All Topics / Value Adding / Split sytems
Hi all, wanto to put a couple of split systems in our town house in Melbourne-anyone know someone they can recomend?
Choice magazine did a story last year I think with recommendations on brands.
Just depends how much you want to spend as most of air cons are very similiar and generally you will get them cheaper in winter. An idea is to get someone to size them up so you no what size is required. Daiken are the Rolls Royce and they tend to have specified agents but they can have starting prices from 700- 3000 dollars plus instalation generally around $500-1000 per unit depending on placement of outdoor unit. You can also get units that have 2 indoor heads and 1 outdoor which will cut down some of the installation costs. Check local newspaper as there are a lot of tradies installing splits. Some electricians wire and fit the pipes so this may cut down your costs.
Hopefully this may have helped you outChris
Hi, we are installers of split systems, We are based in Rosebud. Where is the property please?
part 2, you could email me direct on
Thanks. James
My best friend and best man owns a Retravision store in Clayton. If you would like his contact info email me. I will tell him you are on the way and he will look after you.
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