All Topics / General Property / Main Drive Kew Victoria

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  • Profile photo of DanielKTanDanielKTan
    Join Date: 2004
    Post Count: 2

    Has anyone look at the new sub-division being developed by Walker Corporation on the old Kew Cottage property located off Princess St in Kew? There are about 75 lots with house & land package ranging from $1.1 million to $1.4  million.

    What should one consider are the factors if one look wish to buy in with a view of a residence and yet have reasonable capital appreciation?

    Your feedbacks would be most appreciated.

    Profile photo of Steve McKnightSteve McKnight
    Join Date: 2001
    Post Count: 1,763

    Hi DanielKTan.

    Thanks for your post. That site has been in the news for a long time since Kennett sold it off many years ago.

    There is no doubt that the site is in an excellent location – clost to town, transport and parks.

    If looking at the site for a residence, the key issues I can see are:

    1. Affordability
    2. Abiliity to borrow
    3. Is it where you want to live for your lifestyle

    A common misconception is that a home is a property investment. It’s not. A home is a lifestyle choice, and so any financial gain is a bonus as opposed to an expectation.

    That doesn’t mean you should be ignorant to the financial perks, just understand that a home needs to suit your lifestyle needs first.

    Finally, remember that interest on a loan used to purchase a PPOR is non-deductible. Therefore, assuming you buy a $1m site, build a $500k house and finance the lot on an 80% loan at 8% interest, you would pay $96,000 a year in interest.

    Assuming you paid an average of 35% income tax, in pre-tax dollars you would have to earn $147,700 just to meet the interest cost (and that’s before loan repayments).

    Food for thought!

    I look forward to seeing more of you on the forums.

    All the best,

    Steve McKnight | Pty Ltd | CEO

    Success comes from doing things differently

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