All Topics / Help Needed! / Burn down your house to save costs on demolition and use insurance money to subdivide/rebuild!

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  • Profile photo of r1trackday

    Just wondering if anyone has come across a situation like this??

    I recently had an unusual house inspection by the real estate agent  that we go through.  All was good and she was happy with the house but 1 question that she asked, kept playing on my mind. She asked us quite sternly if we had contents insurance and made it quite clear that we should get contents insurance and that it's really good to have it.  Yes we do have insurance so we are safe.  but i also found out that the owners of the property are submitting plans to the council for subdiving reasons. 

    Now, whats stopping someone burning down the house in order for the owners to

    1: Have the demolition costs cut and

    2: recieving a little wager from the insurance company to help with the building costs?

    It just made me think………  This could be a great way to make a huge cost saving from subdiving and building!

    It's just sad, very sad but has anyone actually gone down this path?
    It's certainly not the niche  i'll be using



    Profile photo of raddlesraddles
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 187

    HI there
    its called arson and its against the law – and the insurance company would be entitled to deny liability in the circumstances.

    Profile photo of WylieWylie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 346

    Not only agree with raddles but also you wouldn't need a house because you would be in "the big house".


    Profile photo of JFisher

    We used to do alot of insurance assessing for IAG over a couple of states. I can tell you from experience that any total loss claim (or substantial claim due to fire) will be closely scrutinized by a loss adjustor who will investigate relevant reports from the attending fire authority into the cause of the fire. If they look suspicious, or have been listed as arson/malicious damage, the first person they look into is the owner and usually will engage professionals to determine if the owner was responsible. They will look into previous claims history, personal finance and criminal history etc etc so very few get away with it. I wouldn't be suprised if posts like this one, which are put out for all the world to see, would also be accessed and used to determine criminal intent.

    If you are testing the water on this forum for hints, under the guise of general interest, then I suggest you look elsewhere. People funding anything from this type of activity are only ensuring that all of our insurance premiums rise; the money they get is the money the rest of us pay for our own premiums. Work your way to financial freedom, don't cheat or fraud your way there! Illegal definately, and also a slap in the face for everyone who pays insurance premiums.

    Profile photo of TerrywTerryw
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 16,213

    What if the fire spread to neighbouring houses and someone died?

    I know of someone whose house mysteriously burnt down. For some unknown reason they had moved their important things out before the fire started. The police etc are now investigating it.

    Terryw | Structuring Lawyers Pty Ltd / Loan Structuring Pty Ltd
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    Lawyer, Mortgage Broker and Tax Advisor (Sydney based but advising Aust wide)

    Profile photo of taplintaplin
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 23

    What a terrible way to think!  Someone actually burnt down a house we owned a little over a year ago and one of the first things the fire brigade asked us was if the house was insured – it wasn't. 

    We were going to demolish the house anyway but right at that stage we didn't need it to be burnt down either.  Now that the house was dangerous we had to demolish it sooner rather than later and were then up for a $12,000 bill that has now just added to our holding cost for the land whilst we are waiting for subdivision plans to come out of Council.

    Such a thought should never have even made its way to this forum as far as I am concerned.

    May good karma reign.


    Profile photo of Colin GowanColin Gowan
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 86

    Anyone know if the new forum will be edited?

    If it does I would like now to request that all idiots be removed.

    Man insurance is bad enough and takes long enough to come when one needs it, why place unnecessary stress on the rest of us by encouraging the insurers to make it harder for the rest of us honest folk.

    I guess I can’t fault you on asking a question how else does one learn.

    Guess my question now is what will you do with your new knowledge?

    Knowledge is power."
    – Sir Francis Bacon (1561 – 1626) "Hell, there are no rules here—we're trying to accomplish something!"
    —Thomas A. Edison (1847-1931) 'Surround yourself with dream makers, not dream killers' Richard Denny

    Profile photo of Misty1Misty1
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 348

    Maybe send a letter to the owners letting them somehow (or blatantly?) telling them of your concerns, & that if anything should happen, you will inform the police of your suspicions. This might scare the crap out of them enough to not consider it, if they were in the 1st place.

    Profile photo of r1trackday

    Thanks misty1.   The only positive comment that was recieved from my concern.  Thank you very much.   I will do. 


    Profile photo of JFisher

    The way your post was written made it sound like you were considering this course of action for funding your own subdivision…it's not what you said..just the way you wrote it.
    If the responses misunderstood your question it was only because of the way it sounded, and you should have clarified your question; people cannot see your face or read your body language, they only take your post for what it says…literally. The fact you didn't mention that you feared for your own contents in the house you rented but did mention that it seemed like a great way to make a huge saving from subdividing and building and then asked if anyone else had tried it???? All PM's should ask if tenants have contents insurance to ensure that they know where their responsiblities begin and where the landlords end, in case of any damage. There are probably quite a few who don't bother with it. I would doubt that a PM would have any reason to expect that the landlord would burn down the house you rent and then warn you about contents insurance…what about your life? You got to admit it (the post) looked sus. Could have been worse though, you could have posted it in Finance or Creative Investing (lol) buy maybe the mod's would have deleted it then.

    Profile photo of millionsmillions
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 355

    Yesterday i saw a very similar posting on a different website, although it was worded differently.

    Profile photo of XeniaXenia
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 1,231

    You either have a criminal mindset and end up shooting yourself in the foot sometime in the future or you have a winning/ethical mindset where even if you face a few setbacks along the way, you'll always end up successful.

    The 2 are mutually exclusive!

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