All Topics / General Property / Members gone underground ??

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  • Profile photo of Steve McKnight


    Thanks for the feedback.

    There are a number of points to be made, and I’ll attempt to make a few of them here:

    1. Forum functionality.

    The simple fact is that this site has far more users than any other, so many in fact, that we recently had to completely reengineer the site in response to the speed becoming so slow.

    An executive decision was made to leave Snitz – the forum software that we had used for many years in favour of another version that could facilitate multiple users easily.

    We can do all that was previously done with Snitz – and more – however it takes time to customise the new software to our exact needs.

    2. Major redevelopment

    Furthermore, another decision was made that involves some degree of short term pain. Back in January I commissioned a major revision to the site that will mean that much of the site as it is now will change.

    The outworkings of this are that the look / feel / functionality of these forums is temporary – a step if you like in a new direction but much less than the finished product.

    3. Workflow

    It’s a shame that what you see does not reflect at this point the extensive amount of work done behind the scenes. Nevertheless, rather than just tarting up the site, we made the decision to fix it once and for all (nearly there) and then make cosmetic upgrades (starting soon).

    4. Sign In

    I was frustrated with the need to sign in everytime I came back to the site too. This has been fixed so that when you log in now, you should not need to log back in again unless you don’t visit the site for (I think) it is 8 days or so.

    5. Always Upgrading

    Despite what I have written above, in response to the feedback I have asked David (Goldie) to go back and take a look at the Snitz forum and replicate the Active Topics functionality that it seems so many people were used to.

    6. Number of Users

    These figures can be misleading because the science to count the number of people on the site is inaccurate. This is not my area of expertise, but when I quizzed Goldie about it he mentioned something about session times. I will find out more and get back to you.

    Once again though, at least in the short term, the decision was made to improve the speed first, and to add increased functionality over time.

    All the best,

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight

    Just on my previous post…

    The sermon at church this morning was interesting as it drew a distinction between unity and uniformity.

    Uniformity means sameness.
    Unity is oneness.

    On this forum, the aim is to have unity – being united behind a common vision in what property investing – rather than uniformity which would mean that we were all the same.

    I’ll be the first to admit we are not perfect, but everything done at the site here is done with the goal of improving the community.

    I appreciate the feedback, but it would be more helpful if suggestions for improvement could be added rather than simply stating opinions.


    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of C2C2
    Join Date: 2002
    Post Count: 518

    Hi Steve,

    Thanks for the update.

    A few suggestion for the next upgrade.
    1) If the system is slow then upgrade the server first.
    2) Make the new site first and beta test it before just switching sites.
    3) Don't change sites and try to upgrade as you go along.

    As with anything, sites change over time and members come and go.  Its up to the new members also to contribute with up to date info and not just rely on the old hands.  When the site first started a lot of new ideas were being bounced along but after a while the same questions were repeated over and over again.  As life has it, this repetition annoyed some of the members and they basically ceased answering the same questions over and over again.   As for myself a family illness didn't allow me the time I had previously to keep posting and offerring advice.  My advice is not about number crunching (hopeless at maths) but generally about negotiating and thinking out side the square

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight

    Hi C2,

    Thanks for your input.

    For what it is worth, we upgraded the server, but the problem was not at that end – it was the database functionality on the site, and especially the forums. Snitz, for all its good points, was simply not designed for the amount of use we were generating on it.

    I agree about the testing, which is why the current site is being developed behind the scenes.

    Finally, I have probably answered more of the same questions as anyone else in Australian real estate education. However, while it can be testing from time to time, I’m here to help and I always am mindful that while I may have answered the question many times before, the person asking for help may be doing so for the first time.

    This site is not designed to be an exclusive. I for one would like to help anyone interested in learning how real estate can fast track returns.

    On that note – if anyone would like to be on the beta testing team for the new site then please send me a PM.


    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of elkam

    Hello All

    My first comment is that it's easier to criticise (and cheaper) than to create and offer such a site for others to use.

    Steve, thank you for offering this site. It's certainly faster and remembers me. Two positives.   

    Since you wanted suggestions I am contrubuting this list of some of the things that I really miss. Will add more when I come across anything else.

    1. A member profile with at least as much information as on the the old site. It was very handy to see who you were talking to and at least where they are from.

    2. The list of your own and other members last posts, in the member profile area as before.   

    3. All the posts since you last logged in. I prefer them seperated into the different areas, as before, and not just one list.

    4. The search function is not as good as on the last site.

    5. It was very handy to be able to see if a PM you sent had been read.

    6. After you post you get taken back to the first post in the thread rather than to the place you were at when you posted.

    Hope this helps

    Profile photo of Steve McKnight

    Thanks Elka.

    We’ll get these happening for you.

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

    Profile photo of Daviddanae


    You are defiantly now heading in the right direction with the web site.
    Thank you.

    Profile photo of PeteJackiePeteJackie
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 121

    Hi Steve,

    It's looking a lot better.



    Profile photo of WylieWylie
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 346

    Is it possible to click on a post and jump straight to the "first unread" like on Somersoft? I realise that function may already be available, but I don't know how to do it.

    Also, it would be good to have the state where the poster lives show in the heading somewhere to assist with answering questions as each state has different rules, eg. rental tenancy rules, etc.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hi Guys,

    We're glad you're liking the changes. There are more improvements to come, suggestions are always welcome.


    Profile photo of AmandaBSAmandaBS
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 549

    Yes I'm also guilty on not visiting for some weeks as I found the new forum hard to use.  Thanks to Steve he's listened to our comments and has made some great changes recently.  Thanks for bringing back the sections, time/name of last post & I love the new feature where you can mouse over the thread to read the topic.  Well done Steve and many thanks for providing us with this great forum free!!

    Profile photo of millionsmillions
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 355

    I like the new format, it's excellent.  With the help of other forum members I know how to use more functions also.  Thanks everyone.  Linda

    Profile photo of Daviddanae

    Steve / Admin,

    Any chance of adding a “spell check” function in the post replies section?

    It annoys me to have to type in ms word and them cut & paste in to the response section.


    Profile photo of Administrator

    Hi David,

    There is actually a spellchecker. When you're ready to check your post for errors, simply click the spellchecker icon. It looks like this . It should underline incorrect words in red. You can then correct them by single clicking the word and picking one of the suggestions.

    More improvements are on the way, thanks for the suggestions guys!


    Profile photo of elkam

    Great improvements. Love the new features and the look of the site. Love the spell check.

    One suggestion.

    I wonder whether it is possible to limit the use of an avatar to one member only . 
    I have no idea how difficult or possible it is technically but maybe you could remove it from the list offered as soon as someone uses it.

    I seem to be seeing 3 Steves and at one stage 2 Qlds007.


    Profile photo of GlascoGlasco
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 19

    Hi Guys,

    Just thought I would post my opinion on the site for what it is worth. I am a newbie and was not familiar with the previous site format. I must however admit that the current site has been invaluable to me in my first venture into property. I am happy to say that I am expecting settlement on my first IP in the coming weeks and would not be in such a position if it wasn't for this site or the members. Thanks must be directed to Steve and his team for the current site and obvious endeavours to improve it.

    I look forward to seeing the site continue to evolve and thank everyone involved for there efforts.

    Profile photo of Administrator
    elkam wrote:
    Great improvements. Love the new features and the look of the site. Love the spell check.

    One suggestion.

    I wonder whether it is possible to limit the use of an avatar to one member only .
    I have no idea how difficult or possible it is technically but maybe you could remove it from the list offered as soon as someone uses it.

    I seem to be seeing 3 Steves and at one stage 2 Qlds007.


    Unfortunately Elka, we're keeping those avatars available for public use as they're just a way to generally make a distinction between members (and there are a lot to select from). However, you should find underneath the avatar selection box a place where you can upload your own avatar. It's marked as "Upload your own avatar", and you just select an image off your hard drive which is less than 30kb in size. Ideally the image should already be 85×85 pixels or under so that this site doesn't have to resize it and potentially lower it's quality.

    If people want an avatar outside of what we offer and don't really have an image on their computer that they would like to use, there are plenty of ones available on the internet. By just searching for avatars on Google, you'll find many websites dedicated to this


    Profile photo of danielleedaniellee
    Join Date: 2006
    Post Count: 197

    Hi, Steve

    I too have been guilty of complaining about the site and not offering solutions. Have not been back to this site for about 3 weeks now and, to my pleasant surprise, it has incorporated a mixture of the appeal of the old site and the speed of the new one.

    The new site looks good. Keep it up, Steve and Team.

    Daniel Lee

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