All Topics / Help Needed! / Feasibility study/cost analysis
I appreciate if somebody is kind enough to email me ( a simple sparedsheet (execl format) to do feasibility/cost analysis of a development in Sydney (Duplex or multiunit).
Originally posted by vishi:I appreciate if somebody is kind enough to email me ( a simple sparedsheet (execl format) to do feasibility/cost analysis of a development in Sydney (Duplex or multiunit).
Just to warn you – there is no such thinga s a “simple” feasibility spreadsheet
If it’s simple you’ll proabbaly leave out all thos ethings that will make the difefernce bewteena successful project and a failure.
If you would like to see a sample feasibilty – check this out
As you can see there are many variables to consider.
This was done with the program Feastudy – you can find out more about it here…
Michael Yardney
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