All Topics / Value Adding / Sydney Renovation Partner Wanted

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  • Profile photo of mytch

    Hi everyone,

    I’m thinking about doing my first renovation here in Sydney. I already own a few properties but want to take on renovations as I’m not confident with the market for buying at the moment.

    Is there anyone in Sydney who has maybe done a few renovations that would like to partner with me on a simple cosmetic renovation? Maybe a builder/handyman/investor?

    I have a fair bit of knowledge and am still learning but I am keen to give it a go. I would be keen to partner with someone and split costs and profit 50/50 as I have a bit of money to throw at it.

    If you’re interested please email me at – I’m 24, live in Rozelle and am keen to find someone who is as passionate as I am for hopefully a long term business relationship extending beyond renovations after a few months.


    <img src=”” hspace=”10″> Me in Fiji – October 2006.

    Profile photo of Colin GowanColin Gowan
    Join Date: 2005
    Post Count: 86

    Hello Mitch,
    I am looking for some weekend work opportunities.
    With the goal being to use the extra income to get myself back into investing.

    I realize that you are not looking for a simple labourer however at the present moment I am not able to contribute much more than my time.
    Since I am presently working Monday to Friday the weekend work is 100% for future investments.
    Evenings are also possible.
    Mitch perhaps we can come to an arrangement?

    Colin Gowan
    Mobile 0425201055.

    Your friend Colin,
    Home 02 46531376.
    Fax 0246531079
    Mobile 0425201055 (best contact as always working).
    For all your CLEANING and GARDENING work.

    Profile photo of mytch

    I just sent you an email Colin :) Anyone else interested?

    Profile photo of carlrsullivancarlrsullivan
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 25

    hey Mytch,

    just shoot through an email for you.


    Young people have experience as well

    Profile photo of MovementAJMovementAJ
    Join Date: 2007
    Post Count: 6

    Hi Mytch,

    I'd certainly be keen to have a chat. So I just sent an email to you. 

     – Carl, if you's like to discuss options, let me know.



    Profile photo of peter_mastroiannipeter_mastroianni
    Join Date: 2003
    Post Count: 1

    Hi Mitchell

    are you looking to buy a property as well or do you have something already. i assume your looking to buy then renovate, . let me know


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