All Topics / Help Needed! / sacking a Body Corporate

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  • Profile photo of vyaw2003

    I want to sack a Body Corporate (Real Estate Agent) at our next AGM.
    What do i need to do? Will there be costs assiciated to do this.
    What is needed to do this?
    My current BC is not being very helpful and not providing me any information (insurance details, ect.) to allow me to sack them.

    I obviously have to get the other owners on my side too.

    Profile photo of WakeWake
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 123


    In order to sack the body corporate manager you would need a copy of the agreement to determine what services they have agreed to provide for their fee. If they are in contravention of the agreement then the body corporate may be able to serve them with a termination notice. If however they are providing the agreed services, but you are not happy with the relationship/level of service etc you may be able to terminate the agrrement but may be forced to pay out the term of the agreement/contract before records would be handed over to the new managing agent.

    The appropriate motion would need to be placed on the AGM agenda, and would have to be submitted to the agent prior to the notice being sent out. You can’t stand up at the meeting and propose the motion. You need to check with the relevant authority in Qld to determine what % of owners would need to vote for the motion. If there is a committee you should discuss your propsoal with them to determine whether there would be support.

    Not sure why you would need insurance details to sack the manager??


    Profile photo of vyaw2003

    thanks wake,
    Insurance details, were the property (shared land) insurance and incase someone trips on our concrete.

    To get support from the committee is hard as the BC wont give me the details of any other owners, (she is crapping on about privacy)
    Without these details i cant call a EGM. As i need 30% support (which is 2 owners).

    So i was planning to bring it up at the next AGM, which is probably just before we renew our anual contract with the agency.
    I was just interested to know if there will be costs to transfer it to the new BC (if i win)

    What are the general costs to run a BC for a year. I guess it depends on the property. No lift, No pool, 3 sets of stairs,1 driveway, small lawn which a mower man looks after, 1 house block, 5 units, 5 garages, 1 car park in the front yard.
    the cost is about $1,000/ year for the BC manager. plus stainoary, plus internet, plus postage. She charges extra for all these little things!
    Total costs including insurance and mower man fees $500/ year x 5 units.

    Profile photo of vyaw2003

    thanks wake,
    Insurance details, were the property (shared land) insurance and incase someone trips on our concrete.

    To get support from the committee is hard as the BC wont give me the details of any other owners, (she is crapping on about privacy)
    Without these details i cant call a EGM. As i need 30% support (which is 2 owners).

    So i was planning to bring it up at the next AGM, which is probably just before we renew our anual contract with the agency.
    I was just interested to know if there will be costs to transfer it to the new BC (if i win)

    What are the general costs to run a BC for a year. I guess it depends on the property. No lift, No pool, 3 sets of stairs,1 driveway, small lawn which a mower man looks after, 1 house block, 5 units, 5 garages, 1 car park in the front yard.
    the cost is about $1,000/ year for the BC manager. plus stainoary, plus internet, plus postage. She charges extra for all these little things!
    Total costs including insurance and mower man fees $500/ year x 5 units.

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