and if you have a good relationship with one then their job is too get you the best deal as well as their commission (not just the latter as I have experienced before).

    I think that the deal I'll do for insurance will be through QBE but the broker will have done most of the running around on this.

    Anyway, hope that this is some use to people consideirng multiple dwelling deals.

    Good luck,


    Profile photo of Mama2MiaMama2Mia
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 115

    Hi Paul,

    We've had some serious difficulties with getting finance for more than 3 dwellings on residential terms so you're right about that….thanks for the post because it sounds like you've done extremely well on getting the rates down to 7.55% or 7.49% for first 12mths!

    Well done!

    Did you manage to up the LVR by any chance????



    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    3 units on 1 titles would be considered residential.

    Wouldn't get LMi on it but 75% would be a standard lend. Could easily be done as a commercial at residential rates.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of allymacallymac
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 16

    Any clue on the best LVR no doc loan going around ?????Anyone!

    Profile photo of Richard Taylor

    85% – For Nodoc / Lodoc -95%

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of LinarLinar
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 567

    I was looking at a block of 15 units a couple of years ago and negotiated ANZ bank up to a 75% LVR.  In the end the deal fell through because the vendor got a bit silly, but the whole experience was a very valuable lesson in negotiating with banks.  The phrase that kept floating around in my head was one of Steve's: "money follows management".



    Profile photo of Richard Taylor


    15 units you would be able to get 80% with Anz and many others.

    Richard Taylor | Australia's leading private lender

    Profile photo of millionsmillions
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 355

    Thanks for sharing your experiences Paul and everyone else. 

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